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A sub cutaneous needle is about 1.5 cm long . There are different guages of needles and different lengths it doesnt matter so long as its at least a cm more than the thickness of your fat layer . The thicker the needle the faster you can inject ..... but the more it hurts when it goes in . About 20 - 30 seconds for IM is about right depending on the amount of liquid you inject . If you look at the needles your dentist uses when he uses a metal and glass syrynge you will see the length you need . Make sure you dont hit a bone . You know how big your muscles are . Try to put it in the shoulder muscle half way between the outside of your skin and the bone then you should be OK . The people in the bus sound like they were taking the piss to me . 2 ml syrynges are harder to use than 5 ml because you have less room to play with . For a beginner junky/diabetes syrynges are much to small and the needles are to thin for IM . The German needles i used are called "GR.1 - 20g X 1,5 / 0.90 X 40 mm BL/LB" . They look a bit thick but it goes in easyer . GR.20 27g X 3/4 - 0.40 X 20mm BL/LB" are to short and to thin . If you are not fat the ones you are talking about are right .
The guy who had pain in his leg probably got it because he injected much to fast , hit the bone or he injected air .
I don't know where you get your K from, but a person I know who sells it basically gets the vials of it and do the evaporation to get the crystals. You should ask your source if they get vials and if they could give it to you like that; it's simpler for both of you that way.