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how much sleep?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion IJesusChrist
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how much sleep do you guys get?

Are you tired when you wake up? Do you go to bed earlier or later than most people? Get up earlier or later? Do you go to bed very tired or as soon as you are tired at all?
my usual habbits include staying up till the sun starts to rise, which reminds me im an idiot and havnt looked at the clock. but if im smoking weed during a certian ammount of time ill be out like a light by around midnight on my own. i usually wake up in a funk feeling extremly sleepy regardless of when i go to sleep or if i smoke.

my life is a constant battle with ever changing sleeping habbits. but i cant say i protest it very much. i enjoy being the only one awake in the middle of the night. its my time of reflection.

thats one of the many reasons i got into the graffiti lifestyle.

i also thoroughly enjoy night time regardless.
If I have work in the morning I'm usually asleep by 11:30-12:00 which gets me about 5 to 6 hours of sleep a day. I wake up a little groggy but that's easily fixed with a little meditation and coffee (My sole addiction).

On weekends or when I'm called off work the time I go to sleep varies but I usually wake up after a good 8 hours and attack the grogginess with the same afore-mentioned meditation and coffee.
IJesusChrist a dit:
how much sleep do you guys get?

Not enough... Although I don't have to work before 8:30 or 9, I usually only get 5-6 hours of sleep during the week. It's not enough for me, so I'm trying to change it, but it's hard...
Currently I'm getting normal sleep at normal times i think. I go through times were I have to stay awake until i'm so tired its impossible to stay awake, this includes times when im really tired and not using any drugs . Strangely it's usually caused by me wanting to get to sleep! For example, if I had a job interview tomorrow I'd be up all night trying really hard to get to sleep.



Just to answer your question - I'm always REALLY tired when I wake up and it takes me ages to get out of bed. Even when I'm desperate to go the toilet I hold it in 'till I can be bothere to get up! That sounds really lazy, and it is :mrgreen:
my sleeping patten is fucked up
ever since i was young i've had terrible insomnia. i'd be up for days and be like "i know im soo tired that im just gunna pass out tonight" but then the night comes and im rolling around lucidly all night.

also i been smoking alot of that "legal herb" (jwh) and im trying to quit. which is hard when i've been using it to put myself to sleep for a couple months now.

cant smoke weed : / at least not till i retire from my Naval work to a life of psychonautical exploration.
I try to get eight hours most days and usually do. This adds to my detachment from western culture by being in bed early :shock: in respect for my body and with a little thought for tomorrow.
I LOVE sleeping. Up until a few weeks ago I'd average 10 hours a night. I work from home so I like to wake without an alarm clock and get up whenever. I'd need coffee and Ilex guayusa to get me going for the day.

This changed recently when I self medicated with 5-HTP and B vitamin complex in the hope of raising serotonin levels and it's had a huge impact on my sleep patterns - now I only need 5/6 hours sleep a night instead of 10... and I wake up actually feeling refreshed :shock:

I don't need the morning coffee anymore but I'm sticking with the guayusa as it significantly increases my mental focus and clarity.
"I try to get eight hours most days and usually do. This adds to my detachment from western culture by being in bed early :shock: in respect for my body and with a little thought for tomorrow."

im with ya man, i get a respectable 8 hours or close most every night. try to hit the hay around midnight, some times it's 1, sometimes it's 11 haha. every now and then i decide to drink and im up like 2-3, but as it stands now i usually only drink when my friends warm me up to the idea, and i have absolutely nothing to do the next day. i don't really care for it anymore (ill have MAYBE 2 beers, generally not) it's mostly a social thing, ill generally be there to talk to people, not to drink. last year and before however, i was still transitioning into this phase now, so i was staying up later, disregarding sleep hours as well as being ignorant about my health...

this cycle of responsibility generally started at the beginning of this year, (although the start of the transition goes back further) and as of now, i can plainly see that i am not going back. this cycle started to become solid around the same time i started consistently taking kickboxing. i was doing it nearly every day until i got sick just recently...

sounds like you guys need to stop drinking coffee after 5, or work on your meditation... :P i get to sleep by trying to meditate lying down every night. it never works because i generally pass out about 5-10 mins in, which means it worked perfectly :D substances before bed(not necessarily RIGHT before bed, even close to that time) WILL cause insomnia after a while, because your body has "forgotten" how to turn itself off by itself... also, if you worry and stress, then you will have insomnia as well. to cure this i keep a pen and paper next to my bed, so i can write things down that pop into my head. this way i definitely remember in the morning, and i dont have to piss my brain off by trying to remember a bunch of random shit while im half unconscious...
I think alot of people don't know what insomnia is... Not going to claim I do either.

When people try to go to bed, you are going to have a very hard time. The reason you are able to sleep is because you are at ease, relaxed, and safe. If none of these conditions are met, you aren't going to sleep very well!

