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High School Teen Accepts Penalty for Marijuana Speech

Caduceus Mercurius

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Ian Barry says he wasn't trying to be a martyr when he lit a marijuana joint this week at Peninsula High School in Gig Harbor, nor was he trying to pull a stunt. Simply put, the 17-year-old junior wanted to drive home the message of his persuasive essay: Marijuana doesn't deserve its negative stigma and should be legalized.

On Friday, Barry told The News Tribune that he knew what the consequences would be for his bold tactics, but he was willing to accept them.

After his speech Tuesday, he was arrested and sent to Remann Hall juvenile detention center in Tacoma. He was ousted from school on an emergency expulsion.

He says he fully accepts his punishment. He faces misdemeanor charges of unlawful drug possession after police found the container that he carried the joint in and that contained marijuana residue. He also understands this will go on his record.

"I see myself as someone who holds himself to a high moral value," Barry said via cell phone. "I stand up for what I believe in."

News of his speech and arrest spread quickly, as local and national media outlets picked up his story. But more importantly, he said, his story has created a dialogue about whether marijuana should be legalized.

"As Sir Isaac Newton said, 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,' " Barry said. "I don't think there would have been another way I could have gotten this reaction."

Here is Barry's account of what happened:

About a month ago, he and the rest of the students in Peninsula's Rhetoric Revels group were asked to produce a persuasive speech. The group meets monthly to celebrate student work in English classes. He said a classmate suggested that he present a speech on legalizing marijuana. He said he has smoked pot since he was 12, and the topic made sense because it was something in which he believed. Barry, who has a 3.7 grade-point average, stressed that he took the assignment seriously. In fact, what was supposed to be a two-page paper turned into 15 pages. But to prove his point and get the attention of all students, Barry decided to take the now-famous puffs.

On Tuesday, about 150 students gathered in Peninsula High's auditorium. They had heard about his plans and wanted to see it for themselves. When it was his turn to speak, Barry said he walked on stage and read the first seven pages. Then, before he turned to the eighth page, he pulled out the joint that was hidden in his dreadlocks. He said he lit up, took a toke, then read the rest of his speech, occasionally stopping to take a puff.

"There was a huge cheer when I lit up," he recalled.

Among the topics covered in his speech: marijuana's medicinal benefits and its undeserved reputation of being harmful. It lasted about 12 minutes. When he was done, Barry walked backstage, took a few more hits, then ate the little bit that remained of the joint.

One of his friends went to check on him backstage, then the two sat back down in the audience. A school administrator walked to Barry, escorted him out and eventually to the principal's office.

Barry said a police officer showed up, put him in handcuffs and drove him to Remann Hall. He was booked, fingerprinted and photographed before being released to his father about an hour later.

In the days since his speech, he's been both defended and condemned in dozens of online comments on the story on The News Tribune's Web site. Barry said he's been encouraged by some of the comments, but it's fine if people disagree with his stance. He just hopes people realize that he was simply trying to get his message across and wasn't afraid of his punishment.

His future is in flux. He will meet with Peninsula administrators to determine whether he should be allowed to finish classes. He's also looking beyond high school at college. Barry is considering a career in English or politics. He said he's going to take the SAT test today. His first college of choice: "California, probably Humboldt" State University, he said.

Source: High Times

Video of Barry smoking the joint: YouTube
He would have been smarter if he had waited graduation....should have applied for the final speech...maybe he didn't get accepted and decided to go for it this way? :?
may the force be with you Ian Barry.
I don't know what to say. mixed feelings.
Bold man. Mr.Barry has earned m respect, I'll say that much. I'm most impressed that he did it with full knowledge of the likely consequences.
I too have mixed feelings. A brave but slightly foolish act. The fact is sadly that this will in no way lead to any lessening of the laws on weed, we are stuck with them, if anything they will just get worse. I hope that by taking this stand Mr Barry has not screwed up his future. There are in this day and age possibilities that the act will lead to great success..maybe Oprah will pick up on it, then the book, documentaries blah blah blah and therefore bring the issue into mainstream for awhile which is always good but ultimately the mainstream will just think about it for a while before being distracted by whoever Angelina is wearing or sleeping with or whatever and the laws remain the same.
None the less kudos to Mr Barry..go on son.
The fact is sadly that this will in no way lead to any lessening of the laws on weed, we are stuck with them, if anything they will just get worse.

