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How to extract DMT (The Easy & low-cost way)

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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I don't have permission to open a new thread, so I'll post my question here. It might be interesting for other people who extract DMT as well, so..

I've bought mimosa hostilis 7 or 8 years ago. I've read about it and i knew i wanted to experience it once in my life. Till today I didn't dare to do it, but the last weeks I've read about it a lot and really want to experience it now!

But my concern is, is my mimosa histilis still good? Isn't it expiered.. I bought it like 7 or 8 years ago.. and kept it in a closed bucket.. it still looks the same, it hasn't rotten or something.. So can anyone please tell me if i can still use it or not? does anyone know the shelf life or expiration date of powdered mimosa hostilis? I don't want to waste money on buying the tools, etc to extract it and then find out it doesn't work anymore.. what do you guys think?

It still looks the same, and it's pure natural, my thoughts are like: why should the molecule's change or something.. so I Always thought it would be fine, but after talking to some friends they said it might be expiered. Now I'm asking you guys opinions.

Hopefully someone can get me a quick answer! thanks in advance!
I plan on ordering my B. Caapi vine and MHRB this week, but i'm unsure of how much. I plan on using a basic tek on erowid which calls for 50g of whole vine and 12g of MHRB. I'm looking to make a brew for 4 people. How much should I order?
Shaw man use it , still dhould be fine ! Ideally it's better kept in the freezer but if there's no signs of mould it should still work !
maybe that tek is the highest yielding but it is not the easiest. standard straight to base is by far the easiest
Greeting's from Lewan278. This is all new to me, last time I took a psychedelic was late 70's. I want to try the DMT by using the above method. First time I ever tried to do something like this. I am getting everything together I need and am chomping at the bit to get started. Any suggestions from someone with experience for me would be great, my wife and I have seen some specials on this and I have done some reading on the internet. But as you know in this world "Don't believe everything you hear, only half of what you see and nothing on the internet. So I'm glad I'm here, I feel that I am among experts. One thing Laymans terms please, especially when talking chemistry related things..Many thanks, God Bless
I think you only need a glass bottle with top, maybe a large glass mason jar..8)
Hello all, I am new to this forum, but not to DMT or it's extraction. I have created a series of teks with version 1.0 specifically aimed at helping beginners get the hang of it. It is very very easy and produces product 100% of the time without fail, and in only 9 simple steps. It is called V-Tek 1.0, the perfect beginners tek. I usually don't do the forum thing, I only read. So as soon as I can post this in my own thread I will, but for now I am posting where I can find beginners to help you all. Thanks to the OP for starting this thread and nice tek. Try this one out and tell me what you think:

V-Tek 1.0 (STB/Mimosa Hostilis)

The Perfect Beginners Tek

No frills, no bullshit. Super easy tek tailor made for beginners. The measurements in this tek are made with very small proportions in mind for newbies. If you wish to go even smaller you can half it. Additionally, of those of you who wish to go larger, you can double or triple things or more. Just make sure the ratios and proportions stay the same. This is a simple straight to base/freeze precipitation extraction of the DMT molecule from Mimosa Hostilis Rootbark. I am Veritus.

This is the quick formula: (9 steps)

1. 500ml water + 33.3g of Mimosa = Mixture A
2. Mixture A + 33.3g NaOH = Mixture B
3.Mixture B + 60ml of Naphtha = Mixture C
4.Shake/roll and mix Mixture C very well
5. Let sit and separate into two distinct layers.
6. Subtract the top clear layer from Mixture C and place in glass baking dish.
7. Cover glass baking dish and place in a very cold freezer.
8. After 12-24 hours take baking dish out of freezer and pour out remaining liquid through a filter and dry glass baking dish completely.
9. Scrape reside left behind on glass baking dish and filter.
(Residue = End Product/End Product = DMT)

What you'll need:

One .75L-1L glass bottle with cork or screw on top
1 large measuring cup or jug (2 is even better)
1Turkey Baster (or some kind of controllable suction device)
1 Glass Baking Dish
1 Funnel
1 Scale (for V 1.0 it is ok to round up or down the grams to keep things easy)

