Hello all, I am new to this forum, but not to DMT or it's extraction. I have created a series of teks with version 1.0 specifically aimed at helping beginners get the hang of it. It is very very easy and produces product 100% of the time without fail, and in only 9 simple steps. It is called V-Tek 1.0, the perfect beginners tek. I usually don't do the forum thing, I only read. So as soon as I can post this in my own thread I will, but for now I am posting where I can find beginners to help you all. Thanks to the OP for starting this thread and nice tek. Try this one out and tell me what you think:
V-Tek 1.0 (STB/Mimosa Hostilis)
The Perfect Beginners Tek
No frills, no bullshit. Super easy tek tailor made for beginners. The measurements in this tek are made with very small proportions in mind for newbies. If you wish to go even smaller you can half it. Additionally, of those of you who wish to go larger, you can double or triple things or more. Just make sure the ratios and proportions stay the same. This is a simple straight to base/freeze precipitation extraction of the DMT molecule from Mimosa Hostilis Rootbark. I am Veritus.
This is the quick formula: (9 steps)
1. 500ml water + 33.3g of Mimosa = Mixture A
2. Mixture A + 33.3g NaOH = Mixture B
3.Mixture B + 60ml of Naphtha = Mixture C
4.Shake/roll and mix Mixture C very well
5. Let sit and separate into two distinct layers.
6. Subtract the top clear layer from Mixture C and place in glass baking dish.
7. Cover glass baking dish and place in a very cold freezer.
8. After 12-24 hours take baking dish out of freezer and pour out remaining liquid through a filter and dry glass baking dish completely.
9. Scrape reside left behind on glass baking dish and filter.
(Residue = End Product/End Product = DMT)
What you'll need:
One .75L-1L glass bottle with cork or screw on top
1 large measuring cup or jug (2 is even better)
1Turkey Baster (or some kind of controllable suction device)
1 Glass Baking Dish
1 Funnel
1 Scale (for V 1.0 it is ok to round up or down the grams to keep things easy)
500ml water (tap water is fine)
33.33 grams of NaOH (sodium hydroxide or lye or caustic soda)
33.33 grams of Mimosa Hostilis powder (I bought mine powdered)
120 ml of Naphtha (I am using zippo lighter fuel)
Additional ratio's:
250ml O2 / 16.66g Mimosa / 16.66g NaOH / 30ml Naphtha
500ml O2 / 33.33g Mimosa / 33.33g NaOH / 60ml Naphtha
1L O2 / 66.66g Mimosa / 66.66g NaOH / 90ml Naphtha
1.5L O2 / 100g Mimosa / 100g NaOH / 120ml Naphtha
2L O2 / 133.33 Mimosa / 133.33NaOH / 150 Naphtha
3L O2 / 200g Mimosa / 200g NaOH / 310ml Naphtha
9 Steps in detail:
1) Take your bottle and fill it with 600ml of tap water.
2) Measure out and add 60 grams of Mimosa Hostilis to each bottle. Mix it well by shaking hard.
3) Then measure out and add 60 grams of NaOH to the bottle. Mix it well by shaking hard and every few shakes you must open the cap to release any pressure building up by the reaction happening inside the bottle. The color of the mixture will become blackish red and the bottle will begin to heat at this point. Don't be alarmed, it's supposed to. Keep mixing. It should not get too hot to hold. Remember to release the pressure. Let it sit for about an hour.
4) Add 60ml of Naphtha to the bottle and shake or roll. I like to really shake and mix it well. The idea is to get the Naphtha as saturated as you can with the DMT molecule (out of the mimosa mix) so you can separate only DMT from Naphtha in a later stage. Do this for 3 min or over the course of 3 hours, just stirring it up every so often. Whatever you like. But then let it separate into two distinct layers with the Naphtha mix on top and the Mimosa mix on the bottom. It looks cool

Do not go to the next step unless the separation is clear and complete.
5) Separate the Naphtha mix from the Mimosa mix using a turkey baster or something to suck it up and put it into the glass baking dish. It is very important to not get any of the Mimosa mix (the bottom layer) into the glass baking dish. Use another glass container if you have to. It will be anywhere from a orangey yellow to an almost fluorescent yellow, depending on how well you did and the quality of your Mimosa. In some cases the Naphtha will even be clear. Red solution is rare but it happens. This is the solution holding your end-product, so be very careful. Cap or cork off Mimosa mix to proceed to V-Tek 1.1 after these 10 steps. If you wish to discard your Mimosa mix and have no intention of further extraction, you may safely discard the Mimosa mix at any time.