With that attitude you may as well roll over and die...

Do you think women rights came by themselves? Animal rights? Gay rights?


The only fact here is that someone was brave enough to stand up for all of us, regardless of the consequences.
Nice guy. But I don't understand why he accepted all the penalties. He should've rejected them with all the arguments he had during his speech.
I don't think marijuana should be banned, but I also am not cool with it being made to be a cool thing to smoke all the time neither

I speak from experience because I toked from 15 and gave up 3 years ago after many many mannnny years of tokin every day religiously

I dont like how only the positives are focused on and not the negatives. It is a drug and has toxicity. It accumulates in the muscles and doesn't flush out as quickly as alcohol--though I am not recommending that neither

MAny kids are reported to be going 'psychotic' from smoking--mostly the stronger vaerities that are unnaturally grown now hydroponically. I do not believe in the myth of mental illness, but i DO know distress and what is implied by that psychiatric term. What will happen is them being labeled 'schizophrenic' and then having other toxic drugs pushed on them!

So you got the 'cool brigade' pushing it that dope is cool--and ignoreing stuff like that, and the other side ready to make a mint from the ones seeking psychiatric 'care'

RATHER the s9olution is to find ways where we dont feel the need to be freakin stoned all the freakin time! What is wrong with natrual life? Let us explore that
Good arguments, but the CHOICE to smoke shouldn't be superimposed by laws and the risk of breaking them.
Meduzz a dit:
Good arguments, but the CHOICE to smoke shouldn't be superimposed by laws and the risk of breaking them.

[Spot on my friend. The State should not have any say on how much plant material I inhale.]

zezt a dit:
I don't think marijuana should be banned, but I also am not cool with it being made to be a cool thing to smoke all the time neither

I speak from experience because I toked from 15 and gave up 3 years ago after many many mannnny years of tokin every day religiously

I dont like how only the positives are focused on and not the negatives. It is a drug and has toxicity. It accumulates in the muscles and doesn't flush out as quickly as alcohol--though I am not recommending that neither

[Marijuana effects everyone differently. For some, a joint every half hour helps control nervous habits and OCD-like behavior. Others, a joint in the morning will put them into a day long stupor. It's important to keep in mind that a 'drug' is simply a label which we have designated for something we consume which provides a marked change in perception. Unfortunately, this term 'drug' has an undeniably negative connotation which aides in the negligent behavior and education we have regarding most 'drugs.' The reality is that we are chemical beings with a constantly changing chemical makeup. Sobriety is an illusion. We are constantly in a chemical flux, hunger and thirst are our most addictive drugs with life threatening withdrawal symptoms. We often refer to a sugar-rush but most don't consider sugar a 'drug.' Caffeine, a powerful stimulant is rarely discussed as a drug. Similarly, we often hear of Drugs, Alcohol and Cigarettes as if they are separate things.]

zezt a dit:
MAny kids are reported to be going 'psychotic' from smoking--mostly the stronger vaerities that are unnaturally grown now hydroponically. I do not believe in the myth of mental illness, but i DO know distress and what is implied by that psychiatric term. What will happen is them being labeled 'schizophrenic' and then having other toxic drugs pushed on them!

So you got the 'cool brigade' pushing it that dope is cool--and ignoreing stuff like that, and the other side ready to make a mint from the ones seeking psychiatric 'care'

RATHER the s9olution is to find ways where we dont feel the need to be freakin stoned all the freakin time! What is wrong with natrual life? Let us explore that

[I have never read anything with even the slightest bit of conclusive evidence that Cannabis contributes to Schizophrenia. Please provide some evidence of this absurd claim along with claims that there is anything 'toxic' about Cannabis and it staying in your muscles for a long period of time.

"Natural life" please explain further... In my mind the glasses you wear alter the way you view the room they do not create a new room or remove you from the one you're in; they simply provide an alternate lens for you to gaze through temporarily.]

