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Help: Harvesting cannabis

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 284
Hey all,

I need to harvest early because of a spider mite problem that is getting out of hand (too late for chemicals now). I'm suckiing most of the web off with a vacuum cleaner and I use a biological mix that takes care of the living ones. However, I really need to harvest soon.

The problem is, its not the rigth moment. Browning of hairs is about 30%. More importantly, the trichomes when looked at with a microscope, are almost all cloudy. The best moment for best quelity seems to be when approximately 20% of trichomes are amber, and 80% are clioudy.

So the question is, how hard will this earlly harves influence the potency of my final product? As far as I know, cloudy is about maximum a trichome can become and amber means they have already degenerated. So logic seems to dictate that the weed should be of good quality right?

i think you have to wait for some to get amber because then the others will be on "full cloudy potential".

So logic seems to dictate that the weed should be of good quality right?

logic is a treacherous ally :wink:
then again, i don't know if i am right about the trichomes.
Meduzz a dit:
i think you have to wait for some to get amber because then the others will be on "full cloudy potential".

Ye agree, thats the prefered time for harvesting. But since I can't wait because of the insect plague, I am just wondering how much this early harvest will hurt the potency of my yield :)
how long have they been flowering? i wouldnt advise harvesting before 6 or even 7 weeks..

if you have an indica strain, that is
Ilian a dit:
how long have they been flowering? i wouldnt advise harvesting before 6 or even 7 weeks..

If you dont have a clue, please refrain from answering ;)

No offense but 6-7 weeks is a shot in the air, some plants use less, some more. if I remember correctly, some varieties even flower for 12 weeks.

Please, the method I use in determining when to harvest is solid proof, I just have a specific question about potency when almost all trichomes are cloudy (and some are clear) as opposed to the perfect harvesting time (about 80% cloudy, 20% amber)
i know HC, but i guess 80% if not more of the strains grown indoor are indica which means theyll need ~8 weeks.

do note my last line in my previous post ..
i know HC, but i guess 80% if not more of the strains grown indoor are indica which means theyll need ~8 weeks.

do note my last line in my previous post ..

Agree with that 100% and I dont want to give you a hard time or anything. Its just that I asked a very specific question about the state of trichomes, this is how you measure the perfect harvesting moment when the normal flowering period is over. Even if a strain is advertised as needing 8 week flowering, its a possibility that the best moment for harvesting, is in week 7.5 or 8.5 or even 9, depending on a lot of things. It can even be so, and its not uncommon as you may think at first, that some parts of the plant should be harvested today while some other parts of the same plant, are best left on the plant for a few more days.

So please forgive me my harsh remark but the answer you gave kind of asked for that :P

To answer your question: I dont have a clue how long they are flowering since I didnt mark it on my calendar. I only know they are closed to ready and I'm estimating that with ideal circumstances (read: no fucking insect plague lol), I would harvest sometime next week.

I am now in the situation where I have to throw the towel in the ring so to speak regarding my battle with the spidermites. My plants are harvestable, most trichomes are cloudy, very few are clear, very few are amber. If I wait another week, I will have bud covered in cobweb. Its too late to use chemiicals (should be used > 5 weeks before harvest) so I have to harvest within a few days.

Anyone here harvesting when trichomes are mostly cloudy?

I've harvested in the 'early window' you're talking about. My understanding is that amber trichomes represent THC that is slowly degrading to CBD and CBN....anyway, when I harvested early it was paranoia...

The cloudy ones are laden w/ THC. It just isnt through growing, that's all.
My early harvest weed was original sk#1 and all the trichomes were cloudy and about 10 percent of the hairs were red. It was still very potent.

I suspect if they have flowered this long, all you're losing is a little mass, overall, and because the THC decomp byproducts aren't there, (CBD,CBN)
you may find the high to be clearer, with less heaviness and bodystone.

Just curious; what strain?
Hi Spice,

You answer is what I suspected, that the potency would be ok. Tonight I will give them a good spraying with water and I will harvest tomorrow.

The strain is Kierewiet, I dont know exactly what the usual name for it is. I only know the guy that supplied the cuttings, alway has amazing plants. And to be honest, the plants look really great regardless of the mites :)

Thanks for your advice. Will post pictures soon.
you should harvest what ever matters;
if you are one week (according to you) short, it will only influence ligthly on power, more on quantity, you will get a more high buzz stuff

also, curing can save the batch's power if done with love