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Gummihuasca experiment: Black Currant Juice = 10X!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion infinitedot
  • Date de début Date de début
Hokus pokus fidibus abracadabra salam......are we talking about subjective objectivity here or objective subjectivity ???

I drink gallons of ribena and i`ve never noticed anything , but mixing mushrooms with weak acids makes them more soluble = easyer to absorbe , and sweet things allso make it easyer to absorbe drugs to .

On the other side of things doctors used to give people who were having to strong a trip vitamin c and sometimes glucose to bring them down .

In my experience natural MAO blockers are not dangerous in combination with beer , chocolate or cheese . I and friends have eaten them while on ayahuasca and have never noticed anything but pleasure .

My pimp friend says it comes on 7.97564389 times better when he does loads of weight training , then gets one of his girls to give him a blow job just as he is comming up . I tried it with green socks on and it was even better .
Hello GOD (if that's your real name),

Thank you for your "scientific" response to this thread. It really helps to have people around who are a priori under the impression that it might all be bullshit and that we already know everything there is to know about psychedelics. Of course these reports are subjective. But with an increasing amount of people trying, there could be some form of intersubjective truth or (maybe) even objective. By the way, have you not been around the last hundred years, when the objectivity of science was proven wrong by a bunch of great scientists and philosophers? Anyway, don't cum on your green socks, the stains might not get out, or worse, they may glow in the dark.
Well, blackcurrant does indeed contain both quercetin and quercitrin. And both of these are actually MAO-inhibitors, so the there is some ground for this theory. But whether the juice contains these in such amounts that they are able to provide any substantial MAO-inhibiton, is whole another question. I personally haven't tried this, but I most definitely will, at least to get a healthy dose of vitamin C if nothing else.

I have to admit that it does sound a bit pompous to even assume that we would know all the possibilities in the floral world when it comes to psychoactive use. I'd like to remind that even though the psychoactive plants have existed for thousands of years, most of them have come to the knowledge of the western science only during the last century or so. True, there are a lot of urban legends and baseless myths circling around but that doesn't mean that there aren't new means of use to be discovered. I'm not saying anything for the "gummihuasca" yet, but let's try to keep an open mind and an "objective attitude" (whatever that might be), shall we?
I think someone has got crossed lines here . In the german edition of "Enzyklopädie der psychoactive pflanzen" by Christian Rätsch on pages 362 - 363 and 415 - 417 he talks about Maracuja saft (juice) as an ayahuasca analog activator = MAO inhibiter . On page 716 he talks about the same with Johanniskraut (Hypericum perforatum) . In germany they also have Johannisbeeren(saft) = Blackcurrant juice .......1+1=3

I`m not saying black currant juice does not work , i do not know , no one has done any objective tests that i know about . BUT.....( my ) common sense says that it does not . And if someone will lend me the money i will gladly bet on it .

I tried buying bio maracuja juice and mixing it with fresh and dried Psychotria viridis leaves . It did not activate the leaves , so i boiled it up and that did not work either . I also did the same , with the same negative results , with Johanniskraut extract from the local bio shop .

To end the speculation and prove if certain fruit juices can be used as MAO inhibiters = activators for mushrooms ( or other ) one would just have to boil up 30 gramms of P.viridis leaves ( or other) with the alledged dose of juice , drink it and wait 35 minutes . If i does not work then it can not work as an
MAOI for mushrooms either .

Every time i have had ayahuasca i have eaten 15 beeryeast tablets before and had no bad effects . I believe it was because i read castaneda first .