[Sorry if I picked your post apart zezt but many of your points and views on 'drug use' are in the opposite direction of progress in my mind.]
amazing the hypocrisy in the world.

there will no doubt be people who shun this boy for doing what he believes in yet gratify Martin Luther King jr. despite the fact this was just his philosophy...break a stupid law, undergo the harsh penalty and show the world what a simple thing like smoking or sitting in the wrong place within a twisted political system can do to your life.

jail sentences, permanent records, criminal history, probation.

kid picked a good college though haha..more green comes from that tri-county area than any other place in the US.
GanjaSoulDiver a dit:
Meduzz a dit:
Good arguments, but the CHOICE to smoke shouldn't be superimposed by laws and the risk of breaking them.

[Spot on my friend. The State should not have any say on how much plant material I inhale.]

zezt a dit:
I don't think marijuana should be banned, but I also am not cool with it being made to be a cool thing to smoke all the time neither

I speak from experience because I toked from 15 and gave up 3 years ago after many many mannnny years of tokin every day religiously

I dont like how only the positives are focused on and not the negatives. It is a drug and has toxicity. It accumulates in the muscles and doesn't flush out as quickly as alcohol--though I am not recommending that neither

[Marijuana effects everyone differently. For some, a joint every half hour helps control nervous habits and OCD-like behavior. Others, a joint in the morning will put them into a day long stupor. It's important to keep in mind that a 'drug' is simply a label which we have designated for something we consume which provides a marked change in perception. Unfortunately, this term 'drug' has an undeniably negative connotation which aides in the negligent behavior and education we have regarding most 'drugs.' The reality is that we are chemical beings with a constantly changing chemical makeup. Sobriety is an illusion. We are constantly in a chemical flux, hunger and thirst are our most addictive drugs with life threatening withdrawal symptoms. We often refer to a sugar-rush but most don't consider sugar a 'drug.' Caffeine, a powerful stimulant is rarely discussed as a drug. Similarly, we often hear of Drugs, Alcohol and Cigarettes as if they are separate things.]

zezt a dit:
MAny kids are reported to be going 'psychotic' from smoking--mostly the stronger vaerities that are unnaturally grown now hydroponically. I do not believe in the myth of mental illness, but i DO know distress and what is implied by that psychiatric term. What will happen is them being labeled 'schizophrenic' and then having other toxic drugs pushed on them!

So you got the 'cool brigade' pushing it that dope is cool--and ignoreing stuff like that, and the other side ready to make a mint from the ones seeking psychiatric 'care'

RATHER the s9olution is to find ways where we dont feel the need to be freakin stoned all the freakin time! What is wrong with natrual life? Let us explore that

[I have never read anything with even the slightest bit of conclusive evidence that Cannabis contributes to Schizophrenia. Please provide some evidence of this absurd claim along with claims that there is anything 'toxic' about Cannabis and it staying in your muscles for a long period of time.

"Natural life" please explain further... In my mind the glasses you wear alter the way you view the room they do not create a new room or remove you from the one you're in; they simply provide an alternate lens for you to gaze through temporarily.]

[Sorry if I picked your post apart zezt but many of your points and views on 'drug use' are in the opposite direction of progress in my mind.]

I know sugar and caffiene are drugs, and thus don't recommend them either!

I am guessing by your response in favour of everyday-smoke-a-ganga that that is what you do?...Why? What makes you, if my assumptions is correct, need to be under the influence of THC (the active ingredient that makes you feel 'high'), feel that need?
I speak from experience remember--it was my religion. I could never have imagined that I now would be sat here saying this, and not having toked in three years, and feeling great about it.
I realize I can feel JUSt as connected, and cool, and interelated without constantly sucking toxic smoke into me lungs and arteries.

Did you know elder Jamaicans --not the Rasta generation, who are quite old now, but their elders--view ganja as medicine that they would have in tea WHEN they needed it, not everyday?

