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Government internet control - SOPA and PIPA

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Bastiaan
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You propably heard of these acts having been proposed in the US.
If not, here's a quick youtube clip that explains some of it:
I don't know the ins and outs of the whole thing but it's something anyone with half a brain has been predicting: government control of the internet, and I haven't seen a news topic posted here about the recent developments to my surprise.
That's the reason I've created one and I' m hoping on input.
Having seen the video clip I posted above is not what makes me say ' this is the end of the line'.
It's proper thinking that does, because you and I know when government get's control of the internet the shit has hit the fan and it's not going to stay with copyrighted material.
It's the beginning of a full attack on the very instrument that people around the world have been using to educate themselves.
To battle indoctrination and raise consciousness.
To empower themselves.
Even if there would be bureau's that investigated the measurements taken by government, it's too late, they are in charge of the control panel and as they're already in charge of mainstream media, don't count on a lot of bellringer stories coming peoples way to convince them to rethink the importance and impact of this act.
Those that have been skeptic about NWO theory, now would be a good time.
There's a lot of freaks out there that would have your believe the reptilian shapeshifters from Atlantis are out to abduct the children of Jesus to planet X to crossbreed them with grey's for the purpose of creating slave-like creatures intelligent enough to take them past the stargate to return to Satan, that doesn't mean there's no truth out there as well!
Use your reason!!
Also, it seems they want it to appear to the rest of the world this is something that will mostly just affect the US.
Of course nothing could be further from the truth.
When the US government gets their hands on these buttons it's the beginning of the end, - excuse me - it's THE END.
Like I said I don't know the ins and outs and am hoping for input.
All I know is they're working on it and even though Obama supposedly vetoed the bill to not come into effect, as newspapers put it: ' for now', megaupload for one, is down.
To me that's a pretty clear ' let's see how stupid people are and how far we can push this for the time being' test.
I was shocked when torrent-finder was shut down by the government, just the fact hey had that power, but they're taking it to a new level and will continue to do so, gradually, to reduce this instrument of awareness to another tool for indoctrination, bit by bit.
Your take?
if sopa or pipa get passed this website will be blocked for us in the us.
IJesusChrist a dit:
if sopa or pipa get passed this website will be blocked for us in the us.

Well not if they put down the server, like they did with megaupload. The dutchgovernment gave the US an helping hand... :?

If they only block a website, in that case you can make use of the TOR network which is pretty effective since it will use muliple servers trough different country, so you end up with a different ip which isn't blocked.

Will the government succeed? I don't think so, many computer geniuses will always find workarounds trough VPN or even other networks and many many other technics. In the end, there are millions of people who are against SOPA, and even the big corporations like google, facebook etc are against it.

The point here, is that people who don't understand computers and especially internet, are creating laws that won't work...

Will the internet change? Yes, that's obvious. Things will get more complicated and there will be lots of repression. Or even a kind of cyberwar.

Anyway, we will soon find out :roll:
to be clear, the government didn't shut down any websites, yet. what happened the other day was an organized blackout by the websites themselves, done to promote the awareness of these bills. so far, it has been working; everyone is talking about it, which is good. they even postponed the vote, for now.

what we in the US must all do now is contact our representatives and tell them that we, as voters, are not standing for this bill, this proposed injustice, and that we would like for them to make a vote that reflects that, not a vote that reflects all of the jealous money hoarders.

here are some links with solid information/explanations:

a more thorough explanation of "WTF is going on?!":
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia: ... Learn_more

a link to easily look up and contact ones state representative:

a video that outlines what the bills actually entail and the (negative) implications that would follow them:

indeed. i just passed on my negative opposition locally the other day.
everyone else should as well.
To bad i don't live in the states, else i would have done the same ;)
i would call anyways if it were me. because, at the end of the day, it's going to affect not just the US, but the entire world. plus the representative in whatever state is chosen is not going to know that the person leaving the message is not american, so long as they speak english :wink:
Any address or email so i can undertake some take action? In that case i do whatever i can.... I'll already have filled in many petitions, but if there is anything more what i can do, i will do it.
General: Saw the point about no websites being shut down. True of Wiki and Google, but the FBI did raid and take down Megaupload.com (a purveyor of everything, including pirated materials). So it can be done, with or without SOPA or PIPA, which is a scary thought.

Hermes: I suggest http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-h3261/money. Fast, easy, and free way to petition just about any thing in US Congress.

I'll only add the point that I find it interesting how many times the internet is being attacked. They use different terms (protection from terrorism, stopping pirating, stopping money laundering) etc... but in the end it's all an issue of control. So simple, yet so quiet.

http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/internetprivacy/2011-02-15-kill-switch_N.htm - Internet Kill Switch
http://www.wired.com/magazine/2011/11/mf_bitcoin/all/1 - Bit Coin description, a system where all of the currencies around the world could eventually have one central flow through the internet. Interesting concept.
http://gcn.com/articles/2012/01/20/fbi-megaupload-bust-anonymous-hack-sopa-effect.aspx - Megaupload brought down.
Great articles

From the kill switch article
The overheated debate takes place against the backdrop of revolution in the Middle East and a recent breach of Nasdaq's computer system. Both underline the power of the Internet, its vulnerability and the importance of cybersecurity.

Err yeah.. you're saying we should vote for this bill? Because what? Because your monopoly huge corporations and stock market monkeys are crucial to our economy or something?
Aren't they like parasiting off us?
Nasdaq's computer system huh?
Aren't you like government and isn't that like to do with corporations?
Isn't the merging of government and corporations called like fascism or something?
I must be pretty mixed up.

I'll only add the point that I find it interesting how many times the internet is being attacked.
Doesn't come as a surprise to me

Cyber terrorism :rolleyes: .
Don't think that' ll stick.
Though you never know of course, regular terrorism stuck pretty well I guess.
I haven't heard of the aproach trying to sell the whole thing because of horrible porn and gore --> children, aside from small 'pedo's trying to lure children online' stories.
I' m surprised their focus doesn't appear to lie in this area.
I hope everything gonna be ok...
Hope is only worth the action you put behind it...
lol it's like the government against the population.... LOL..................
or: reptilians vs mammals... :shock: :? :x

i pity them. they only live in their own little unfair worlds..

so that being said it now even makes sense why they want to censor shit. because they are OCCULTISTS and
are AFRAID of losing their power. they are selling their souls, if you ask me. free energy is the key.... :!: :!:
there is no shortage of energy... there's just wrong distribution and management...
just try to listen to what they really say, instead of what they want you to hear or so.
plus they think they can allow themselves anything. a very crude misconception.
people will fight back. they have achieved in making themselves enemies... :P :P :roll: :roll:

sorry for the rant lol...
but it's the truth. as long as they are as close-minded and compulsive as they appear to be,
it's senseless and futile to buy their stupid doctrines or so.... it's more like slavery contracts,
than what they try to make it look like. :\ :\ :angry: :angry:
if they ask you: "do you want to be enslaved - yes or no???" ... what will you say???
will you even recognize the question as such??? :shock: :x :x
