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high lsd dose

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Tunnelvision
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Im gonna write a tripreport now and eat some.

I am curious, are you going to post it here?

Like mrvn said, i wish i would make a mistake like that. I could never choose to do it with my own will ;)

Great to have you back!

Good to hear it went well! :) Lol what was I thinking. 800 milligrams :lol: guess I'm not an expert on this. I just saw nobody answered your post and thought you might launch soon, so I wanted to reassure you. srry if I startled you :oops:
Some experienced people say the right dose for a strong LSD trip is 1200 micrograms. Above that it doesn't get any stronger for nobody, but many people have obviously taken 1200 micrograms without harm.

I think LSD becomes physically dangerous in only much much higher doses, like in the gram area.
Based on the real world murder of lab animals the following results HAVE been published for LD50 studies of LSD-25:
(Please bear in mind that an oral LD50 is commonly 2 or 3X an intravenous LD50)

Mouse (intravenous)

46 mg/ kg (citing Rothlin & Cerletti (1957) Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 66: 668)
65 mg/ kg (citing information provided by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals)

Rat (intravenous)

16.5 mg/ kg (citing Rothlin & Cerletti (1957) above)

I omitted the rabbit figures as rabbits are extremely overly sensitive to all the major hallucinogens except for mescaline and similar. Source for the above was Usdin & Efron (1979) Psychotropic Drugs and Related Compounds (2nd Edition).

Please also note the values above are given as mg/kg of body weight not as simple mg doses. They suggest a human dose, regardless of the route of administration, would be radically greater than 14 mg.

If averaging the low and high values above, the value obtained is ~41 mg/ kg of body weight. Since this is an IV value (& assuming people respond like rodents)an oral LD50 would likely be in excess of 80 mg/kg (Meaning it would take just over 5 grams for someone of my body weight).

Even taking the lowest figure (16 mg/kg) we still wind up with an LD50 of more than a gram of acid for a 65 kg human; even if using the IV figure as an oral one!


LSD has a very wide safety margin :lol:
I omitted the rabbit figures as rabbits are extremely overly sensitive to all the major hallucinogens except for mescaline and similar

st.bot.32 a dit:
There's a lot of hardcore psychonauts who have done above the 1 milligram dose.. especially back in the era of strong blotter. As it has been communicated to me, at this kind of dose the trip really just comes to you

Personally I've never even been able to find that much acid at once in these parts. Perhaps someday though.. ;)

All of my lsd trips have always been above the 1 mg range. It's where I find myself most pleased at. Granted I still drive a car on the highways while on this and interact with society. Man, I never see people so scared for thier lives when they look at me.
^ :shock:

You drive a car at 1000 mics?!? That is either insane or you got some serious tolerance.
To me 500 ug at once was fine, but it shouldn't have been more either. Honestly I can say that I didn't knew what full synthesia was before that experience. The constant buzzing vibration, hearing certain noises like bleeps or zooms when looking at certain objects and feeling the head as a spaceship. The heart pulse clearly connected with the brain center.

The whole 'double-sided' eye-sight, literally seeing crawling grey climbing plants on the white wall, and chequered patterns on the floor rollin'. Big and small fluctuated a lot. Everything went 'slow'. Though all with a bright awareness that it was the acid. CEV's just silver and a white spectrum, though some lines purple and yellow. Completely different than 250, which was way more colourful and less physical. And even 375 (flowerpower!) was still more comparable with 250 than 500.

It was also the only and first time in where I felt the 'unprotected' half of LSD's chemical character, it made sense how it could destabilise one's identity area in a degenerate manner.

I wonder what would come out when crossing this amount, but to me it felt as this was more or less the maximum potency of acid as a classic psychedelic, I suspect the 625-1000 range would act more as a dissociative psychedelic. I like 250 ug the most, I don't have to let go entirely so keeping focus on the music, insights and CEV's goes pleasantly smooth.
If it is your first time, you will most likely freak out, but after the tough part is over you'll love it. I think everybody has trouble with psychedelics when they first journey into new territory (new drug, very deep dose that rockets you to a level you've never been to before, etc...), it's the anxiety over the unknown. However, acid lasts a long time, and after that very intense time (much easier if you accept it), you'll ride out the next 10 hours of your trip. Have fun.
This isn't exactly scientific, but the best blotter I've gotten my hands on was somewhere in the range of 100-120 mics. I took 10 of those one night and had one of the most beautiful LSD experiences of my life. Of course I had a great set and setting, and was dosing with a close friend. I didn't seem to notice much in the way of physical effects, except during the peak where I encountered minor body rushes and such.