6) Cover glass baking dish (to keep stuff from falling into it) and place in freezer for 12-24 hours. You can check on it throughout this time but try not to disturb it too much. But you can actually watch the progression of DMT crystals forming throughout the process on the bottom and sides of the baking dish.
7) Drain off Naphtha from baking dish through a coffee filter into a glass container. When coffee filter dries out you might have some DMT crystals on it, so don't throw the filter away and don't forget to check that later. Completely empty out baking dish from any liquid. Drain it all as best as you can. If you would like to end your use of Naphtha here you can. It is highly recommended to save your Naphtha and proceed to V-Tek 1.1 and V-Tek 1.2 after these first initial 10 steps of V-Tek 1.0, but if you would like stop now or do not have the time to continue you may simply discard the Naptha safely and proceed to the next step.
8) Dry the inside of the baking dish as much as you can and evap the hell out of it. Use a fan or well ventilated area or even wind. Good old air drying if you will work if you have to. Blowing on the the little bit of Naphtha left around the baking dish with your mouth does well before setting it down. (Tip: dry the baking dish upside down. Sometimes the melting freeze on the dish will drip downwards into the product and that can change things. Just a tip.) As the chemicals evap off tiny dry crystals will form. You will see a noticeable change in color and will become lighter or brighter when it is dried. Do not go to the next step till you have evaporated all the chemicals off of the product.
9) Use a razor blade to scrap up all the dried residue on the glass baking dish. This is DMT. Depending on how well you did (yield amounts and results vary from person to person), you should end up dark to bright to light yellow fluff and even white and off-white in some places. The scrapings will be darker and brownish orangish. If you scrape up too soon you might end up with some goo. That's ok, it's dry a bit more rapidly now that you've scraped it. Scrape it up, it will harden. If it's like oil you did something wrong and must either wait to harden or repeat all steps again. But if you have successfully executed all 9 steps then you should have a decent pile DMT and should be really happy right about now. Congrats! I know the excitement is awesome and you're feeling pretty good about being done but V-Tek 1.0 is not officially over until you have cleaned up after any messes and cleaned all glassware. So clean up and enjoy!
This is the part where you do what you choose to do with the molecule once the chemistry is over...BUT if you saved the Naphtha from step 8 and the Mimosa mix from step 6 then the chemistry is not over and please proceed to V-Tek 1.1
V-Tek 1.1
What we just did in V-Tek 1.0 was generally called a "pull". The first "pull" always is the best "pull" from a Mimosa mix. It is also generally considered prudent to go ahead and do additional "pulls" since there is in fact more DMT still in the Mimosa mix. You did not get it all and there's still there more to get in the bottle.
V-Tek 1.1 is essentially those additional "pulls".
This is what to do:
1) Place the Naphtha that you saved in the Mimosa bottle (or bottles) that you saved and mix them back up. Remember to split the Naphtha equally between the bottles if using more than one bottle.
2) Shake well. Even longer than the last time is better as this yield will not be as much as the last time, but it will still yield.
3) Repeat steps 6-9 of V-Tek 1.0
4) Repeat steps 1-4 of V-Tek 1.1
5) Repeat step 4 of V-Tek 1.1
6) Safely discard Naphtha and Mimosa mix and end V-Tek 1.1 -OR- save all Naphtha and proceed to V-Tek 1.2
Note: You can use fresh Naphtha for the additional pulls if you want. In this case just repeat steps 3-10 about 2 or 3 more times, in which case there will be no 1.2 version of this tek.
V-Tek 1.2
The process of placing the baking dish with the DMT saturated solution of Naphtha in the freezer over night is called "freeze-precipitation". Freeze-precipitation is known to still leave some DMT in the solution that you have poured off the solution after 12-24 hours. V-Tek 1.2 will be a simple evaporation process to retrieve this remaining DMT. Simply place all the used Naphtha in the baking dish but instead of putting it in the freezer place it somewhere out of reach that you can leave while the whole thing evaporates off. It will take some time depending on the amount, but when you do you should have residue that can be scraped up with a razor. I got an extra half gram of product out of nowhere the last time I did this. See how much you get
Disclaimer: Everything said above is for educational purposes only and author can not be held responsible for any actions other than his own.