6: N2O (for a minor surgery in my leg, wonderful stuff!) I guess that's what got the ball rolling for me
I still get reminded how I reacted on that stuff when I talk about drugs with my parents, how I laughed my arse off because the blanket would retain the form as if I still had my leg pulled up
15/16: I started going to parties and got introduced to alcohol, tobacco and marihuana, it was the age of happy hardcore and gabbers
(sometimes I miss it)
17: Tried amphetamines a couple of times, too large doses.. Made me feel like a god, had some very nasty side-effects. I think I'm still recovering from the huge energy-drain :?
19: After doing a little research I rolled into the world of Magic Mushrooms!
Finally getting back on track
Alcohol consumption dropped quite a bit ever since, I still drink, but only occasionaly. Mushrooms made my life better in many ways!
20/21: Started growing mushrooms and tried various smartshop-herbs (ephedra, LSA, Salvia, kanna, dreamherbs etc.) My interrest in psychedelics expanded enormously, started reading lots of books on the subject.
24: tried MDMA, XTC and cocaine a few times (only MDMA had some interresting effects on me), LSD, cactus, kratom, amanita, coffee
26: Right now I only prefer natural substances with an exception (sort of) to LSD, now I try to grow as much interresting (psychoactive) plants as possible (which has become my no.1 hobby/obsession)
Future: looks promising
have to quit smoking!