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How long is the effect of weed supposed to last?

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Elfe Mécanique
Hello fellow citizens. Lately I've been trying weed since so many people use it and since I read somewhere on this board that it has psychedelic / mind expanding effects so I wanted to see for myself.

I've shared in only a few joints since last October and this week for the first time smoked pure weed in a pipe, which I enjoyed much better since I don't smoke tobacco.

The effect always lasts up to 24 hours. Of course there's a peak the first, what shall I say, 4 hours or so, but the next day (all occassions I smoked where on evenings) I'll still feel way more relaxed than usual, body and mind. With higher doses I still feel the effects the evening after the evening I smoked! This becomes very apparent when I take a piss, it just keeps flowing until my bladder seems totally empty because the muscles are more relaxed than usual.

Isn't this weird? People tell me it normally doesn't last that long. I've read the effects of weed last 2 to 4 hours. Someone said that it's just that my body doesn't know how to break down THC yet. I wonder... I don't really mind, I've been having some good experiences / mindstates on marihuana, it's a great herb!
When you don't smoke pot every day, than you will definitely still feel it the next day. Those of us who have been smoking every day for years don't really notice but the average weed high I would say is about 4-5 hours, but after effects of around 24 hours.

I'm no pro on these boards yet though :p
JustinNed a dit:
the average weed high I would say is about 4-5 hours, but after effects of around 24 hours.

exactly... THC stays in the body very long.
Yeah, pure, fresh quality weed in a pipe (my favorite way to smoke it) can definitely get pretty psychedelic.. I try to limit myself to smoking or consuming weed once or twice a week (sometimes more or less) and I always feel it the next day. I totally think it depends on how much you smoke too.. the more, the longer the high, the longer the after effects.

I'm sure the long-term seasoned cannabis users have had this experience more than me.. but the few times when I've actually tripped on weed.. (like.. really went somewhere, changes in vision, changes in my perception of space, size and time, closed eye visuals).. I smoked in the evening, and sometimes when I woke up I was still tripping on and off for a few hours..

Which is why I try to smoke or eat it less often, I want to keep those psychedelic effects and not lose them :D (easier said than done)
st.bot.32 a dit:
Which is why I try to smoke or eat it less often, I want to keep those psychedelic effects and not lose them :D (easier said than done)

I can tell you they don't go away :wink:

AAH thursday i'll smoke my first joint since the 14th of november... :mrgreen:
24h aint abnormal, especially if your a first timer and even moreso when your an experienced psychonaut since you are probably more aware of your self-being then most 'normal' people.

My mom ate spacecake a while back and had the effects for over 24h even! Mind that that was her first time and she's a tad older. Kudos Mom!!
Waking up high is the shit.
Forkbender a dit:
Waking up high is the shit.
there is nothing to add.

I always enjoyed it when I was sleeping at a friends place when I woke up, he has always been lying next to me with a rolled joint ^^. man I loved starting the day with weed. I always had more laughing fits in the morning than on afternoon

there is no better way to start the day (on weekends, I never smoked before school.)
I once ate a load of weedbutter just before going to sleep after going out (didn't drink anything). Woke up so high I was floating above my bed.
And it's supposed to change you forever. :wink:
Thanks for all the replies guys!
I just stoped smoking last august after more than 30 years of daily use and i have noticed these borderes . The high lasts about 4 - 5 hours with smoking normal cannabis , with good stuff it lasts about 1 and a half days . Then theres an obvious relaxed period of about 24 hours after that , or another 2 or 3 days with good stuff . If you then stop there is a period of about three days of swetting , feeling nervous , strangly awake and not sleeping properly with lucid dreams . After about six weeks i couldnt feel it in my body anymore but i still felt my moods and emotions were out of balance and the lucid dreaming was still strong . After six months everything seems to be back to normal emotionaly and my moods seem to have balenced out but the lucid dreaming is still going on but is not as much .
note to self: when able to, sleep with a joint and a lighter next to bed :)
I feel high for maybe hour or two. And it doesn't really depend of the amount smoked- if I take more, I''ll just be wasted, which I really dislike.
misery a dit:
man I loved starting the day with weed. I always had more laughing fits in the morning than on afternoon

there is no better way to start the day (on weekends, I never smoked before school.)

totally agree dude! every saturday morning im at my friends place and as soon as were both awake its out to hit the bong!!

theres something about being high in the early morning thats just so....beautiful maybe its because you have a new day ahead of you in which anything is achievable and nothing is impossible! :D as soon as it gets warmer i intend on smoking a session with my friends as the sun rises!

i just wish i lived close to a beach, nothing more beautiful than watching the sunrise over a lake and seeing the mist gently rolling above the water
mmm i'd rather be stoned out of my mind in the evening and wake up fresh like a rose in the morning after a 9 hours sleep
i wake up and the effects of MJ are gone yet i feel like the bed is the best thing in the world
no matter where i sleep (of course once i slept at home and woke up after 8 hours of sleep and stayed in bed another 4 hours :lol: )
seriously i dislike waking up hi or stoned or hungover or drunk
when i wake up i love to be myself :D
"How long is the effect of weed supposed to last?"

As long as possible...........
Anyone felt high at a random point during the day?
I think this is when fat reserves containing cannabinoids are released into your blood.

Its quite fun sometimes, hehehe!
Heey buffa sounds kind of plausible... i indeed have experienced this ... yeah it's kind of cool!! :D it can get quite strong while not on weed, but while on rest-weed or somethin', but kind of resembles the high on weed!!

Yeah!! definately a good thing!! :D