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going to do DXM, suggestions?

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Bummer man, next time better ;)
Just keep on trying tell you get it right.
Is it easy to perform?
Puh, glad I can buy anti-cough-pills here containing 30mg DXM each without problems :-)
No need for tiresome syrup-extraction, no problems with unkonwn DXM concentrations.
No access to ac-DMX-pills ?

Anyway, bought those pills, (loads of them, 100 pills for 30€ I think ) but
didn't try/took them up to now :(
Too much respect / too cowardly.

I think I'll give "DXM a chance" pretty soon (in a couple of weeks) :)
So I'm *very* interested in a trip report - once it works.
I did a DXM extraction and it worked *extremly* well ;) (Took a much bigger dose than I should have)
I found it was a quite easy extraction (compare to DMT). The amount of DXM is very easy to calculate if you know the percent of DXM in the sirrup.
Maybe the source product was not appropriate ?
What sirrup did you used ?
go on EBAY order dexalone its 30 mg dxm no other active and it don't cost very much
I've never done DXM ( no desire to ) but why in the world would you need to do an extraction when the only active in Robitussin Max strength Cough or Max Strength Cough and Cold, is the DXM. None of the other guanifefterstertffesene er whatever.

Just drink the shit, fuck, get cherry flavored. Max strength cold also has 15mg Dxm per teaspoon whereas the DM only contains 10.

Erowid is yo friend, playa.
"as for ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/100-Dextromethorpha ... dZViewItem
is the one one open. Its abit much for what you get... arnt there site out there that you can buy this stuff in crystal form?"
thats not what i was talking about but it doesn't seem like a bad price
they used to have pure powdered dex on ebay but i guess they were forced to take it off
i'm gonna do dxm as soon i'm home alone(but with sitter^^)
but how much mg you'd advice me for having a real dxm trip without going to far as it's my first time ? but the kind of trip, you know, that i really feel what it's like being on dxm without going to far eighter :)

I would suggest 7mg/Kg. DXM Faq must be read of course.

And from my small experience, I confirm that a sober sitter is more than needed.


The interrest of extracting is to ingest as few 'materials' as possible which I guess is better for ones stomach and liver.. of course, a failed extraction is worst than anything because of the chemical used :roll:
The only thing in Robitussin Max Str. Cough is:

Water, alcohol ( only 1.4% ), citric acid, flavoring, sodium benzoate and sweetener. Are you telling me that you're doing a fucking extraction so that you don't have to drink slightly alcoholic sugar-water?!?!?!?

It already sounds pretty fucking conveniently packaged to me. The only bad shit in there is Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide..... and high fructose corn syrup, but if you're trying to trip off dxm, I doubt you care.

There is no fuckin Robitussin in France :lol:
There may be some equivalent but I don't see myself asking the pharmacist " hey guy, I want a nice DXM trip, what do you have that could do the trick"...
Ah well, maybe I should try...
It just happend that I had some cough sirrup (hey, really took it for cough :wink: !) and later became interrested in the experience.
The resulting yield was a thick glue filling 3 or 4 teaspoon. Probably the nastiest thing I ingested (after Zacatechichi tea) but 3 teaspoons is not so challenging.
Sorry, I guess I didn't take that into consideration :D I thought Robitussin was everywhere. I have friends in Germany who talk about "robo tripping" so I know they have a source. I'm sure you could buy it online. Antirem, however is in america.

Over here, you don't need to talk to a pharmacist, just shop the aisles at the local grocery store. Coricidin was popular with the high school crowd for a while because it contains dxm but also Chlorpheniramine Maleate, which caused the death of many stupid kids :( So if you're going to do the shit, just make sure that 'Dextromethorphan hydrobromide' is the only active ingredient.

I still dont understand doing an extraction on Robitussin which is already fairly easy to drink. I prefer grape myself.
Over here, you don't need to talk to a pharmacist, just shop the aisles at the local grocery store.

No, no no, not in france :?
Here the pharmacist are a very powerfull lobby and you can't find that stuff elsewhere (or I would like to know where).

And about drinking the sirrup... uuuf, I extracted 4 teaspoon from 375 ml of sirrup. I prefer to not imagine what would have said my stomach with 375 ml of that sweety thing.
But I understand that people find boring to do the extractions. In my case, I find it's even more fun, it's a kind of 'ritual' to become familiar with the substance.