Dear Forkbender and Viaticus ,
yes , we might not be of exactly the same opinion but its good to know that there are other people there who have an open mind
and don`t just eat all that hippy shit . - " and that we already know everything there is to know about psychedelics " . Who would think something as stupid
as that ? Who could think that someone else could think something as stupid as that ? - Yes ,the objectivity of ( SOME ) science was proven wrong by a bunch of great scientists , but mine has not been up till now . - " the stains might not get out, or worse, they may glow in the dark." How do you know that , from personal experience ??? Is that why you are in amsterdum ?....hiding?...... But actualy they do glow in the dark , now i know why every one stares at me and why i don`t need a torch to see where i`m going/cumming . - "I have to admit that it does sound a bit pompous to even assume that we would know all the possibilities in the floral world when it comes to psychoactive use." Me to . Who does ? I don`t . Maybe if you look at my old answers and my future ones you will see what i am about . All i want is clarity for all


(and to get my dick sucked)
This is from the original post by infinidot:
"Chemtech June 93 page 63: 50 grams of [color:"red"]black currant[/color] juice concentrated 5.5 times inhibits 92% of MAO action (ref European patent application 0531155)
PATENT: Cerebral-Activating Compositions
http://register.epoline.org/espacenet/r ... =en&DB=REG"

Apparently there is some scientific basis for this. I am no chemist and I do not suggest to have the entire answer to the question whether and how this might work. I am merely suggesting that in my experience it does work.

By the way, it's just plain arrogance to state that SOME science isn't objective and your science is not. Isn't the whole idea that it is YOUR science that is still objective a huge paradox?

"and that we already know everything there is to know about psychedelics." Who would think something as stupid
as that ? Who could think that someone else could think something as stupid as that ?

Well, apparently you think that, because you simply state that the whole thread is BS by mocking it with the stories of your pimp. By using such strong wordings, you are saying that your truth is more true than the one posted by infinidot. This certainly goes against your claim that you want clarity for all. If it doesn't work for you, then it doesn't mean it won't work for others. By stating that it is all bullshit, YOU might be the one attacking objectivity.

BTW I'm not 'hiding' in Amsterdam (which is spelled with an 'a', not a 'u', btw, pretending not to see your pun), you can come visit me any time. I always lived here. Go blame someone else for staying where they were born.

Love, light and healing back to you.
I`m not saying black currant juice does not work , i do not know... BUT.....( my ) common sense says that it does not... Hokus pokus fidibus abracadabra salam...
WTF was that? It sounds so schitzy: "I don't say it doesn't work, but my sense says it does not". Dude, can you decide what YOU say and what YOU don't?
Reminds me the speech one industrial worker delivered in the Soviet court when they framed Pasternak, the author of Dr.Zhivago: "Personally, I didn't read any of Pasternak's booksies, but I support the Party's line that they are horseshit".

You don't know, mate? Then read the posts above. You don't trust us? Then "To end the speculation and prove if certain fruit juices can be used as MAO inhibiters" try it yourself and tell us it's BS if you fail. Is it difficult? Well, demagogy is easier, of course.

Hypericum perforatum is St. John's Wort: "However, studies show that the inhibition of MAO results from the action of either flavonoids or xanthones, and the amounts of these molecules in St. John’s wort is too little to have a significant effect on the inhibition of MAO (Simmen et al 1999)".
Check the date your source was issued. If it is older than 5-6 years, use the latest data available. Otherwise, you may look like medieval healers who's been sure that mice were born in dirty laundry.
I tried buying bio maracuja juice and mixing it with fresh and dried Psychotria viridis leaves
You should have first tried going back to school again. It would have saved you some nickel, time and puking, dude.
Maracuja juice is from passiflora, and passiflora IS an MAOI. It contains different flavonoids (including quercetine) and harman-alkaloids (b-carboline, harmine, harmaline). And yes, maracuja juice is consumed during JUREMA ceremonies. Your problem with the juice was because you needed to consume jurema (not P.V.) - it contains 12.5-65 times more DMT than psychotria, and maracuja's weak MAOI potential is enough to get you going. Also, tobacco, which is reported to be smoked widely during vinho da jurema ceremonies, kicks in the action - tobacco-smokers show 40% inhibition of cerebral MAOB by latest research.
If you want to get your high with psychotria, then stop doodling with gallons of juices and fix a passiflora EXTRACT, you could find plenty of teks if you weren't too lazy. Or, even better, stick to rue or caapi or pills, and don't bother with the stuff which is definitely not for GODs like you.

