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I cannot get high!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion saraasdfghjkl
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Let me give you the whole story first. I started smoking like every two days I guess, and it's only been like a month. It wasn't a very frequent thing. I did Ecstasy and two days later I smoked, but it took about an hour or two to even feel the high and it was an awkward high, it wasn't very fun. Then two more days later I smoked again, and didn't get high at all. If I do that whole hold off for four days thing, will I be able to get high again? Or did that Ecstasy fuck me up a bunch?
if you smoke frequently then yes your tolerance does go up. it also really depends on the weed, how strong it is and how much you are smoking. some kinds of weed hit you in 5 minutes and some kinds of weed (usually the strong ones in my experience) do take a good hour to fully kick in

i've never done mdma but generally after i've done psychedelics or other phenylethylamines my body is way more sensitive to weed for a day or two so that seems unusual to me. it is either your tolerance or your weed.. never hurts to take a break anyway. the longer you take a break the better it will be next time you toke!

i'm not typically an everyday smoker. i toke twice a week max and even that affects my tolerance (even if i still get high, the sensory/psychedelic edge starts to fade really fast, and those are the effects i don't want to lose).
st.bot.32 a dit:
some kinds of weed hit you in 5 minutes and some kinds of weed (usually the strong ones in my experience) do take a good hour to fully kick in.

say WHAT?

potent weed takes a full HOUR to fully hit you? i think after an hour of smoking chronic im almost back to baseline if i havent been smoking throughout that hour.

potent weed usually hits me within seconds, and im "peaking" (if you can use such a term with cannabis - im used to associating it w/ psychedelics) within probably 5 minutes.

now to get on topic... doing ecstasy one time isnt going to screw your head up in any way. atleast i wouldnt think so. i dont think recreational doses of mdma are even toxic - unless mixed w/ an SSRI.

ive rolled many times, sometimes very closely together, and i have no problem getting high off of weed. i even like to mix weed with mdma. i think it enhances the buzz nicely, but i also find that i lose all short term memory. ill forget what i was saying in the middle of sentences when im smoking in combination with mdma.

i dont understand how people "cant get high from cannabis." i think this is like the 2nd or 3rd thread ive read about this happening to someone in the passed few weeks.

smoke some really strong weed out of a nice pipe, preferrably a water piece, and preferrably chilling in a house with a nice setting going on. maybe some ambient music and good friends.

see if after a few good rips you arent high
Roll a joint with 1g of weed, and smoke that. If, 5 minutes after smoking it, you're still not high, it's parsley.
potent weed usually hits me within seconds, and im "peaking" (if you can use such a term with cannabis - im used to associating it w/ psychedelics) within probably 5 minutes.

yes. at first i thought this only happened with hash.. frequently i found with hash it takes a good 15-20 minutes to fully kick in, then comes and goes in waves.

most weed likewise for me is 5-10 minutes tops. but this happens to me with a strain locally called "jack berry" (i have no idea what the real strain name is)

the first time i took a bong hit of it, i walked around, went to the kitchen with friends, went outside for a ciggie, sat on the balcony chatting all the time i was coming up. i kept coming up and up and wondering wtf was going on.

i peaked, i'm guessing an hour later and it was very much like a mild acid dose. was actually tripping. mild textural distortion... i had a pretty amazing closed eye trip too for about half an hour.. cev's, this mental trip where i saw life energy shooting around.. similar things have happened to other regular (but not heavy) smoker friends of mine with this strain. fucking powerful strain of herb. (i love it heh)

but also remember im not a chronic smoker. it could be if you smoke a gram everyday this stuff might not hit you the same way. it certainly wouldn't be as psychedelic. after smoking it for a month yes the effects changed
saraasdfghjkl a dit:
Let me give you the whole story first. I started smoking like every two days I guess, and it's only been like a month. It wasn't a very frequent thing. I did Ecstasy and two days later I smoked, but it took about an hour or two to even feel the high and it was an awkward high, it wasn't very fun. Then two more days later I smoked again, and didn't get high at all. If I do that whole hold off for four days thing, will I be able to get high again? Or did that Ecstasy fuck me up a bunch?

Are you sure you got pure MDMA? It could be after effects of strong amphetamines, Deff take a break for a day or so, your prolly getting high but not feeling the effects because of the amphetamine.
I had a bizarre experience with smoking magic juju. When I was about 15 I began by smoking only about 3 times in 2 years or so, and each time I was tweaking into ulternate dimensions, getting what seems now unnatural hallucinations, I know the stuff was just pot though because I smoked with a bundle of people who hardly felt any effects what so ever. These were great experiences by the way.
So anyway, after those two years I started delving more intensly into the pot. I went about a full year smoking everyday, getting hugh as a little criddling crudler. At one point I was on some heavy painkillers after some surgery and that really flew me off my rocker, I one day came into realization in my basement kicking my legs chanting "lallalala" and I don't know why, so don't ask me.
So anyway, about a month after these particular experiences, and tons of self realization, I am a completely different person now suffice it to say, I stopped becoming high. Pretty much just flat line, tried smoking like 4 times during one day and just feinding with no particular reason.

So I stopped smoking for about 2 years, because there wasn't any point. Just got into a relationship and had some experiences with writing which I picked up during my transformation.
Then after those two years I began smoking again, but much less frequently, though more frequent than in the beginning. I probably smoked on average about 2 times a week and it made me high as a kit and cuboodler to say the least.

Hope this helps you a little!
Give it a month and then try.
tonight im high enough for both of us :wink:

good grasp of English Croaking Cridler BTW
Dear me, that does make me a little embarassed. I'm actually an english speaking Canadian, I just live permanently in Sweden! but I could see where there could be confusion, I don't actually write with very good english, not to mention I probably add in a thousand needless words and make my comments four hours long! :D