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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Gilligan
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Don't worry, I'm already packing my bags.
I won't lie: my introduction was part provocation and part joke, but also not too far of from my initial reaction to exploring the forum. For those wondering, I can be a bit of an asshole, and, as you can see, am occasionally rather effective at it Laughing but it's not my main motivation for anything, really. I'm not going to be a wise ass and say that I was just trying to size you up by your reactions to my post, because that wouldn't be the truth, but first impressions certainly do say alot

First impressions my ass:

Despite the fact that I detest your reduction of psychonautics to mere drug usage and other plebian conscious-altering practices,
Brewmaster a dit:
Don't worry, I'm already packing my bags.

You sure as fuck won't...

EDIT : And I'll say that beggining to insult everyone on a forum and then say "UBERLOL 't'w4s 0nly a j0k3, r0flz r0flz r0flz, 1m r34lly c00l !" isn't the best way to be accepted by the community...

If you wan't attention try this instead of wasting our time...

I'm not narrow-minded enough to think that peoples' lives don't consist of anything more than I can tell about them from an internet forum
Hmm, i think you get to know pretty much, as our impression of you will surely be right. You say you understand Jung and even know how to use it in you everyday life.. It seems fair to explain why you would think that because i believe he was exploring the neverending question. As are we all around here. Honesty is one of human nature purest form. I've read Jung and can not find one example of his way of communicating like you think you "practically implimented" in this forum. I am no use in flaming, even if you feel like it :D Start a new subject maybe?
You people take yourselves far too seriously for having no qualms about producing happiness.
Tiax a dit:
Brewmaster a dit:
Don't worry, I'm already packing my bags.

You sure as fuck won't...

EDIT : And I'll say that beggining to insult everyone on a forum and then say "UBERLOL 't'w4s 0nly a j0k3, r0flz r0flz r0flz, 1m r34lly c00l !" isn't the best way to be accepted by the community...

If you wan't attention try this instead of wasting our time...

Acceptance isn't high on my list of priorities after this kind of welcome. I think we'll be better off without each other, at least until you people learn to relax a little. I've never met so many high-strung potheads in such a short period of time in my life :lol:
HeartCore a dit:
I won't lie: my introduction was part provocation and part joke, but also not too far of from my initial reaction to exploring the forum. For those wondering, I can be a bit of an asshole, and, as you can see, am occasionally rather effective at it Laughing but it's not my main motivation for anything, really. I'm not going to be a wise ass and say that I was just trying to size you up by your reactions to my post, because that wouldn't be the truth, but first impressions certainly do say alot

First impressions my ass:

[quote:3aw14mpd]Despite the fact that I detest your reduction of psychonautics to mere drug usage and other plebian conscious-altering practices,

You presume to judge me based on a fabricated introduction? Yeah, your mind is open...:roll:

petfles a dit:
I'm not narrow-minded enough to think that peoples' lives don't consist of anything more than I can tell about them from an internet forum
Hmm, i think you get to know pretty much, as our impression of you will surely be right. You say you understand Jung and even know how to use it in you everyday life.. It seems fair to explain why you would think that because i believe he was exploring the neverending question. As are we all around here. Honesty is one of human nature purest form. I've read Jung and can not find one example of his way of communicating like you think you "practically implimented" in this forum. I am no use in flaming, even if you feel like it :D Start a new subject maybe?

I use a Jungian-based psychometric tool, and pick and choose some elements of information metabolism theories to apply where I feel they fit. It helps when trying to mediate conflict and explain the mechanisms of miscommunication between people, and comes in handy especially when trying to reassure estranged family members and disgruntled spouses that their loved ones don't ACTUALLY hate them. :lol: Trust me, I do it for a living. :wink:
Gilligan a dit:
HeartCore a dit:
I won't lie: my introduction was part provocation and part joke, but also not too far of from my initial reaction to exploring the forum. For those wondering, I can be a bit of an asshole, and, as you can see, am occasionally rather effective at it Laughing but it's not my main motivation for anything, really. I'm not going to be a wise ass and say that I was just trying to size you up by your reactions to my post, because that wouldn't be the truth, but first impressions certainly do say alot

First impressions my ass:

[quote:8yroiiif]Despite the fact that I detest your reduction of psychonautics to mere drug usage and other plebian conscious-altering practices,

You presume to judge me based on a fabricated introduction? Yeah, your mind is open...:roll:[/quote:8yroiiif]

Oh, what the hell am I saying? You judged me by a false representation, and I you by a coerced response. Let's just all skip the part where I'm a provocative asshole and decide to get along, shall we? :lol:
Gilligan a dit:
Wow...scratch the attempt at diplomacy...

You get what you ask for.

You admit that your opening post was bullshit, then you admit that you can be an asshole and now you want us to believe that you are all honest and trustworthy and what not? Well you can go fuck yourself but this is just my opinion.

What do you expect?

Happy newyear though.
Wow...scratch the attempt at diplomacy...

Btw an attempt at diplomacy was needed because you fucked up. Dont try to come across now as the victim here.

You introduced yourself deliberately as being an asshole and being arrogant with the goal to get a reaction from us (by giving us your opinion about us)

Dont start crying because this reaction is different than you expected.


Just want to add one thing and then I'm done with it. All comments here, including fucktard and asshole, are done with tongue in cheek. You made this topic in such a way that I can call you asshole and fucktard all I want and I;m really enjoying myself so thanks for that :P
No problem :lol:

Hey, everyone has their faults. At least I admit openly to mine. You're the one feeling the need to attack them. I haven't said anything that should offend a person who is secure in their intents. You, on the other hand, are picking me apart for what I openly admit to. You're also the one getting jollies out of name-calling. I hope you see what a hypocrite I've made out of you :lol: Now I look like the nice guy trying to make peace, and you're the name-calling asshole. Maybe be more careful next time :wink:

In addition, I'm not asking you, or anyone, for that matter, to be nice to me; I could give a shit less whether you show up on my doorstep with a basket full of cookies when I'm sick :lol: I do not, however, appreciate the open hostility, as I never showed you any; sure, I was a bit provocative and condescending, but, like I sai, it was only a stunt, and I think you're pretty foolish if you base your opinion of me on it, or, for that matter, whatever you seem t think you can infer about my character from it.

And why do you give a damn about how I try to come across? Going to save the forum from my evil, manipulative ways? :lol: :lol: :lol:
I hope you see what a hypocrite I've made out of you

Lets sum up:

You come up and put up a show purely to get a reaction from us.
I decide to play along with you.
Then you feel its time to drop the facade.
I decide I'm still having fun and continue with it.

How does this make me a hypocrit?
"I hope you see what a hypocrite I've made out of you Now I look like the nice guy trying to make peace, and you're the name-calling asshole. Maybe be more careful next time"

No, you're still a fucktard.
Brewmaster a dit:
"I hope you see what a hypocrite I've made out of you Now I look like the nice guy trying to make peace, and you're the name-calling asshole. Maybe be more careful next time"

No, you're still a fucktard.

Actually he is the hypocrit here but I was hoping he would realize it himself. I mean with his background, Jung and all, he should right?
i dont see why youre giving him such a hard time. he clearly stated that it was a joke eh? as if other members arent making sarcastic and semi-offensive posts?

anyway i think this introduction is over by now :)
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