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How Often? Why?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Teonanacapilli
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adrianhaffner a dit:
i only hit the bowl 1-3 times in a day

lol and you've been cutting back? i hit it mostly once or twice max and i think it's too much. 3+ times and i feel remorse.

though i don't know... is there really anything inherently superior about the guys that do it just once or twice per week? besides the mandatory self control argument that is kind of self-righteous anyway
There are these black kid I used to hang around, and they would just smoke blunt after blunt for a few hours.. EVERY DAY! Its crazy! Those mother fuckers.. They didn't even get high.. And there I am, a skinny white boy, feeling out of place, getting high off a couple hits.. Fuck them man!!! Lol
yeah there are lots of dudes like that. it's pointless and a waste of weed
Haha I know, I made the mistake of asking the one that I was buying from at the time, because he was a nice guy.. But he was this huge black guy.. I said something like "So why are you like wasting all this weed everyday, leaving us none, and you not even getting benefits from it? Just go drink a bottle of everclear or somethin..." And his friend was like what the fuck you say boiii.. And then I left and thats the last I heard of that dealer.. He won't answer my texts, calls, nothin.. He was my go to guy for everything oo.. I can't fin another great dealer like him.. I hate it man.. I really do.. Lol
???????? a dit:
adrianhaffner a dit:
i only hit the bowl 1-3 times in a day

lol and you've been cutting back? i hit it mostly once or twice max and i think it's too much. 3+ times and i feel remorse.

though i don't know... is there really anything inherently superior about the guys that do it just once or twice per week? besides the mandatory self control argument that is kind of self-righteous anyway

that's on a social day. it's been a gradual process haha. i haven't smoked socially in over a month now. if i have smoked in the past month it was roughly 1 time or less in a week and only one hit, plus whatever was leftover from the 'one hit' that i eyeballed when i packed it. disciprin
Interesting theorycrafting incoming..

1 maybe 2 hits a day for me 7 days a week keeps me sailin! BUT I Holidayed over in UK last year where I was averaging 4 to 6 hits daily, just to get to my usual level... compared to only needing a single hit most days back in Aus..
Method stayed the same I always vape, i'm strictly a bush smoker (outdoor grown weed) and I purchased off multiple sellers, still found myself ripping nearly 6 a day!

why was this? I personally put it down to Australias tropical climate.. but who knows

But yer - 1 or 2 daily everyday, once in the morning before work or a match, then a welcome home cone if im feelin it!
On a psyche level the herb just lets me chillout, bask in the beauty of things and enhances daily activity from work & people to meals & sex.
???????? a dit:
adrianhaffner a dit:
i only hit the bowl 1-3 times in a day

lol and you've been cutting back? i hit it mostly once or twice max and i think it's too much. 3+ times and i feel remorse.

though i don't know... is there really anything inherently superior about the guys that do it just once or twice per week? besides the mandatory self control argument that is kind of self-righteous anyway

well, seeing that smoking weed every day didn't actually have a positive impact on my life I stopped doing so, nothing to do with superiority etc.. maybe some hold such a position but acting superior is just a sign of weakness to me.
doing weed every now and then enhances its effects quite a lot in contrast to doing it all the time - not that I'm holding this premise consequently :lol: just saying what everybody already knows
my cannabis use is somehow cyclic.

in the past i used to get depressed often, i wouldn't call this state depression, because sometimes i would trigger those feelings just for fun, i was a kid who was into doom/goth scene and i found the negative feelings like sadness and self pity kinda cool, but with time i just couldn't get rid of them.
then i started smoking weed. a lot. it banished those feelings and i felt free, so i justified my cannabis (mis)use as self medicating.
it took me several years to realize that i am not fully functional when high. what bothered me most was lack of motivation, even sort of apathy, i could say. so i stopped smoking.
after a week or two of being clean old thought patterns would arise again. i struggled with them for a while, but eventually i lit a joint. it was almost instant relief. so i started smoking again.
so the cycle starts again. and again.

now i am getting to a realization that it all has to do with energy, cannabis kinda blocks (steals? (into the green underworld)) it, so thought patterns that feed on energy can't arise. (the thought pattern grows stronger every time you put energy into it, if strong emotions are present, it grows even more.) but when i stop smoking - let the energy flow freely - it just feeds the strongest of thought patterns that dwell in dark corners of my consciousness waiting for food.

i guess my problem is that i can not control my energy flow (body). the more i meditate, the more i see fu*king automata controlling me. now i will make a stand. i will starve the mother*uckers and make them obey me. nobody shall rule me, for i am the master of my reality (i make the grass green).

any similar experiences?
Sopor, that is about the same as my experience. I have been self-medicating for about a year until recently for depression and anxiety. But I found that when you do it everyday, or close to that, the weed starts to do to you the very thing which you first sought relief from, I was getting depressed and had much less motivation.

It's all about balance and doing anything you don't physically need everyday is not healthy! I've known now for a few months that I need to stop and finally think I'm there, but I don't want to say so yet! It makes it harder when most of the people you hang with are enjoying it around you :butthead: Once I've abstained for a month or so, I will start smoking once or twice a week again, this is when I am most productive and creative with it.

