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How to IM ketamine

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Hi everyone!

I'd like some info regarding how to administer ketamine via an intramuscular injection (I don't have any previous experiene with injections)

I've read everything about IM on this page -> http://www.drugs.com/cg/how-to-give-an- ... ction.html

My main concern is that ketamine will come in pure crystals (I'm definately sure about it's quality), and I was wondering how I was supposed to do it.

Should I dissolve the K dose into a few cc of distilated, sterile water, then put it in a syringe, sterilise the needle and go on with the injection ?

Thank for your informations
Oh well, I suppose I'll have to do with what I already know...
Isn't most black market ketamine vials of ketalar that have been damped down to powder?
Ketalar for IM use is ketamine dissolved in saline (sterile solution of NaCl in destilated water).
Meduzz a dit:
Isn't most black market ketamine vials of ketalar that have been damped down to powder?
Ketalar for IM use is ketamine dissolved in saline (sterile solution of NaCl in destilated water).

Well I couldn't say, what I have are crystals...

Is the NaCl essential or can I use sterile distilated water only ?
If you are certain about the purity, it should dissolve just as well.
My guess is that the NaCl is to prevent osmosis in the vein... not sure.
Alright, so here's what I intend to do :

-Dissolve 40 mg of K into 1 or 2 cc of distilated, sterile water (btw does someone knows K saturation point ?)
-Put the solution into a sterile syringe right out of the pack
-Inject it into thigh (I've read enough to feel comfortable with this part, even though I have needles phobia)

Any comments/advices ?

Thanks for your help ;)
I'm curious about how your travel went.

You should be 100% sure about the purity though.
I'll write a TR, that's for sure !

The K presents itself as little crystals, that's why I guess it's pure enough to go this way...

It's basically like this, without the big crystals

I dont think its a good idea to inject into the thigh muscle . If you do it with other drugs its not nearly as effective as if you do it in your arm above the elbow bcause it takes much longer to get to the brain and it gets there in less concentration over a longer time .

The ketamine crystals you are talking about could contain anything unless you know the source ? Its best to get yourself ampules or sealed bottles with a rubber cap wich contain water and evaporate the water . Unless you do that or know exactly which brand of ketamine it is you cant be sure of the concentration of the ketamine in the crystals . Some ketamine is pure , some contains salt , some contains chlorobutanol , some contains benzethoniumchloride and some contains salt , benzethoniumchloride and sulphuric acid .

Medical ketamine is a hydrochloride so You should disolve it in distilled water . I know you can get 50 mg of pure ketamine in one ml of water . I dont know if you can get more in though = you have to have a good scales or a big amount of ketamine so you can measure it . If you have a microscope you can probably see if its pure or not .

Hold the syrynge upright when you have drawn the liquid in and flick it lightly untill all the bubbles go to the top under the needle . Then slowly push the air out untill a few drops come out . Dont inject air and take care you dont hit a vein .
GOD a dit:
I dont think its a good idea to inject into the thigh muscle . If you do it with other drugs its not nearly as effective as if you do it in your arm above the elbow bcause it takes much longer to get to the brain and it gets there in less concentration over a longer time .

Mmmh, that's quite logic, thanks for pointing this out !

GOD a dit:
Some ketamine is pure , some contains salt , some contains chlorobutanol , some contains benzethoniumchloride and some contains salt , benzethoniumchloride and sulphuric acid .

Is this a problem beside changing the effects strenght if I inject K that contains of of those substances ? I have a 0.001 gr precise scale and I intend to start with a low dose and go higher until I reach the good one.

Otherwise thanks for all the good info ;)
Mmmmmmh, I'm not really sure, but i remember a friend that is always on rave parties has tried to inject the ketamine via an intramuscular injection in his leg and he just can't move his leg for 24 hours with a really horrible pain.

PS : I apologise for my poor english, i'm a f**** french :D
Well I suppose that he either fucked up something in the process (raves aren't exactly the best place to do an IM) or maybe he had Thrombocytopenia or coagulopathy which are contraindications for IM and ended up with a hematoma...

IM ketamine seems to be a quite standard way of admninistrating the substance, that's why I suppose it's as safe as such a thing can be.
Tiax a dit:
Well I suppose that he either fucked up something in the process (raves aren't exactly the best place to do an IM) or maybe he had Thrombocytopenia or coagulopathy which are contraindications for IM and ended up with a hematoma...

IM ketamine seems to be a quite standard way of admninistrating the substance, that's why I suppose it's as safe as such a thing can be.

Yes but most of the time, K is already in its liquid shape :( you should ask a pharmacist or a veterinarian, anyway they have to rescpect the medical secret.
if it smells slightly of lemons(!) it more than likely ketalar. filter it through a rollup filter
Sebastian a dit:
Mmmmmmh, I'm not really sure, but i remember a friend that is always on rave parties has tried to inject the ketamine via an intramuscular injection in his leg and he just can't move his leg for 24 hours with a really horrible pain.

that's beacause it is common to have muscle pain when injecting larger doses not properly; Ketamine must be injected very slowly, it should take 15/30sec to inject a dose.
Yesterday I went into a drug risk prevention truck to ask for a few injection kits, the people were great and also really interested into knowing what Ketamine was (I still thought it was weird for pro not to know about it...), but when I said that it was for IM they said that the needles they could give me(which are usually used for IV) were too short to reach the muscle.

Is that true ? What needle's lenght should I aim for ?
when I was lying a long time in hospital, I got those thrombosis-prevention shots. they were applied into the thigh too, and the needle wasn't really long. to the opposite, it was quite short, as far as I can remember.

I applied it once myself, damn that hurt :lol: be sure to inject very slowly.

how short were their needles?

also, don't rely on my information too much. I'm in no way a specialist on this, I just have some hospital-experience ;)
I think they were about 4 cm. Seemed quite enough for me, I mean it's not like our skin is 3 cm thick ! And the muscle is right under it if I'm not mistaken !

Oh well, I'll get back there, get a kit, and try with it.
Totally missed the point here, the needle is actually 1/2 inch long (~1.5 cm), and I just found that on Erowid

INTRAMUSCULAR. Larger gauge (frequently 23G or 21G), longer needles are often used for intramuscular injections. Muscle syringes are usually 1cc–-but sometimes 2 to 5 ccs–-with up to a 1-1/2 inch long point.

Oh well, either I IV ketamine (I don't think I'll do it, eventhough I know it's possible) or I'll go in a pharmacy and hope not to fall on some nasty, inquisitive clerk...
Sorry for all those posts, but I have a last question :

Would a 5ml syringe with a 0.8x40 mm needle be okay for IMing K ?