When I have trouble sleeping I do one of two things;
1. Meditate, breathe, empty the mind.
This does not work if I have had coffee within the last 6 hours (or any other stimulants).
2. I read.

The whole idea is to get your mind away from tommorrow, and set into "the now". Thinking itself does not deregulate sleep, but thinking about the future certainly does. (somewhere I read an article that we have no seperation in our brain from past and future thought - they are stemmed from the same area)

On topic though, I need atleast nine hours of sleep. If I don't get 9 hours of sleep I suck at life. I don't talk, I can't converse, my thoughts are negative and cynical. Also if I don't go to bed before 11 pm (doesn't matter when I wake up) the same happens.

Not sure why - I've always needed alot of sleep. (relative to friends)
Allusion a dit:
i get to sleep by trying to meditate lying down every night. it never works because i generally pass out about 5-10 mins in, which means it worked perfectly :D substances before bed(not necessarily RIGHT before bed, even close to that time) WILL cause insomnia after a while, because your body has "forgotten" how to turn itself off by itself... also, if you worry and stress, then you will have insomnia as well. to cure this i keep a pen and paper next to my bed, so i can write things down that pop into my head. this way i definitely remember in the morning, and i dont have to piss my brain off by trying to remember a bunch of random shit while im half unconscious...
I'll second every bit of that. I've been doing the bedside notes thing for a very long time and it's huge as a sleep aid, you just need to know where to draw the line; "OK, I've done enough projecting and thinking for tonight. Now, sleep." I've used it mostly for bits of poetic stuff that I don't want to forget, but also for daily tasks and whatnot. And I use a voice recorder for dream recollection in the morning :)

*Thanks for the fixaroo*
I don't know about insomnia but I can't sleep on my own before 2. That's why nighttime herb comes in handy, but either way mornings are always horrible. I'd say I average a 6 hour sleep cycle, but I don't drink coffee so that means very rough mornings.
i have allergies that prevent me from getting a good sleep.
its not psychological, not something i can just meditate on.
IJesusChrist a dit:
how much sleep do you guys get?

Are you tired when you wake up? Do you go to bed earlier or later than most people? Get up earlier or later? Do you go to bed very tired or as soon as you are tired at all?

Sleeping like a baby. I make sure I go to bed before 0:00 (around 22:00 on the days my daughter lives with me). I'm well rested when I get up which is anytime between 6am and 9am.

I try not to watch any movies or shows an hour before I go to bed and usually listen some inspiring music or I read something.

In my early twenties I suffered from insomnia for two years. Often I would sleep one night, stay awake the next. During that time I had some extra money and purchased a brain machine for fun. It had 20 programs. One was for insomniac and claimed to get you to sleep within 15 minutes. First time I used that program at night, I woke up refreshed in the morning with the headset and glasses still on my face. After having used it for a few months it broke down and had to be shipped for repairs. I then realized that my insomnia was completely gone and since then I never am awake more than 15 minute max when I go to bed.
can u post a link to this "brain machine"
I've used hemi-sync for years and they have some great programs for helping you off to sleep / improving dream recall etc - like this and this.
i sleep too much i think i'm ether tired or sleppy lol.
but i love rest sleep.
im trying too curb this tho as ive found i can deal with walking in my sleep more than i can when im awake.
When people try to go to bed, you are going to have a very hard time. The reason you are able to sleep is because you are at ease, relaxed, and safe. If none of these conditions are met, you aren't going to sleep very well!

That helped me a lot I've been trying to sleep for ages but anxious uncomfortable feeling, then I see this :)
I invariably wake up at around 5:30am to 6:15am. I find it virtually impossible to sleep when the sun is up.

I generally go to sleep around 10-10:30pm and when I'm smoking the herb I have absolutely no difficulty going to sleep. As soon as I stop smoking I find I have to take something else (usually damiana tea followed by a cup of warm milk - warmed on stove not microwave).

substances before bed(not necessarily RIGHT before bed, even close to that time) WILL cause insomnia after a while, because your body has "forgotten" how to turn itself off by itself.

^This is most definitely my only sleep problem.

8 hours seems to be the optimum amount of sleep for me. If I am stressed/anxious about something (usually work or money) my sleep is crap. When this happens I make an agreement with myself about how I will rectify the thing stressing me in the morning, once I've agreed a course of action for the next day to deal with the stress/anxiety causing thing, I can get to sleep straight away.
my life is a constant battle with ever changing sleeping habbits. but i cant say i protest it very much. i enjoy being the only one awake in the middle of the night. its my time of reflection.

Me too, except I enjoying getting up early...like 4:30 am and feeling like I'm the only one up. Love to watch the sunrise everyday, too.