Home-grown mushs, still legal in Netherlands

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If holy people didnt grow and sell "drugs" comercialy there would be no supply .
The company that supplied all Dutch smartshops with fresh mushrooms wasn't run by psychonauts or holy men. They simply produced them, and many vendors sold them without proper guidance.

Good to see you back GOD. I hope you are well.
Some shops still have shrooms left right now, but they will be all gone by the weekend. The suppliers of the shops have stopped producing them and cannot sell them to the shops, so that's the end.
The company that supplied all Dutch smartshops with fresh mushrooms wasn't run by psychonauts or holy men.

So you actually talked with them? I wonder since my best friend has been there and talked to them and has a different opinion on that. Companies can be commercial and have an ideal at the same time, hence Azarius right?
No, I haven't met them. But I've heard repeatedly that they didn't do mushrooms themselves. Not to criticize them or anything, I just think the term 'holy men' is a bit over the top. Even the people in charge of certain online smartshops spend their weekends under the influence of alcohol rather than meditation or psychedelics.
Yes that's clear. Well I don't know about holy men, I guess it's a personal concept. I find people who make a living promoting/growing/selling entheogens, even if they are not the perfect rolemodels we imagine, are much more holy men than what we perceive as holy men in our culture.

And I guess God would prefer, if he existed, such holy men 100 times over the sorry excuses we have nowadays for holy men in the form of ministers and pastors. But that's just my opinion ;)
Yes, I fully agree with you from that perspective. It's a noble job to produce and distribute entheogens, no doubt!