500ml water (tap water is fine)
33.33 grams of NaOH (sodium hydroxide or lye or caustic soda)
33.33 grams of Mimosa Hostilis powder (I bought mine powdered)
120 ml of Naphtha (I am using zippo lighter fuel)

Additional ratio's:

250ml O2 / 16.66g Mimosa / 16.66g NaOH / 30ml Naphtha
500ml O2 / 33.33g Mimosa / 33.33g NaOH / 60ml Naphtha
1L O2 / 66.66g Mimosa / 66.66g NaOH / 90ml Naphtha
1.5L O2 / 100g Mimosa / 100g NaOH / 120ml Naphtha
2L O2 / 133.33 Mimosa / 133.33NaOH / 150 Naphtha
3L O2 / 200g Mimosa / 200g NaOH / 310ml Naphtha

9 Steps in detail:

1) Take your bottle and fill it with 600ml of tap water.

2) Measure out and add 60 grams of Mimosa Hostilis to each bottle. Mix it well by shaking hard.

3) Then measure out and add 60 grams of NaOH to the bottle. Mix it well by shaking hard and every few shakes you must open the cap to release any pressure building up by the reaction happening inside the bottle. The color of the mixture will become blackish red and the bottle will begin to heat at this point. Don't be alarmed, it's supposed to. Keep mixing. It should not get too hot to hold. Remember to release the pressure. Let it sit for about an hour.

4) Add 60ml of Naphtha to the bottle and shake or roll. I like to really shake and mix it well. The idea is to get the Naphtha as saturated as you can with the DMT molecule (out of the mimosa mix) so you can separate only DMT from Naphtha in a later stage. Do this for 3 min or over the course of 3 hours, just stirring it up every so often. Whatever you like. But then let it separate into two distinct layers with the Naphtha mix on top and the Mimosa mix on the bottom. It looks cool :) Do not go to the next step unless the separation is clear and complete.

5) Separate the Naphtha mix from the Mimosa mix using a turkey baster or something to suck it up and put it into the glass baking dish. It is very important to not get any of the Mimosa mix (the bottom layer) into the glass baking dish. Use another glass container if you have to. It will be anywhere from a orangey yellow to an almost fluorescent yellow, depending on how well you did and the quality of your Mimosa. In some cases the Naphtha will even be clear. Red solution is rare but it happens. This is the solution holding your end-product, so be very careful. Cap or cork off Mimosa mix to proceed to V-Tek 1.1 after these 10 steps. If you wish to discard your Mimosa mix and have no intention of further extraction, you may safely discard the Mimosa mix at any time.

6) Cover glass baking dish (to keep stuff from falling into it) and place in freezer for 12-24 hours. You can check on it throughout this time but try not to disturb it too much. But you can actually watch the progression of DMT crystals forming throughout the process on the bottom and sides of the baking dish.

7) Drain off Naphtha from baking dish through a coffee filter into a glass container. When coffee filter dries out you might have some DMT crystals on it, so don't throw the filter away and don't forget to check that later. Completely empty out baking dish from any liquid. Drain it all as best as you can. If you would like to end your use of Naphtha here you can. It is highly recommended to save your Naphtha and proceed to V-Tek 1.1 and V-Tek 1.2 after these first initial 10 steps of V-Tek 1.0, but if you would like stop now or do not have the time to continue you may simply discard the Naptha safely and proceed to the next step.

8) Dry the inside of the baking dish as much as you can and evap the hell out of it. Use a fan or well ventilated area or even wind. Good old air drying if you will work if you have to. Blowing on the the little bit of Naphtha left around the baking dish with your mouth does well before setting it down. (Tip: dry the baking dish upside down. Sometimes the melting freeze on the dish will drip downwards into the product and that can change things. Just a tip.) As the chemicals evap off tiny dry crystals will form. You will see a noticeable change in color and will become lighter or brighter when it is dried. Do not go to the next step till you have evaporated all the chemicals off of the product.

