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Horrific 2ci trip. Please just talk to me.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Irbreadslave
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Hey Irbreadslave:yawinkle: Its taken me for ages to log into here because passwords didn't work. This is first post I have seen since its all gone all new fangled here

I am SO sorry to hear what happened to you. It is TERRIBLE to give something like psychedelics and not inform the person about it! That evil shit is what the CIA did, and it caused much distress and even suicides.
MY very first trip was done like that by these hippies. Although on one hand I resent what they did, on the other it was an amazing life-changer,and resolved a lot of toxic shit that had built up in even young me (I was only 15). But I remember that the latter part of the trip I freaked out and everyone went green. Don't remember much after that.

I feel what has happened to you ios that BECAUSE of that terrible abuse, and thus the set and setting being absolutely not right, that you have been left with the effects of that. Ideally then I would suggest you have another Trip--is possible with someone you can trust, who isn't tripping, knows about what you have been through and is there to give you company and support (IF you know anyone get back to me and I will encourage them to watch a video about giving support to someone who is having psychedelic experience)

THIS time you must very much emphasize self-love. You may talk to the substance (do a little ritual) and the Four Corners, and spirits, and tell them what happened and you ask their help to help you heal from that abuse to your body and soul. And in this way you are creating the proper intelligent, and loving context for your opening up. because this is what psychedelic experience is--is your whole being opening up like a flower

Have a flower in the place you trip, and relate to that in this way. I read a very moving account of someone who had psychedelic healing who at part of the trip the flower that was in the room looked wilted and dead, but later when he started feeling all reinvigorated it looked blooming and full of life!

So please pay serious attention to what I am encouraging.
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This is what is wrong when you have to buy unregulated substances you cannot trust. you literally dont know what your ingesting. People are dying from this----not 2ci, as far as I know. I am not familiar with it-0----as I have heard in last few weeks some young people dying after taking some 'party drugs'. So it can be that serious.
So you say it is a form of LSD? And you didn't realize just how much of a dose it was. You then have a hellish experience which goes on for 12 hours. It must have been really terrible.

So you have this really distressing experience and hey look...NO SUPPORT. The only resort you have is a psychedelic forum. This is exactly this culture. If you went to their doctors or shrinks they would call what you had experienced "psychosis", and therefore "mental; illness", and they would see your present experiences resulting from that as "symptoms of psychosis"--or some pseudo medical scientific BS terms they would jot down in their little book so you couldn't see. And then no doubt they would want to put you onto "ANTI-PSYCHOTICS". But those drugs are toxic and can harm your nervous system and they come from a mindset that has lost its soul and thinks we are robots, so I would trust them as much I would trust the person you get your psychedelics from. Though what you could have done--taking responsibility for yourself--was only take a half of what you had got to test the water, because as said you don't know what measure your getting

I think I may have mentioned Rick Doblin before. He is with MAPS which are trying to bring psychedelic healing into the community. Maybe you could find a way of contacting him. It could be--used to be [email protected] and tell him your situation and what he would recommend?

This is what I would recommend: Try and acquire some psychedelic that is from the earth, like magic mushrooms. Don't take too many, but spend a LOT of thought on set and setting, and talk to the sacrament in a deep intimate open way how you feel, and what your intent is. In your case it could be to find the source of why you feel so bad. Make sure you will not be disturbed when you ingest the psychedelic(would be good if you had support from a friend also) and then love and trust the experience. Give your self at least a whole day after the Trip to explore what you experienced/are experiencing.
ooops I had assumed that OP was just new. Oh well my advice still stands ;))
The biggest problems w/ the 2Cs, or any of the RCs for that matter, is that people mistake them for other substances and then do the wrong doseages etc.
Especially if people insufflate these substances. Oral might be 20-30mg but snorted is around 7mg. And most people do not have a scale that accurate.
Then when you add people selling these things as LSD or MDMA and you get all kinds of problems.
It always comes down to knowing your source and doing a small tester dose in a safe environment. For this reason I bring my own stuff to festivals as just getting something on shakedown street can be a lot more iffy than in years past.
To the OP; I hope that time fades the horror or the trip and that you get something out of it in the end. For the meantime do your best to keep yourself occupied fruitfully and meditate and I am sure this will fade into the background and all will be well. Many blessings and best wishes to you.
I would have to disagree with you zest. When I had my 2C-I freakout my counselors were very supportive and not judgmental, and advised against me taking any medication. I would definitely advice therapy to help if anyone is experiencing something similar with no medication of any sort. It went once a week for about 3 months on my campus. No good therapist is gonna say you have a psychosis unless you are basically not able to respond with logically answers. My best friend has a shroom induced psychosis, trust me if that therapist had any training at all, they will notice it. Kinda of hard to misdiagnose.
I regard myself as a trip baby. Back in the nineties, when friends would.drop a hit or two of LSD, I would eat a ten strip. "Bad trips" were some of the best experiences that I ever experienced. Most vivid hallucinations and an awareness that rivalled all consciousness. Maybe it is because I am/was really in touch with my dark side, but you must embrace yer fears rather than shun them. Don't run. Stand and face them, and when it all subsides (and it will.........eventually) you will be a stronger person.
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The 2C-I trip is releaving that you're life is pretty messed up. I would suggest going to a quiet room Write down all of your problems in life as well as the horrible experience you had with 2C-I. Take 80mg propranolol. Have a trusted friend read what you wrote on paper and think about your problems. Relive them in your mind and imagine them as if it were happening at the moment. The next day, you should wake up just fine. The fresher these bad memories, the better. The propranolol helps you to let go and let go of the negativity associated with your life. Propranolol helps you move on. You will have to improve your life though, or you will have new bad memories that you may surpress like the last ones that are stuck in your subconscious mind. You have negative feelings towards some of your past experiences in life. I don't blame you, but it's time to truely let go and move on. You'll still remember those memories, but it'll be like watching paint dry when you let go. Propranolol helps you realize that you are not your experience. You are just having the experience. You are not irbreadslave. You are just having the experience of irbreadslave. Matter is only fluctuations of energy in multi-dimensional strings.
Wow Swimchem5 that is a very good idea. I've never heard anyone suggest anything like that but I believe that may be a very important step in bad trip management...

