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grow specs

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion gonzebo
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Glandeuse Pinéale
SWIM is planning on growing 2 plants (each with their own 6 gallon pot) in a standalone cabinet that is 16 inches deep, 31 inches wide and approx 6 feet tall.

he has one T5 54W that fits running up one side of the cabinet. he also has two 2-foot T5's that fit in the width and will be raised with the plant, to be used in vegetative phase.

he has 2 computer fans (each 67 CFM), and is wondering if he gets a 400W for budding, is this enough ventilation?
depends how hot the air is that coming into the grow space really.
in such a small space you NEED good ventiliation, 24/7.
personally.. i think you need more than them cpu fans with a 400w, almost certainly anyways.
keep looking out on ebay or summat for a small extractor fan, youll get one for a few bucks.. less than 20$ 15 quid whatever. try find a silent one.. they should have a db rating, (how much noise they make)

if your plants are well ventilated, they can take a lot more heat. u wont get mould problems, hermaphroditism thru heat stress, and elongated growth either. and u wont stink the room up.
the better question then would be if there is a light you know of that could be used with the 2 fans so more fans arent needed?
High, my personal opinion is that a good ventilation is a must,the pc fans are too small.I red somewhere that pocked of air forms under the leaves,so to prevent that u will need good aeration ,when the plant buds get really big and the air circulation isn't good,mold will start forming inside the buds which will cause bad taste,smell and the branch will start rotting .Also mold can start forming around ur chamber.
Personally with 6 feet of space you're better off with just going with a few 100 watt cfl's (6500 veg) for now. A 400w is VERY difficult to control in such a tight space plus the cfl's can be kept closer to the plant so you can let it grow higher (unless you're SCROGing it).

Also, it will save you on your bill (no suspicious spikes), no ballasts needed, easy to find at a hardware store, and the kicker would be that you would trade off the greed of wanting more buds (really not that HUGE of a difference) for less of a fire hazard, cheaper hardware, and better fit for your set up. Always a matter of opinion, but I think CFL's are the way to go.
Always a matter of opinion, but I think CFL's are the way to go

I am trying a setup with 25W CFL's and 90W LED at the moment. Looks very promising so far for my setup (small cabinet, growing for personal use). If this works out I'll post a grow log here.
I think you'd be better served (original poster) going with a 150 watt HPS in that cab...

Heartcore- Hey man, long time....

Are you going with the UFO led light?

I'm interested but a little wary....looking for reports...