9) Use a razor blade to scrap up all the dried residue on the glass baking dish. This is DMT. Depending on how well you did (yield amounts and results vary from person to person), you should end up dark to bright to light yellow fluff and even white and off-white in some places. The scrapings will be darker and brownish orangish. If you scrape up too soon you might end up with some goo. That's ok, it's dry a bit more rapidly now that you've scraped it. Scrape it up, it will harden. If it's like oil you did something wrong and must either wait to harden or repeat all steps again. But if you have successfully executed all 9 steps then you should have a decent pile DMT and should be really happy right about now. Congrats! I know the excitement is awesome and you're feeling pretty good about being done but V-Tek 1.0 is not officially over until you have cleaned up after any messes and cleaned all glassware. So clean up and enjoy! :)

This is the part where you do what you choose to do with the molecule once the chemistry is over...BUT if you saved the Naphtha from step 8 and the Mimosa mix from step 6 then the chemistry is not over and please proceed to V-Tek 1.1

V-Tek 1.1

What we just did in V-Tek 1.0 was generally called a "pull". The first "pull" always is the best "pull" from a Mimosa mix. It is also generally considered prudent to go ahead and do additional "pulls" since there is in fact more DMT still in the Mimosa mix. You did not get it all and there's still there more to get in the bottle.

V-Tek 1.1 is essentially those additional "pulls".

This is what to do:

1) Place the Naphtha that you saved in the Mimosa bottle (or bottles) that you saved and mix them back up. Remember to split the Naphtha equally between the bottles if using more than one bottle.
2) Shake well. Even longer than the last time is better as this yield will not be as much as the last time, but it will still yield.
3) Repeat steps 6-9 of V-Tek 1.0
4) Repeat steps 1-4 of V-Tek 1.1
5) Repeat step 4 of V-Tek 1.1
6) Safely discard Naphtha and Mimosa mix and end V-Tek 1.1 -OR- save all Naphtha and proceed to V-Tek 1.2

Note: You can use fresh Naphtha for the additional pulls if you want. In this case just repeat steps 3-10 about 2 or 3 more times, in which case there will be no 1.2 version of this tek.

V-Tek 1.2

The process of placing the baking dish with the DMT saturated solution of Naphtha in the freezer over night is called "freeze-precipitation". Freeze-precipitation is known to still leave some DMT in the solution that you have poured off the solution after 12-24 hours. V-Tek 1.2 will be a simple evaporation process to retrieve this remaining DMT. Simply place all the used Naphtha in the baking dish but instead of putting it in the freezer place it somewhere out of reach that you can leave while the whole thing evaporates off. It will take some time depending on the amount, but when you do you should have residue that can be scraped up with a razor. I got an extra half gram of product out of nowhere the last time I did this. See how much you get :)

Disclaimer: Everything said above is for educational purposes only and author can not be held responsible for any actions other than his own.
V-Tek 3.0 (STB/FullSpectrum/Mimosa Hostilis)

The Full Spectrum Tek

Hello and welcome to V-Tek 3.0, the custom full spectrum yield tek. This tek will provide to you not just one yield of DMT, but three different grades of yield through a custom alkaloid extraction from Mimosa Hostilis Rootbark. The colors of your 3 different groups of yield/crystals will be red, yellow, and white...given that you follow the procedures correctly. Outcome can also be reflective of the quality of Mimosa Hostilis you are using. The Mimosa Hostilis used in this tek came from Peru and in powder form. Please try this tek and see if it works for you. It has for me many times and I would love to share and see how it all works out for you. This tek has a very high yield, about 3 grams of target product per 120 grams of MHRB. This tek is for the somewhat experienced but is not necessarily so advanced. I have made this very easy for anyone with the means and motive to understand and do. This is a custom tek and is a straight to base/freeze precipitation version of an alkaloid extraction from mimosa hostilis rootbark. I am Veritus.

This is the quick formula: (9 steps)

1. (600ml water + 60g of MHRB) x 2 = Mixture A (x2)
2. (Mixture A + 60g NaOH) x 2 = Mixture B (x2)
3. Mixture B + 60ml of Naphtha (x2) = Mixture C (x2)
4. Shake and mix both Mixtures of C. Leave overnight.
5. In the morning shake Mixture C and let separate again.
6. Subtract the top clear layer from Mixture C (x2) and place in glass baking dish.
7. Cover glass baking dish and place in a very cold freezer.
8. After 12-24 hours take baking dish out of freezer and pour out remaining liquid through a filter and dry glass baking dish completely.
9. Scrape and collect residue left behind on glass baking dish with razor blade.

