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How to prevent becoming burnt out?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion user_1919
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 008

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or ways of not becoming burnt out after you smoke. Like does drinking a lot of water cure it? Or some type of vitamin help with aiding the "burnt-out" feeling?

well man to be honest I dont find i really become burnt out all that often but my one friend always burns out hardcore and the only way he can get out of it is if he goes to sleep lol! Theres probably a herbal tea or something out there that will "cure" burning out but Ive never really pursued the idea sorry I wasnt much of a help
U mean the pain in the trout ? I once smoked a big blunt and i actually coughed blood :oops: . I drink water and spit on ground :p
shit that's though oliboytje!

I experienced this too after having smoked a lot or having smoked too frequently. Maybe it's the bodily or mental addiction to the drug, which let's you feel burnt out.

As it seems it's different for all people....some people don't having problems at all. I know many. And some people having this burnt out feeling.

Maybe a break in consume or eating more healthy food could help as well.
I think the feeling of being fried in the morning after a big session is just your body attempting to cleanse itself of the massive amounts of cannabinoid’s saturating the various receptors and binding to fats in your body. This could also be the result of a deficiency in calcium or other nutrition compounds that are utilised by the cannabinoid receptor transmission. For regular or daily smokers, this is most likely the result of a large period of prolonged use; yet this seems to diminish each time after a while because of the body’s tolerance to THC and its counterparts and the sheer concentration of them in the cells and fats of the body.

I once coughed up a little blood, but that’s because I was trying to force up a big globule of phlegm from my thought that just wouldn’t show its ugly face, it was also the result of smoking a shitload and I recently had a chest infection prior to this. I went too hard and must have damaged the inner wall of my oesophagus; ouch!
Don’t worry, I’m ok now :lol:

To avoid feeling like you have been tossed into the vortex of 'comedown', just regulate your use and keep eating well and the sensation that plagues us all from time to time will seem like just a distant memory :)
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or ways of not becoming burnt out after you smoke. Like does drinking a lot of water cure it? Or some type of vitamin help with aiding the "burnt-out" feeling?

You could try this: before you smoke (for example right after coming home from work) lie down on your back with your eyes closed for about 15 minutes. Then smoke. Chances are you'll now feel high rather than stoned.

And go to bed on time of course.

As far as herbs go, try Rhodiola Rosea.
You could try this: before you smoke (for example right after coming home from work) lie down on your back with your eyes closed for about 15 minutes. Then smoke. Chances are you'll now feel high rather than stoned.

Interesting. Will try that a next time. Do you have any thoughts on why this should work ?
Also, moving a lot while stoned is a good way to get a more energetic effect from weed. I used to be very lazy and didn't want to do any physical effort when stoned. But I really like walking/biking/skating in the streets while listening to music when I'm stoned, especially when it's dark. I've been doing that a lot since the snow's gone and I have noticed that now when I smoke I have more energy after instead of having less. But still if I'm tired and I smoke most of the time after I feel completely wasted and just feel like sitting on a couch and staring at the wall.
Smoke it puuuuureeee!
Interesting. Will try that a next time. Do you have any thoughts on why this should work ?
While it is true that cannabis relaxes muscles and thus relieves tension, it also makes you very sensitive. So when you smoke right after work, or driving a car, or sitting behind a computer for hours, your eyes will be somewhat tired and the muscles in your neck and shoulders could be tense. When you then smoke a bowl, you'll be painfully aware of the stress in your body, and feel kind of burnt out. But if you lie down for just a few minutes, some of that tension will go, your eyes get a bit of rest, and blood is allowed to circulate through your brain without having to fight gravity. But you don't need hours of such relaxation, 10 or 15 minutes is sufficient. If you feel really tired you could set an alarm clock and take a snap (short nap) for about 30 minutes (not more). If you then smoke, you can enjoy the effects without the distraction of physical stress or tiredness.