All in all, I regret to say that such kind of blunt and snobbish posts shows little but belligerent ignorance, and it's a pity, mate.
And hey, didn't your mother tell you pimps are bad guys to make friends with? I understand that some folks have a problem finding a gf these days, but you should go on trying - I have faith in you.

Shneck, easy.... I guess there was only some alc or C involved... he's probably a nice guy... 8)

P.S. I can say from my own experience that tobacco definitely has some effect on shrooms. I always smoke a cigarette (when I'm still able to) to increase the effects...
Sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude.
Well, I did mean it, but I regret it now.
Don't pay too much attention to me, I'm a veteran drug user, so my head is messed up .

couldn't it have been like a sort of placebo effect
cause of the way infinidot brought the whole thing
u might have strongly believed that this will increase the effect and it did
not on purpose but it was somewhere in the back your mind??
this is something I noticed from previous shrooms trips that ur "thinking"
can influence a lot
not that i`m saying u didnt experience the effect cause of the currant juice
I believe u did I`ve got an open mind for everything
but I just stated a possibility
I do believe in science and i'm no chemist or anything even close to it
but if this has been scientificly proven I believe it :P
I dont know half of all the terms u used for all those things causing certain effects, but i`m learning ;)
Can't say about others but in my case it could be anything but placebo. See, I don't believe COMPLETE EGO LOSS can be a case of placebo. On a COMEDOWN, i.e. when the effects where times weaker than during the peak, I saw violet-blue halos around my hands, I was morphing into the walls and doors on my way to the loo, and objects were toggling into 3dMax mesh structures. I have to repeat, that was a COMEDOWN. Twice the normal trip duration - can it be placebo? I just don't think so.
Infinidot's post was great, enthusiastic, encouraging, well-thought, well-written and very timely in my case, actually the only thing it failed to do was to potentiate the mushrooms with the power of a word.
If he could do it, I would just buy his posts instead of rue, caapi, black currant, lemon juice, you name it.
Again, I believe there is a neat and easy way to stop wondering and know for sure if it's a hoax or not - just follow the simple instructions and see for yourself.

One try is better than a thousand discussions.

you are completely right
i`m not sure i'm ready for such a trip experience yet so i`ll see
but dont take my wrong as I said I believe ur story
I was just pointing out a "what if":)
Breath in......Breath out......R-E-L-A-X......concentrate on........COMPLETE EGO LOSS !!!???

I do not take coke , drink alcohol or use tobaco , and i personaly have nothing against people who do .

THE FACTS ARE....I did not ask if , or tell anyone that , black current juice can or can not work as an MAOI to potentiate some mushooms . As i said my common sense tells me it will not , and that`s enough for me . There is a diference for me between facts and common sense , between knowing and believing , between objectivity and subjectivity . What you describe is similar to what i experience every time i take 5 G. of dry P.Semilanceata or P.Cyanescens .

How strong would your trip have been without the additives ? Would there have been the same effects if you had not known what you were looking for ? If someone were to test both extracted and neutraly packaged would they be able to tell which was which ?

Babys get given these juices , day in and day out , all over the world for " X " years , they are smaller , have cleaner systems than adults and are more vunerable to the effects of "drugs" and toxins . MAOIs "open" the blood brain barrier which lets other "foreign , toxic " substances get to the brain , not just the drugs we take with them . Millions of babys would have , would have had , very noticeable effects if they were given MAOIs day in and day out for years . The thought of being able to go into the garden now , pick some berries , pull some reeds from the pond or mow the lawn and get a trip from it , and that nobody has noticed it for thousads of years is a bit to blue eyed and naive for me . " Primative " ( = civalised ) people in south america got hungry and discovered ayahuasca thousands of years ago . For them finding that mixture was like finding a needle in a haystack . And because i know what i`vè tried to eat when i`ve been hungry i don`t think it likly that no one , over the same time span , has found such a relitvely easy to find mixture as berries and reeds / grass here .