1st pull = >1 gram of Red crystals
2nd pull = >1 gram of Yellow crystals
3rd pull = <1 gram White crystals

What you'll need:

Two .75L-1L glass bottles with cork or screw on top (I am using two .75L Pierre glass water bottles)
1 large measuring cup or jug (2 is even better)
1Turkey Baster or Pipette (or some kind of controllable suction device)
1 Glass Baking Dish
1 Funnel
1 Scale

1200ml water (tap water is fine)
120 grams of NaOH (sodium hydroxide/lye/caustic soda)
120 grams of MHRB powder (I bought mine powdered)
120 ml of Naphtha (I am using zippo lighter fuel)

Note: I understand that I could in theory not use 2 mixing apparatuses and only use one larger one, but I discovered this tek while experimenting with 2 bottles labeled A and B. So after I yielded so much by accident, as well as 3 different colors for each pull including red and white, I decided to replicate and refine the procedure using two bottles. I have only ever used 2 bottles and it has worked for me. So I can't say for certain if reactions are the same within 1 larger mixing apparatus.

Secondary Note: Start with crystal clear Naphtha. Do not use yellow or used Naphtha for this tek.

Materials, Measuring, and Mixing:

1) Take your both of your glass bottles and fill them both with 600ml of water. Tap water is fine. Better water is generally better.

2) Measure out and add 60 grams of powdered MHRB to each bottle. Mix it well by shaking hard. It is a lot of powder per ml of water than usual so be sure to mix both bottles very well.

3) Then measure out and add 60 grams of NaOH to each bottle. Mix it well by shaking hard and every few shakes release any pressure building up. This is also a heavy addition to the mix and it will get fairly hot. The color of the mixture will become blackish red and the bottle will begin to heat at this point. You should be able to see exactly how much shit is floating around in there. It will begin to get very hot. Don't be alarmed, just shake both bottles very well a few times to get it going, release the pressure on both, and let them both sit for about an hour.


1) Add 60ml of Naphtha to each bottle and shake vigorously. The idea is to get the Naphtha as saturated as possible with all the alkaloids in the MHRB. You might have noticed that the Mimosa mix has clumped up on the bottom. If so just keep shaking. Be sure to shake until all is mixed very well. Let both bottles sit over night. (12-24hrs)

2) In the morning you will notice that hardly any of the Naphtha has come to the top of the mix and that it is going much slower than what you're used to. This is ok, this is good. This means you are doing it correctly. Give both bottles one more good shaking and then let them both sit for about an hour or two, or however long it takes for a very clear and distinct layer separation.

3) After sometime the mixture will separate into two very distinct layers. Make sure that the Naphtha mix on top is a nice burgundy clear red color. If it is, you are on the right track and go ahead and begin to separate the Naphtha from the Mimosa mix. If not, you are doing something wrong. Try shaking again, let separate and check color.


1) Separate the saturated Naphtha from both bottles of the the Mimosa mix using a turkey baster or pipette or something to suck it up and put it into the glass baking dish. Obviously don't get any of the Mimosa mix into the glass baking dish. Use another glass container if you have to. If you have freeze precipitated before then you already know that your Naphtha is going to come out yellow, and just by knowing that you should be able to see that this freeze precipitation is going to yield a shit load of of red stuff. And yes it will, 1 plus grams.

2) Cover glass baking dish (to keep stuff from falling into it) and place in freezer for 12-24 hours. You can check on it throughout this time but try not to disturb the forming of the layers that will settle. Over the next 12-24 hours a red layer will form on the bottom first. Then a seemingly yellow layer. Finally a patchy white layer. They will all blend into each other as it settles, as well as in the draining and drying process.