Good luck in your struggle man! I found mushrooms to be a big help in the past when faced with a challenge like this :mrgreen:
I smoke around 4-5 times a week lately which is too much for me. Usually it is by the end of the day. I use it for recreational and meditative purpose. I also exercise and do a form of yoga and meditation. Slowly i plan to cut down to 2 days a week :)
i don't like the notion of 'self-medication.' to me, that implies you have a sort of disorder or youre using weed as a crutch for dealing with reality. i enjoy it maybe 4-5 times a day. there's no reason why. that's what leads to problems with drug usage, when your mindset prior to getting high is that your environment or "setting" needs improvement. repressing ideas like that lead to addiction and dependence.
I was allways a heavy smoker, i used to smoke weed all day every single day for many, many years, i grew my own so i had more then enough, i didn't see a problem in it, although i smoked on occasions that i know i really shouldn't, like at work, or family meetings, from dusk till dawn, also when i felt bad or angry i just smoked and i felt good again, i thought i was doing just fine this way, it was part of my lifestyle and my identity, i started to smoke cannabis from when i was 13, little at first, more and more as i grew up, i was this person, it defined me, weed was my aly.

Kept doing so 'till i decided to take a break like 10 months ago, i stopped for 30 days, just like some kind of test to prove for myself i wasn't addicted and realized that i felt very different, not that confused (obviously) and not so cloudheaded all the time (again, very obviously :P ), i know i was addicted to it, yes you can be addicted to weed, very addicted even, it was hard to quit for 30 days, but willpower is important, without it's just not possible.

After that break my lifestyle changed, i first smoked every week, sometimes more, then every two weeks sometimes more, now like every 2 or 3 weeks.

I'm more myself now then i ever was, i still smoke weed, but only when i know i want to, i don't feel the need to be stoned all the time anymore.I was just smoking on automatic pilot.

Now when i smoke i try to do it only in the evening, and normally allways in a day in the weekend, one day, i love my new disciplined approach, weed is an entheogen and it deserves a more respectful treatment, it's easy for me to say this now, i would never believe myself 10 months ago, but i know it's true.It's really a lot more rewarding too this way, i enjoy it so much more now.
Nanacapilli a dit:
Sopor, that is about the same as my experience. I have been self-medicating for about a year until recently for depression and anxiety. But I found that when you do it everyday, or close to that, the weed starts to do to you the very thing which you first sought relief from, I was getting depressed and had much less motivation.

It's all about balance and doing anything you don't physically need everyday is not healthy! I've known now for a few months that I need to stop and finally think I'm there, but I don't want to say so yet! It makes it harder when most of the people you hang with are enjoying it around you :butthead: Once I've abstained for a month or so, I will start smoking once or twice a week again, this is when I am most productive and creative with it.

Good luck in your struggle man! I found mushrooms to be a big help in the past when faced with a challenge like this :mrgreen:

Hey, i just red this post, you are now at the point where i was 10 months ago, i too was feeling depressed and de-motivated, i knew weed probably had something to do with it, i decided to take this break after a long struggle, and i found out weed had indeed something to do with it.

Don't get me wrong here, i love weed, i still do, but it is, like you said and realize, about BALANCE, it's the keyword of life.
You seem to know this, so take this 30 day break man, it's gonna be hard, especially the first two weeks, after two weeks you might think, "there, 2 weeks, i can do it, i'm gonna reward myself with a joint", that's what i did, so i had to begin all over again from day 1. :rolleyes:

After these 30 days you teached yourself a new routine, and weed will have a new place in your life, it still takes discipline the first months to restrain from it, "till like a day in the weekend or so, but it is very rewarding later on, i will help you if you wan't me too, you can PM me if you like, it changed my life, and i know it will change your's judging by your post, i just know it, discipline is a lovely thing to teach yourself, this and patience.

Oh, one more thing, your friends won't make it easy for you, but just go for your goal.
Thanks for the support and kind words man. I've been out on a trip in the southwestern deserts for two weeks and had no psychotropics beyond Datura seeds most nights and coffee some mornings. Before the trip I had abstained for various periods of about two whole weeks and one week between smoking, a couple times I think I smoked three days in a row maximum. Like your experience, it was very easy to notice a difference in cognition and memory, like a veil was lifted. Before the trip, I smoked five days in a row, as a weak-willed last hurrah and as a give-in to the environment my friends provided.

At the time, my friends were all smoking the same way I used to before taking breaks (surely they are still) and I really felt much more mature and experienced with the plant since this change in use and perception. Like you say (and I say :P) it's all about discipline and balance. I am very happy to have undergone this addiction experience to have learned those important life-lessons. I am also glad I'd had these insights and a new attitude to weed before leaving on my trip, like I was in my infancy before and began childhood on the desert trip.

The trip gave me time to reflect on everything about my relationship to weed and life in general. I read "Be Here Now" by Baba Ram Dass and "Mycelium Running" by Paul Stamets and these added to the introspection, I did a lot of speculating on the future and played with some radical thought experiments. I feel much more independent and solid now, I let myself become dull and soft through substance abuse and appetite submission, but am beginning to harden and sharpen again.

The shamans in Amazonia say that every plant has a teacher spirit. Well, marijuana's most recent lesson to me as a student has been about this balance and discipline, that I may put these learnings to use every day.
i find now that smoking on such a regular basis (every day) really does cloud the mind in a very specific way. try to do a math problem several hours after being high, or try to visualize directions to a place(as opposed to trying this sober, beforehand).

if you try these experiments you'll understand which part of the brain it definitely has an effect on. you essentially lose the majority of your ability to cognitively map things or visualize real objects in "3d" space in your head. also, if you've been smoking consistently for a long time, you may notice your speech pattern changes. you'll notice your vocabulary grow slightly larger*, well, back to what it was, the longer you abstain, and also, the words come to your mouth much quicker and more effortlessly.

*this is in regards to instances where you are using speech to be descriptive, of something that you would need to visualize 3d in your head, not of casual social interaction.