I sugested a sensible way for anyone who realy wants to know the facts , to test the theory and to end the speculation in 45 minutes .

My offer :- I will provide any juice or extract of it , and we can get Psychotria Viridis leaves from my local head shop . You ,and / or anyone else that wants to know can take it with me and i`ll film it with my video camera and we can show the facts live in internet . = I can`t loose , either my common sense is righ or WE get a good trip together...........WOW!!! BINGO!!!

A wise man once said :- " Again, I believe there is a neat and easy way to stop wondering and know for sure if it's a hoax or not - just follow the simple instructions and see for yourself. One try is better than a thousand discussions " .

P.S. I was born in humbug in germony , i`v been hiding all my life and i would definatly rather live in canada or hamsterbum than here .

Love Light And Healing


Lets get back to the helping people buisness please.

Q:- WOTS Morphing ???
High, nice to hear from u GOD.
Look, I didn't get the first passage, like "there's difference between facts and common sense, knowing and believing", etc.
It's kinda all misty. In a sense that what relation it has to the thread itself, it's not a philosophical dispute but plain down-to-earth tests on humans.
Whatever your beliefs are, the common sense (not your's or mine, it's COMMON) is often based on facts, for good or for bad.
The fact is I personally had experienced a trip that you get of 5g Cyanescens, with roughly 1.4g plain cubes with enhancers. I reckon, aurorix being a good MAOI turns them 1.4g into about 2.8g, let's say, lemon juice turns it into 5.6g.
In other words, if BC were hopeless, I'd get an experience comparable to 5-6g cubes.
Nope. My highest dose ever has been 8g cubes. And it pales in comparison. I guess I'd have had to eat 10-14g to hit the mark.
The common sense tips me that the difference is because of the last ingredient.
And I don't have an idea if this was because of the MAOI properties of BC, or because of the mysterious ways the flavonoids work, or whatever else it could be. That's not the issue really. The issue is whether BC has any new unknown potential. Common sense says it does.
I've also had control tests afterwards (posted here). No ambivalence whatsoever.

How strong would your trip have been without the additives ?
I guess, level 1.

Would there have been the same effects if you had not known what you were looking for ?

If someone were to test both extracted and neutraly packaged would they be able to tell which was which ?
I am sure they would. For you to be sure, you need to ask those someones.
That's in fact what the thread was meant for. To encourage testing with as many participants as possible in order to acquire empirical knowledge instead of obscure theoresizing. Like I said, you could have done it yourself a dozen of times already.

Babys get given these juices , day in and day out , all over the world for " X " years, etc
Ever seen a baby gobbling 275ml BC concentrate in one go? And an hour later consuming psylocybe mushrooms, or LSD, or more than 200ml of red wine, or some yeast, or aged cheese?
People in the Middle East utilise Syrian Rue for thousands of years - usage ranging from spice to dyeing fabrics. Ever heard of their magical knowledge of Rue as an MAOI?
Semilanceatas grow all over Europe. And if you do believe that thousands of Westerners "have noticed it" before the shroom boom began you are "a bit to blue eyed and naive for me".

Thanks for your offer, the camera-shot trip would be really great, alas, it's difficult to implement in practice. I guess my suggestion of simply following the method and testing it individually is much more practical.
As for Psychotria, i still tend to believe jurema could be a better choice in this case.

Morphing is when objects seamlessly turn into other objects, like in special effects in movies, in computer progs, etc.


P.S. God, GOD - just do it!
Thanx for your reply . After reading it i dont think i need to say anymore on the subject . I will try your theory - with Psychotria , Acacia , a natural DMT extract and pure DMT . Jurema is hard to get here , most of what is sold here in germany is fake or the wrong part of the plant . Plus i dont like the taste.. for me it tastes like germalin . Anyway i wish you all the best for your experiments .


Thanx for your reply . After reading it i dont think i need to say anymore on the subject . I will try your theory - with Psychotria , Acacia , a natural DMT extract and pure DMT . Jurema is hard to get here , most of what is sold here in germany is fake or the wrong part of the plant . Plus i dont like the taste.. for me it tastes like germalin . Anyway i wish you all the best for your experiments .