Thanks for posting that.
propranolol....? Thats evil big pharma shit. Dont trust them. Stick with the sacred medicine!
I had an experience like yours once, I got something laced with PCP. It was horrible and I thought that I would never come back. In some ways I didn't, they were positives. Every other way that mattered... I made it back. Hang in there and you will pull through!
Irbreadslave a dit:
does anyone else have extreme sensitivity to lights and colours after their bad trip? and certain temperatures make you feel like
you're triippppiiiiiing out?

does anyone else have extreme sensitivity to lights and colours after their bad trip? and certain temperatures make you feel like
you're triippppiiiiiing out?[/QUOTE]

So i took 2C-I for the first time last weekend but I was expecting it and had a crazy good time. Its all about what you expect, where your head is, and how much you take. I totally agree with the sensitivity to your visual intake and temperature sensitivity the same thing was happening to me the first couple of days (letting me know that this drug was no joke..) . I honestly was just browsing Google trying to learn more about 2C and I came across this thread, so I made a user account to speak on my account of the drug. I really want to tell you that it will go away but I'm not sure what to say because it is one of those really deep experiences (like a really heavy acid trip) that changes you and stays with you for quite some time. I know I still feel the effects of this 2c trip from last weekend but I wanted the change; the expansion.

Just try to take this experience as a positive lesson to
one: always trust your drug dealer with your life ( if that be a doctor, friend, some shit bag, etc..)
two: Know that everything happens for a reason if it was not meant to be it would not have happened so be at peace with the situation and focus on your life and i am assured that this will leave you with time. Try listening to some youtube videos with Eckhart Tolle and his views on stillness of the mind it might help.

One love between all

you must understand something. drugs just open you, you, your feelings, your mind is creating trip...you are just more open and can see and feel things that are always here but you couldn't see them.. this is what happens in Schizophrenia, people open up but are not ready for it, and no one arround them understand this to teach them how to manage this situations, how to stay calm..that is why you start with small doses and understand bad trip, why and how..you must understand that you are creator and if you think negative you will radiate and attract that kind of energy..be in the present moment as much as you can, without thought, try listening to psy trance or psy ambiental music, i reccomend shpongle, with headphones..important, don't listen it, feel it..meditate and be in positive surrounding as much as you can, and don't be affraid...many want and are working their whole life to achieve that kind of state..just listen to yourself and understand your fears are your obstacles and by overcamng them you are living your path...smile :)
How did it work out? I went through a similar post trip depression and I struggled to feel wisdom and insight. In the end what really saved me was yoga. It seemed to distribute the energy more neutrally around the body rather than all that anxious worry squeezing into the main neurotransmitter centres in my brain and stomach. Swimming was a good second and long walks, short walks never made me feel stable but a long meditative, rhythmic walk helped. I'm sure you are fine now but I am really interested to hear how things unfolded. Good luck :heart:
Though natural medicine has more answers than big pharma, not all of big pharma's stuff is evil. Propranolol's a nootropic. Only about half of the stuff big pharma has is evil. The bigger issues are the DEA, Corporations, Illuminati, and the buying up of the FDA by corporations. Government is much more evil. If it wasn't for the FDA and others, stuff like IndanylAminoPropane, Tametraline, Phenylpiracetam, and Dimethylamylamine would probably be more available. The third thing to consider are semi-synthetics(half natural, half synthetic). The MDxx series and 2C-x series are examples. An example is how MDMA can effectively treat parkinson's. http://ecstasy.org/info/parkinsons.html
Another example is how MDxA is further modified to cure blood cancer.
BBC News - Modified ecstasy 'attacks blood cancers'
2C-D and other 2C-x has been reported to enhance cognition at low doses.
2C-D | Smarter Nootropics
The one thing I don't like about the modern era is how they destroy nature. Nature often provides at least half the answer. 8)