3) Drain off Naphtha from baking dish through a coffee filter into a glass container. Save the drained off Naphtha solution. It will be cloudy and cold. Set it aside. Completely empty out baking dish from any Naphtha. Drain it all as best as you can. Blow on certain spots where you can see the left over Naphtha in the baking dish. What will be left will be generally red in color with some noticeable lighter spots. Place baking dish upside down and propped up on some kind of spacer on both sides to let it be upside down but lifted or elevated. You will see a noticeable change in color as it dries and will become a bit lighter when it is fully dried, even orange or light brown in some spots. Do not scrape until fully and completely dry and all Naphtha has evaporated out of your product. Allow to fully dry.

(At this point, it is a good idea to go ahead and begin "Naphtha pull 2" below while you are waiting for the residue on the baking dish to dry. Move to step four when baking dish is fully dry.

4) Use a razor blade to scrap up all the dried residue on the glass baking dish. Depending on how well you did, you should end up with more than a gram of reddish brown dirt earthy looking product. This is amazing stuff, you are welcome. Treat it well.

Naphtha pull 2:

1) Using the Naphtha that you drained off from the freeze precipitation (which actually still contains some properties from the MHRB such as oils, fats, and other alkaloids including DMT...which is why it's yellow) replace back into the glass bottles of Mimosa mix in equal parts.

2) Shake both bottles very vigorously again. This time really try to mix it even better than before. Let both bottles sit and separate and then shake again. Do this a few times over the course of the day.

3) At night, and after shaking and settling a few times, separate the saturated Naphtha from the glass bottles and place in baking dish. Cover and place in freezer over night.

4) In the morning drain off the cold Naphtha through a coffee filter and set it aside as we will continue to do more pulls with the same Naphtha. Repeat draining procedure as described above and leave baking dish upside down to dry and evaporate off all residual Naphtha.

(Skip to Naphtha pull 3 while waiting to dry)

5) When baking dish is completely dry and free of all Naphtha, scrape all residue with razor blade. This yield should be more than a gram of fluffy yellow and off-white crystals. This stuff is also awesome, but very different than the red. Much less alkaloids and much more DMT isolated.

Naphtha pull 3:

1) Place the used Naphtha back into the glass bottles of Mimosa mix in equal parts.

2) Shake again very vigorously many times over the course of the day.

3) At night separate the saturated Naphtha from the glass bottles to the baking dish. Cover and place in freezer over night.

4) In the morning drain off remaining Naphtha into glass container. Leave baking dish upside down to fully dry.

5) Scrape dried residue off of the baking dish. This will be less than a gram of pure white crystals. This is the most DMT isolated yield so far and is either off-white or pure white.

Technical Note: You may continue to do more additional pulls. I do about 4 or 5 yielding in total more than 3 grams of end target product out of only 120 grams of MHRB. You can also evaporate the remaining Naphtha if you want to retrieve additional products still saturated in the Naphtha. It might take a while, but it is absolutely worth it.

Personal Notes and Observations: To me, this method completely saps the hell out of all or most of the alkaloids in the rootbark and for this reason the yield in this tek is much greater than in other DMT extractions or teks as we are extracting many alkaloids by this procedure as well, not just the DMT molecule. Many of these alkaloids of are also psychoactive and affect the other active molecules facilitating your experience. Their effect mixed in with the experience ultimately means each color has it's own unique characteristics in terms of experience. Each one is differs and they will in fact be quite different substance facilitating experiences. From my own personal experience with my own product developed from this method I will say this:

Red = Nurturing, warm and soothing, slower to come on and nice as it does, very euphoric, patterns emerge and you follow the patterns to your personal trip, dimension flip, guides, others...
Yellow = Fast onset, less body more mind, very visual, hyper-vision break thru, overwhelming realization of 3D, somewhat euphoric, not so much the sense of guides or others...
White = Ultra hyper-vision, very fast coming on, overwhelmingly experiencing of true 3D, everything in it's perfect place and plastic, sharp edges of everything, feeling of godliness or master of this plane or dimension, mind blowing exactness, no patterns, no sense of others...
They all have left me with a feeling of great understanding during and after.

