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How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
  • Date de début Date de début
Veritus21293 a dit:
ya man, you're right. I was/still am a bit confused as to his situation. My point was not dirtying your naphtha. I probably shouldn't have answered in any case cause I've only been messing with a couple kilos of MHRB. My friend down the street is the one mixing acacia. But we've been sharing data.
Oh, OK. That sounds cool.

I just found out there's one step this tek skips though. Shouldn't the water that the A. confusa sits for a day in be acidified to pH 3-4? I haven't been doing that because it's not in the instructions, but the Nexus said that since we're basifying, we should also be acidifying before hand (a/b?).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is likely the reason I've been getting freebase, and why all my "crystals" have turned into oily, waxy goo. So now that I'm adding acid, I should get real crystalized DMT, correct?
Hi, update on my second pull. The liquid product was a yellowish liquid, which I poured into the dish and let sit in the freezer for about 20 hours. Stored it in my cabinet overnight with a record case on it. Scaraped up what I saw. Are you supposed to be pulling this little, and if you are, is this enough for a breakthrough? This is all the crystals which I pushed to the side of the dish.
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I added the lye, and the bottle got really hot when I swirled it around. I pulled the liquid out (it was yellow), and poured it into the dish. After 20 hours, I took the dish out, and tilted it to python all the NAPHTa out. I then let it dry overnight, and got that meager amount out. Is there something I did wrong?
And ? Are you sure that is DMT ? It's beautiful
endlessness a dit:
dont wash with pure water and neither with sodium bicarbonate otherwise you might lose some dmt to the water. If you have dmt freebase in crystals, than they arent very soluble in water, in part because they dont have so much surface area exposed to the water, (try dissolving a lump of any substance in water as opposed to it spread out). This is the opposite when, say, dmt is dissolved in a solvent and it will all be very exposed to a wash.

Here's some good info

Pure water normally has much lower pH than that, meaning a significant amount of your dmt will be in water soluble form. Sodium bicarbonate only raises the water to around ph 9 if im not mistaken, which means you will still be losing some dmt.. Better use sodium carbonate for making the wash. You can transform sodium bicarbonate to carbonate easily by putting it in the oven on max for a couple of hours. Weigh it before, and weigh after, and it should have lost about a third of the weight when its done

Im a complete newbie on my first post here. For the non-chemists among us, is there any chance of a glossary? What is POLAR? WHat is MgSO4? Sorry to be a dunce.:Oo:
Just google them! And dont start extracting if you have this kind of doubts!

BTW, I dont really like the title of this thread... "How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)" Think about your health first!

Love and light,
Would a turkey baster work as a pipette? And instead of using a freezer, would a hair dryer work?
A turkey baster could work, but get one made of glass! Just put the plate with the solvent on top of a radiator and wait...

Just go on DMT-Nexus and read as much as you can! In a month you'll know most of what you need!
I've followed the DMT extraction guide for the masses using Mimosa Hostilis and have just removed the dish and sucked up the left over ether. I've been left with dandruff like specks.
Turns out that is the DMT and only about .2g from 20g of bark. Incredible first time experience, I will make more next time!

If anyone has successfully extracted DMT, please PM me. Would love to talk about best methods and would be eternally grateful!
If anyone has successfully extracted DMT, please PM me. Would love to talk about best methods and would be eternally grateful.
Il faut qu'il y ait écrit naphta léger 100% dans la composition. Sinon ce n'est pas du naphta. S'il y a écrit d'autres trucs, tu risques de te retrouver avec des impuretés bien toxiques (hydrocarbures ou je sais pas quoi).