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Goodbye Facebook


Elfe Mécanique
I am unplugged :) no more facebook. The largest and most depth human database on the planet isn't going to fool me anymore. I am not saying conspiracy bullsh*t like claiming that the CIA owns and controls all submitted and shared data on facebook, but I definitely know that facebook is a target and will be pressurized and influenced into taking certain decisions they shouldn't.

Come and join me. The world doesn't need to see your family pictures, know where you live, where you have studied, who your girlfriend/boyfriend and parents are. Your real friends are people you see and talk to on a regular basis. The rest is virtual and damaging to us in every way.

Join me :)
I am not saying conspiracy bullsh*t like claiming that the CIA owns and controls all submitted and shared data on facebook, but I definitely know that facebook is a target and will be pressurized and influenced into taking certain decisions they shouldn't.

it's the same thing. it's simply a matter of what people make of the fact. some people are more dramatic, others are more subtle. the fact of the matter remains that there is absolutely nothing stopping the cia or nsa from viewing all of ones submitted information... how one chooses to talk about it is what determines what bias people have over the person talking. it's all perfectly "legal". this government was built upon "grey area".

america is the real "grey race".
i agree... it's a part of playing us out against each other or so... and also about the glassy citizen that they can threaten to break and control... i fkn hate that. i mean it can be alright if the society works against individuals in certain cases etc etc...
but in the way that it's done now and has be done for a while, i mostly don't agree with at all, because it's simply too fascist style and like the program that they are doing is too stupid retarded and not evolved enough or so.

i have thought about it quite a bit and from the feeling and also from the facts it's to some extent for sure as if they want to
prohibit us nature. which is basically a bit dumb, because we are nature and if you think about it with a open mind, it would
expose them. just don't give in to the fear control and dare to use your own brain!!!
i think networks in general lack certain qualities sometimes. but yeah i see it as a possible evolution for society.
maybe it's like obviously certain mistakes have to be made in order to learn from them and it seems to take time to get rid
of them totally. it almost seems like certain mistakes have to be repeated until it can be learned properly from them.
something like that lol... :wink: 8)

Thanks for your posts, enjoyed reading them.
I mean, the groups, pages, events and all those super cool social tools on facebook did come in REALLY handy.
But when I see everyone post random retarded sh*t about themselves on a daily, in some cases even hourly basis, I just think to myself 'What the heck?'. Seriously, the dumbing down of the population people. Don't be part of it, and if you are, free yourselves like so many of us already did.

Join us. Say no to illegal identity theft and marketing. Say no to facebook.
Join us, brothers and sisters. You listen to them, or you listen to us, the people who have been in it with you all along the way.
Peace out,
- Alex
Damn, quite the preacher already, huh? ;)

I'm still on it, mostly because of fringe-friends and friends outside of the country. Also, it's a good way to make people read certain news articles that they otherwise wouldn't set their eyes on (the media here in Sweden is, well, umm, poor). That, and other, naughty bits.

...not saying I like it, though. But it happens to be the contemporary social media, which is, sadly, happening. And it's useful. For them, for us.

...don't think I'll be on it much longer though.
KrispedKritter a dit:
Damn, quite the preacher already, huh? ;)

I'm still on it, mostly because of fringe-friends and friends outside of the country. Also, it's a good way to make people read certain news articles that they otherwise wouldn't set their eyes on (the media here in Sweden is, well, umm, poor). That, and other, naughty bits.

...not saying I like it, though. But it happens to be the contemporary social media, which is, sadly, happening. And it's useful. For them, for us.

...don't think I'll be on it much longer though.
I have been sharing videos, news articles and all that stuff for a over year now.
It got maybe 1% of attention from my 400 friends list. Nobody cares, its all about cute cat videos and random nonsense like that. Welcome to the age of apathy.

I wish I could use Facebook. Not anymore, not with all the lies behind the curtains.
Oh, I actually only have "close" friends, and some fringe-people, again, mostly people I used to be good friends with. I frequently go wild on the wheat.
Its not only facebook, it is internet itself which can be totally filtered down so company's/governments can find out stuff and can observe behavior....
yeah lol... sometimes it seems as if the nazis are trying to come back in some way or even worse the communist nazis!!!...
but if we people unite they can't do anything. they have only been able to become so strong, because they divided us.
divide and rule is one of their concepts. but we can see thru the fassade and think deeper. just don't give in to the fear control.
we're not here to be slaves of stupid retarded and evil people. think for yourself and don't swallow the propaganda deception. stay strong and think positive.. all will be well!!

hmm...a lot of people are doing this same thing...makes u think....
I am already into this, I mean saying goodbye to FaceBook. I never ever liked the concept of a social networking site such as FB. I just oncee made an account on FB but just within ten days, I removed it completely as I could see no use of it. I would hate to share my personal things with others. What do I like, which television show is my favorite, how many friends do I have, which college and university I have been to and above all, my personal snaps. I mean, what is the point of showing my snaps to the whole world? It is just as similar as displaying my snaps in the market in front of thousands of people. I would also love to be connected to my friends via e-mail and cell phone rather than FB. All this led to the removal of my account from FB. :+1:
Face book is the biggest time waster on this planet ! Makes people stupid IMHO !
Of course, and truly I think, as I also have created an account on Facebook and added some of my friends on it. But never use it to make some chat or time pass. as iI have just done it as a formality. So, I just check my account once in a week or two and sometimes after a month just to see the messages, posts and any other updates out there.
flexiverse a dit:
Face book is the biggest time waster on this planet ! Makes people more stupid IMHO !
corrected :)

As for me - never have had no face book. But it's kinda scary to see how big it is. But potentially a very good source of data for psychologists/scientists/spies/criminals/etc
I will join to your club. I give up Facebook like a few months back. After I give up it I earned lots of benefits. Now I have more time to spend with my family and my boyfriend. Also I am focusing more on my studies. Now I am more creative and I have more creative ideas than earlier too. Now I am feeling that I am breathing and living on this earth.
I have no qualms with facebook - it's a great way to communicate with friends and family quickly. You don't have to be glued to it 24/7.
I joined facebook about 6 years ago, and stayed on it until a couple of months ago. I was tired of the mindless masses posting random bullshit, pictures of themselves with smartphones in front of the mirror, ... But I did create a new profile, a profile where I only add my best friends, family and coworkers. I don't use my real name anymore and I don't share any personal information and such.