I don't always do this, but when I feel the need, I first lie down, and smoke later. Like Psychoid, I often put on my big headphones and go for a walk. And again related to stress in the eyes: I usually look at things far away, like trees, the clouds, stars, planets, beautiful buildings etc. That's because eyes actually relax when you look at things far away, and it's good for the eye muscles too. Especially when you don't want to look other people in the eyes, there's only two options: staring at the ground and looking at the sky. I usually do the latter, for that gives me a feeling of spaciousness.

I especially like happy music for my walks, and I generally smile. Especially when it's sunny outside, when I've been reading some interesting stuff, and I'm listening to some Shpongle tunes. Did you know that when you smile, your body starts releasing neurochemicals which correspond to that facial expression, i.e. make you feel happier? Try artificially smiling for 5 minutes a day. It may hurt in the beginning, but your muscles will get stronger, and you will start feeling happier. In modern society it's practically taboo to walk about alone and smile. I don't care anymore. :)
This is kind of offtopic but I've been telling people to do that for a while now but no one believes me. I've noticed it I start to trip bad I just smile and all is well and I start to forget what made me go bad in the first place. Instead I'm left with great joy.

You don't have a link to any scientific information on this do you?

Caduceus: yeah that's sad that it is considered taboo.
not caring abou it is the easiest way to understand the insanity in it.

greetings :P
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
I especially like happy music for my walks, and I generally smile. Especially when it's sunny outside, when I've been reading some interesting stuff, and I'm listening to some Shpongle tunes. Did you know that when you smile, your body starts releasing neurochemicals which correspond to that facial expression, i.e. make you feel happier? Try artificially smiling for 5 minutes a day. It may hurt in the beginning, but your muscles will get stronger, and you will start feeling happier. In modern society it's practically taboo to walk about alone and smile. I don't care anymore. :)

Hehe I have noticed that long time ago and now I smile all day long. Life is beautiful :P. And I also look like a freak when I walk outside because of my large smile :P But neither do I care lol, sometimes people just get to smile back or laugh, which is something positive, and I can tell myself that i made some people's day better :P
Does anyone take a regular regiment of 5-HTP?
I realize this is a tad off topic but I have noticed both a slight potentiation in the high and a decrease in the ‘fried’ or burnt out feeling while being stoned!
Whilst the tryptophan was originally intended for its shelf purpose of raising our serotonin (for X trips :) and the daily grind!) it has had a marked effect on smoking whilst in conjunction with taking the pills daily. I hypothesize this has something to do with cannabis's affinity for the serotonin centralised pleasure release of habitual smoking or ingestions; making the high and other accompanying effects more pleasant and fluid.

Again, this may just be me but I get the same comments from my friend who I both smoke with and am on a 5-HTP regiment; he notices the potentiation just as much as I. Anyone done this and noticed the same effects?

I eat at least two ripe bananas every morning (on an empty stomach) and I've been doing that for about 12 years now. But I have no idea to what extent that affects my THC metabolism.
There’s a difference between eating bananas with tryptophan and taking a 5-HTP supplement. I’m getting a more direct precursor to the sought neurotransmitter whilst tryptophan can be metabolised into a much wider variety of compounds. If you can, I would defiantly suggest you try the pills themselves, they work wonders for me! Yet I’m sure because of the prolonged usage, that your banana's will be contributing something, as little as that may be.
Ingest lots of vitamines B1, B6, B12, C.

Minimal salt intakes and medium natrium levels but high carbohydrate levels. Protein as well. Water water water... (avoid water toxination tho)

Make sure you've consumed pasta, patato's or brown rice, these are complex carbs and the most powerful. Ingestion should take place hours before the experience.

Banana's are mostly sugar and absorb fast and raise your glycogen levels quite fast, but leave the system quick as well.

Powdered dextrose provide a powerful insuline peak along with an instant raise of all your energy depots within minutes.

Choose what you need, the best is combining complex carbs with fast carbs and lots of water to keep the toxination as low as possible. Along with a frequent breathe in the outside environment.

Burning out due to an overdose plant material is also extremly a mental issue. Especially with datura or excessive pipes of pure weed with a low tolerance.