I took mushrooms for the first time last winter. I took a full eighth, my stomach was empty. I was with 3 others and a sober sitter in an apartment. I was very nervous and scared when I took them, everyone else took an eighth as well and they were all ready to bring it on.
I had bought a gallon of orange juice because it sounded delicious, at the time I had no idea how well Vitamin C and orange juice as a whole would sit with mushrooms. Although I was more nervous than anyone else, I had a great trip. I had a few visuals, a lot of illusions really that were explained when I was sober and took a second look. I felt great the whole time, I thought I was a character in a movie and had to play my part the whole night. I had a blast, nothing negative.
Everyone else on the other hand had generally horrible trips. They all puked, I did not. Like I said they were experience, after searching and identifying they were definitely cubensis, that's all I know. Dried, long, white with slightly brown small caps and a little blue as I'm told blue is an ok thing.
Two people blacked out, the other guy puked and went totally negative the whole night. I had several great realizations and break throughs, they all thought they were ugly depressing human beings. One of my buddies was picking at his mouth and skin in the bathroom talking about how ugly and disgusting he was. I will admit my mirror image did not give me a hard on, nor does it usually
. But I was able to filter out the negative things and really thoroughly enjoy all the mindfucks that I bestowed upon myself in the mushroom world.
After all the reading I have done I am especially respectful to the power that mushrooms have. I have access now to them through the contacts that I've gained. Next month I am going to take mushrooms again. Probably the same dose but I was contemplating something a little more.
I rarely panic on drugs, I only get very antsy and negative before they hit. I've done DMT a few times, though I have never broken through. I took LSD, two tabs, and I am going to be taking more of that soon. Once a drug takes over me I usually am pretty good at embracing it and letting it open me up as much as possible
The question is... is an eighth all I should be taking next time. I've heard it's a lot easier said than done to jump back into the mushroom world with high dosages as a beginner than more experienced. A lot of people don't recommend it, I was wondering what everyone here's stance is on dosing passed an eighth for a second trip.
Any and all advice is appreciated and will be considered, thank you for your time.
BTW. I understand set and setting, I know who I will be doing it with, where we're doing it and when. Please let me know what else I should take into consideration.
I had bought a gallon of orange juice because it sounded delicious, at the time I had no idea how well Vitamin C and orange juice as a whole would sit with mushrooms. Although I was more nervous than anyone else, I had a great trip. I had a few visuals, a lot of illusions really that were explained when I was sober and took a second look. I felt great the whole time, I thought I was a character in a movie and had to play my part the whole night. I had a blast, nothing negative.
Everyone else on the other hand had generally horrible trips. They all puked, I did not. Like I said they were experience, after searching and identifying they were definitely cubensis, that's all I know. Dried, long, white with slightly brown small caps and a little blue as I'm told blue is an ok thing.
Two people blacked out, the other guy puked and went totally negative the whole night. I had several great realizations and break throughs, they all thought they were ugly depressing human beings. One of my buddies was picking at his mouth and skin in the bathroom talking about how ugly and disgusting he was. I will admit my mirror image did not give me a hard on, nor does it usually

After all the reading I have done I am especially respectful to the power that mushrooms have. I have access now to them through the contacts that I've gained. Next month I am going to take mushrooms again. Probably the same dose but I was contemplating something a little more.
I rarely panic on drugs, I only get very antsy and negative before they hit. I've done DMT a few times, though I have never broken through. I took LSD, two tabs, and I am going to be taking more of that soon. Once a drug takes over me I usually am pretty good at embracing it and letting it open me up as much as possible
The question is... is an eighth all I should be taking next time. I've heard it's a lot easier said than done to jump back into the mushroom world with high dosages as a beginner than more experienced. A lot of people don't recommend it, I was wondering what everyone here's stance is on dosing passed an eighth for a second trip.
Any and all advice is appreciated and will be considered, thank you for your time.
BTW. I understand set and setting, I know who I will be doing it with, where we're doing it and when. Please let me know what else I should take into consideration.