High, GOD

Still, I guess maybe you'd bettter try it with shrooms.

And let me wish you all the best with the experiment, let it go smooth and don't forget to keep us informed whatever the result.


P.S. I suggest that you just buy half a kilo frozen BC berries, defrost, make fresh juice and drink a cup and a half of it.
I suspect it might work better than Ribena or similar concentrates.
Last saturday I finally tested this method myself. I choce an amout of shrooms that would normally give me nothing more but treshold effects. In this case, it was 0.9 grams of dried Psilocybe Cubensis Ecuador from a batch I had cultivated and was familiar with the potency.

My choice of blackcurrant juice was Marli Perinteinen Mustaherukkamehu 60%. I started drinking it at 12:15 and was almost finihised with the half-liter bottle at about 13:00. I saved some of the juice to be taken with shrooms, which I did at 13:45. The shrooms were ground in to fine powder and swallowed with the rest of the juice.

It was about ten hours since my last meal, as usually when I'm taking shrooms. The method of ingestion was the same I tend to use, and I have a habit of taking the shrooms with some acidic juice, so the only actual difference to a "normal" ingestion was the fact that the juice was blackcurrant juice and that I had gulped down half a liter of it.

After 30 minutes I was noticing the first effects. I felt slightly altered and recognized the familiarr touch of the shrooms. There was nothing I hadn't expected and there were practically no visuals at this point. I had taken 1.22 grams of these shrooms once to test the potency of the batch, and had only slight visual activity, so I didn't think I'd be getting any fireworks this time either.

Fifteen minutes later I was in for positive surprise. My friend had called me and I was talking to him, lying on my back on the bed, as I noticed my hand was leaving a trailer. I looked up and noticed these transparent spiral shapes growing from my ceiling. During the next ten minutes or so, the visuals intensified. They never reached the level that I had when taking 1.63 grams of the same mushies, and after 1,5 hours after ingestion I estimated that effects were something I think I could get from about 1.5 grams.

I then smoked some weed and continued to enjoy the trip. As a curious notion, I later snuffed some Yopo, and it brought me back the feeling of the Ayahuasca-trip I had last month. I got same the kind of visuals and feelings for about twenty minutes before the effects gradually subsided.

All in all, I wasn't expecting to get any real effects from the amount of shrooms I took, and in my subjective opinion there definitely was potentiation compared to my expectations. Whether it was due to the blackcurrant juice or some other factor, I can't say for sure. Drinking half liter of the juice in one sitting in to an empty stomach wasn't the comfiest thing ever, but I'm sure to explore this method further at some point. I'll include the "report form" below.

Black Currant Juice brand: Marli Perinteinen Mustaherukkamehu 60%
Juice Quantity: 500ml
Mushrooms species: Psilocybe Cubensis Ecuador
Mushrooms Quantity: 0.9 grams dry
Did you know the potency of the mushrooms beforehand? (Y/N): Yes.
Hours since last meal: 10h.
Description of effects compared vs. no juice: I tend to take my shrooms with some acidic juice, so for this batch I have no real comparison
Description of effects compared vs. Lemon/Lime juice: These shrooms tend to be pretty potent and friendly. But the effects were a lot more intense than I would have expected for this amount after eating the same shrooms in different quantities.
Are you positively sure that there IS definitely an improvement in potency? (Y/N): no, I can't say I'm absolutely positively sure. But it felt like it.
Estimated potency compared vs. no juice: -
Estimated potency compared vs. Lemon/Lime juice: 1.5X
Time to "first alert" (aka, "whoa, something's definitely going to happen"): 30mins
Time to onset of visual disturbance:45mins
Time to peak (rough estimate): 1,5 - 2h
Time to first sign of diminishing effects: about 5h
Time to baseline (indiscernable effects): About 8-9h, but there was also Yopo-snuff taken at a later point of the trip.