As for your wanting me provide evidence that tokin causes 'schizophrenia'...? I do not believe in the mental illness myth, let me make that clear. They use such terms as 'schizophrenia' and 'psychosis' to mean a biological disease, and then coerce people AND children to take very toxic 'meds' they call 'treatment'. I am very against that, and activist also about it.

BUT what I mean is this---that many young people have been told it is cool to toke all the time. So many youths will Skunk up. This means they are using highly and unnatrually grown and powerful forms of ganja. And they will toke the minuet they get up throughout the day. I have been around this, and they will spliff up and drown the tobbacco they use as base. Even I--aware of the strength of Skunk--tried to put much lesser amounts in, but still got very stoned!

What that does to the bodymind is NOT good! It makes you feel groggy, mushed-out And it is being said that more and more youths are suffering 'psychosis'. translated this will mean that they will be
heres an article--you have to read between the lines http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style ... 40750.html

But doing so it means that when a person, maybe especially a young kids whose brain is still developning is constanlty taking a powerful stimulant like ganja then it can bring to the surface all kinds of unconscious stuff that in the set and setting of this culture can be very frightening, like paranoia etc

So I would sooner not encourage youths to take this 'cool' drug as though it has no negatives
I feel you're misunderstanding what I'm saying and may need to brush up on your understanding of the chemical makeup of cannabis.

To classify the mental state of "being high" is merely a name we give to a perception of our mind-body state. This perception is constant and constantly changing; it's called our consciousness. When I am "getting high" it is done in stride - just like I eat when I'm hungry, I smoke when I feel the desire.
I am fully aware of the health risks involved with this and am extremely comfortable with the consequences. I have a unending respect for the plant and it's sacredness and also the sacredness of it's co-evolution with mankind on earth, a partnership along with other ancient entheogens and "drugs" like coca(ine), coffee, sugar.

I don't want to see a world with a majority of teenagers wake and baked out to the point that it affects their schooling but I doubt that will happen. I also don't want to see what I see now! A world with capitalistic caffeine driven wannabe gangsters who, once they make the move to cocaine their egos erupt as their inner beauty coils into the shadows.

In my life their hasn't been any ill consequences of my habitual cannabis use. In reality, the new awareness offered through this sacred plant has brought me through many rough spells, inspires me daily and has forced me to educate myself in order to rationalize the lifestyle which I live. I value rationality highly.

I feel that at an early age - when I imagine most kids are offered cannabis between 13 and 16 they have (or at least SHOULD have) the cognitive capacity to understand (if educated which is a whole other issue) that taking up extreme habitual cannabis smoking early in life - before the brain fully develops has a risk of de-motivating you to the point that you will stop excercising your brain and will effectively become a moron. But! ANYTHING could have this effect, video games to ADD. Education will be the answer and not just school education I mean parenting. My parents were open with me about "drugs" and their effects and my life has been all the better.

I smoke Chronic Organic Vegan Indoor Soil Grown DANKNESS all day long because I utilize this plant to better myself and the world around me.

Mental illness is no myth. It's not considered a biological disease it's a mental disorder. Were it simply biological we'd have more of a handle on them. Certainly pharmaceuticals are over prescribed and this may result in your disbelief of mental disorders however I don't understand how you can argue that schizophrenics and manics and any other "unstable" people don't also benefit from a small percentage of the pharmaceuticals correctly prescribed.

I ask you this. Do you never take any sort of medicine? From your views on "drugs" it seems like you would only want your body to battle it out "naturally."

Ganja is NOT a stimulant.

I'm done.
good points there! i say nature shouldn't be prohibited and beneficial plants like cannabis least of all. but what should be there should be GOOD information and everyone can access the information for educational purposes, with the goal of letting everybody themselves decide what to do with they bodies.

like "don't do it if you're too young" or" be aware of the risks when taking it too much", or the risks when you might have a latent psychosis, traumas ... so this could lead to a generally more responsible use than what is going on now. also no criminalization for this should be very beneficial for general society and individual fates.

He defonetly deserves some kudos for that, and although cool that he sparked up mid-speech if we want something done for real regarding legalizing cannabis we have to prove we can be sensible.

But hats off for barry!

P.s. first post, hey!