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How Much From Here?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mrpink
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I took mushrooms for the first time last winter. I took a full eighth, my stomach was empty. I was with 3 others and a sober sitter in an apartment. I was very nervous and scared when I took them, everyone else took an eighth as well and they were all ready to bring it on.

I had bought a gallon of orange juice because it sounded delicious, at the time I had no idea how well Vitamin C and orange juice as a whole would sit with mushrooms. Although I was more nervous than anyone else, I had a great trip. I had a few visuals, a lot of illusions really that were explained when I was sober and took a second look. I felt great the whole time, I thought I was a character in a movie and had to play my part the whole night. I had a blast, nothing negative.

Everyone else on the other hand had generally horrible trips. They all puked, I did not. Like I said they were experience, after searching and identifying they were definitely cubensis, that's all I know. Dried, long, white with slightly brown small caps and a little blue as I'm told blue is an ok thing.

Two people blacked out, the other guy puked and went totally negative the whole night. I had several great realizations and break throughs, they all thought they were ugly depressing human beings. One of my buddies was picking at his mouth and skin in the bathroom talking about how ugly and disgusting he was. I will admit my mirror image did not give me a hard on, nor does it usually :). But I was able to filter out the negative things and really thoroughly enjoy all the mindfucks that I bestowed upon myself in the mushroom world.

After all the reading I have done I am especially respectful to the power that mushrooms have. I have access now to them through the contacts that I've gained. Next month I am going to take mushrooms again. Probably the same dose but I was contemplating something a little more.

I rarely panic on drugs, I only get very antsy and negative before they hit. I've done DMT a few times, though I have never broken through. I took LSD, two tabs, and I am going to be taking more of that soon. Once a drug takes over me I usually am pretty good at embracing it and letting it open me up as much as possible

The question is... is an eighth all I should be taking next time. I've heard it's a lot easier said than done to jump back into the mushroom world with high dosages as a beginner than more experienced. A lot of people don't recommend it, I was wondering what everyone here's stance is on dosing passed an eighth for a second trip.

Any and all advice is appreciated and will be considered, thank you for your time.

BTW. I understand set and setting, I know who I will be doing it with, where we're doing it and when. Please let me know what else I should take into consideration.
Potency varies with each mushroom, usually the weight of dried mushrooms gives a fair indication of what to expect.

I'd say increase to 12, psilo is the ultimate mindfuck, it bends consciousness way more severe than LSD, DMT or mescaline and is utterly profound. So be careful and capitulate to them.
What's an eigth again? I'd say most people here speak metric, we need at least a known unit so we can convert it to grams...

If you were the only one of your group being totally happy with the whole trip that may be a good sign, but don't be too self conscious about it.

A higher dose might always give you the hell of trip to both sides of your unconscious. I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. All my "bad" trips turned very good in the end - the deeper I had gone to the dark side at first, the greater the upturn towards the end. It's just that you should be prepared and not go in light-minded.
3.5 grams = an eighth

Yeah I'm not too worried about it. Seems I'll be with some fresh kids next time I do it. Long time best friends who have decided to take the journey.

The only thing I worry about is I've heard plenty of horror stories of kids going out their second time feeling ready to take on the whole mushrooms world and end up getting knocked on their ass because they've only taken small amounts. I think I am going to go for 5 grams this time. Amazonian Cubensis seem to be the most popular here so I'll most likely get those.

I'm just not interested in making my second time my last time, unless it's so apparent that it needs to be. I definitely have enjoyed the few psychadelics I've taken and realized that if I am going to be under a substances influences, psychadelics are the ones I want to be under.
yeah, an eight = 1/8 of an ounce

1 oz = 28 gram

28/8 = 3.5

Oh hahaha, I thought he meant 8 mushrooms. Yeah, 3.5 g -> 5 g will do the trick.
Brugmansia a dit:
Oh hahaha, I thought he meant 8 mushrooms. Yeah, 3.5 g -> 5 g will do the trick.

yea i would say 5 gms should bring u to your knees :shock: :D
mrpink a dit:
The only thing I worry about is I've heard plenty of horror stories of kids going out their second time feeling ready to take on the whole mushrooms world and end up getting knocked on their ass because they've only taken small amounts.

At some point that is always going to happen. For me it happened when I took my first extremely high dose which was approx. 10g
However it was a good thing, the experience of my life, including an hour or so of thinking that I have died and will float alone in the universe forever. You don't believe how happy I was when I realized I wasn't dead ;)
So I was thinking 3.5 grams in August. I'll be taking a few friends with me on their first mushroom trip, they're really good friends and I'm glad I'll get to share this with them. Then around September or October I will be in my new house and both my room mates are planning on taking 5 grams with me. I'll be familiar with the feeling, the setting will be great. Sweet.

Another question... if my understanding is correct, if I'm truly meant and able to explore a horrifying experience is not such a bad thing? I tend to here the worse the trip goes the better the ending is. The greater the 'downfall' the better the 'rise up' if those are the words one should happen to choose.

Thanks for the advice.
I'd advice taking them by yourself first before you move on to higher doses. Perhaps you can have a sitter present who doesn't interfere with the trip but is there for you when you need someone, but tripping alone is definitely very different from tripping with friends.
Alone seems to be the prime setting for the real blow your mind stuff. The real opening up and separating of your conscious seems to happen when you're alone. Dually noted. Thank you.
I am taking a 4 gram trip tonight if everything goes well. Two candy chocolates with 2 grams in them. I'm assuming they're cubensis but I am finding out for sure, I've heard of people around here taking a few grams dried and not knowing the mushrooms were super intense and getting blown off their rocker. I'll let everyone now how it goes.
:heart: & :idea:
Busted... dealer bailed minutes before meeting up. Laame, found new mushies. 4 gram trip next weekend. Also taking two new kids on a trip. Shall be fun...
The first time i took mushrooms, i had an abundance of the little guys and was wondering if i should really just go with the standard 8th, or use my complete lack of experience to my advantage and just jump down the rabbit hole. :D I ended up taking 7 grams... they kicked my ass but i somehow found my way to the closet, where i spent the rest of my trip smoking pot and thinking i was insane in an alternate universe and perfect in this one haha. i stumbled out about nine hours later with an overwhelming sense of respect for fungi. sorry for rambling but in a nutshell, i would say hide in your room and fill up. this will get you past the whole mindfuck part and properly acquaint you with that weird mushroom voice. :shock:
mrpink a dit:
Also taking two new kids on a trip. Shall be fun...
Will there be a sober but experienced sitter present to take care of you guys?
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
mrpink a dit:
Also taking two new kids on a trip. Shall be fun...
Will there be a sober but experienced sitter present to take care of you guys?

Well I ended up finding a nice little park to take 5 grams in with two of my buddies. It was all our first time to go passed the 3.5 gram mark. In short, we had a blast, the mushrooms were not weird at all. I felt like I was in a some sort of stereotypical 60's psycahdelic tv trip. But I was also pretty inward, had some of the most beautiful and vivid visuals I can even begin to imagine. The trip was very satisfying and fulflling... for now.

As for the new kids, we will be doing mushrooms in the near future but not for awhile. I'm going to find some cyans for my first all inclusive trip to myself. I'm preparing for that this winter when I plan on taking around 5 grams of cyanescens alone... Maybe less maybe more once I get my studying time together.