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No, I used a syringe with spores already in it.
I shaked it real good before injecting!
You must shake it!
I will work with spores in the future,
You can throw your spores on an agar media for new mycelium
You can even cut the stam of a shroom and throw that on agar for mycelium, clooning.
It's really big the cultivation methods on shroom.
I'm only trying to pull pf-tek off yet
In januari I'll prepare a bed outside for outdoor shrooms! But it'll take to the next fall for them to fruit
I really like to know what it gives
Meduzz, not all shrooms are the same.
The hawaiian come much harder then mexicans
And I never ate outdoor shrooms, so I'm really curious on the experience of growing it and eating it
They like it cold and windy, while the mexicans and hawaiians like it warm and sterile.