This has all been my own personal account and I am looking for confirmation of my experiments and experiences through my peers. I imagine things can and will differ from person to person, but it am assuming the generality of everything should stay somewhat the same through all who try this tek. Please try this tek and try the products of this tek. Please share what you have found. Please feel free to take this tek and make it better. I will be reading. Thank you.

Disclaimer: Everything said above is hypothetical and is for educational purposes only and author can not be held responsible for anyone's actions other than his own.
Thank you, both veritus and vibrancy.
I'd just like to answer at question that's been confusing some people:

If you performed Vibrancy's tek and ended up scraping a yellow goo, then the problem was you immediately took it out of the freezer at the end. You have to set it in the fridge upside down for an hour or two after you've let it dry (set it back in the freezer to dry after you python out the naphtha solvent). Then make sure it's under 70°F in your room you're scraping in.

On that note, the goo is smokeable. Use a small bud of weed to scrape it off the knife, then smoke that like regular DMT at first, then smoke the rest of the weed (I definitely got some effects this way, but not a breakthrough).
Hey guys, using this tek, was wondering that when you got to the defat stages, do you pull the chunky brownieish stuff from the top of the solution, or the liquid?
Voir la pièce jointe 14008
Just the liquid. If you are using mimosa hostilis the defat stage is not necessarily needed, like in V-Tek 1.0 above. But in using Acacia it would be prudent to do so, in that Acacia has much more fats and lipids than mimosa.
Veritus a dit:
Just the liquid. If you are using mimosa hostilis the defeat stage is not necessarily needed, like in V-Tek 1.0 above. But in using Acacia it would be prudent to do so, in that Acacia has much more fats and lipids than mimosa.

Thank you for this info. I'll give it another go cause I pulled out all the stuff from the top and I shouldn't of done that, and now am facing a dish of what I assume to be just lighter oil. Wish me luck :+1:
I meant defat instead of defeat...auto-correct is annoying sometimes.

I am a bit confused as to your situation but just to be clear there should be no brown chunky stuff in what you remove from the acacia mix.

in any case, I do wish you luck.
Veritus a dit:
I meant defat instead of defeat...auto-correct is annoying sometimes.

I am a bit confused as to your situation but just to be clear there should be no brown chunky stuff in what you remove from the acacia mix.

in any case, I do wish you luck.
Are you sure? With Mimosa you don't go through this, but in Acacia you have to remove the "chunky brown stuff" (fats). That's the whole point of running the defat. If you leave that stuff in you might as well be doing it for the sole purpose of dirtying your naphtha.
Olek17321101 a dit:
Thank you for this info. I'll give it another go cause I pulled out all the stuff from the top and I shouldn't of done that, and now am facing a dish of what I assume to be just lighter oil. Wish me luck :+1:
No, dude. You actually should pull that stuff out. That's your fat you've been shaking it for a day for. You use the naphtha to pull it out. You can then separate them later for recycling purposes.
And a question of my own, if I were to use 50g of A. confusa instead of 20g, should I increase the water or can I let it remain roughly the same or only slightly increased?
More importantly, the NaOH is proportional, correct? If I were to use 5-10g per 20g of Acacia, does that mean I should use 15g of lye on the 50g of ACRB?
Spectrum Specter a dit:
Are you sure? With Mimosa you don't go through this, but in Acacia you have to remove the "chunky brown stuff" (fats). That's the whole point of running the defat. If you leave that stuff in you might as well be doing it for the sole purpose of dirtying your naphtha.

ya man, you're right. I was/still am a bit confused as to his situation. My point was not dirtying your naphtha. I probably shouldn't have answered in any case cause I've only been messing with a couple kilos of MHRB. My friend down the street is the one mixing acacia. But we've been sharing data.
Spectrum Specter a dit:
And a question of my own, if I were to use 50g of A. confusa instead of 20g, should I increase the water or can I let it remain roughly the same or only slightly increased?
More importantly, the NaOH is proportional, correct? If I were to use 5-10g per 20g of Acacia, does that mean I should use 15g of lye on the 50g of ACRB?

if you seem to not get as quick of an answer I can ask my friend. But I don't think you can over basify. Or at least I was told there is no such thing.