Thanks for thinking about what i said , You have understood why its best to case your cultures .
"So when the water starts to eveportate from the Pertile, you could put a clear plastic sort of 45 degrees, so the water eveporates and then is dripped back down to the pertile."
NO . The perlite is wet , then comes 1 to 2 cms. of caseing , then your cake and then 1 to 2 cms. of caseing . You dont need the slanting perspex / plastic . The water perculating up from the perlite , the wet caseing and the plastic cover keeps the humidity up . You can put a matchstick or something else between your container and the plastic cover so that there is a gas exchange . Just make sure that its open enough so that it gets enough air but that there is still enough humidity in the air in the box . You will see if the caseing starts to dry out . The soil keeps the water content / humidity at a much higher level than just wet air can because air doesnt hold as much water .
This is still not the full answer . If you just cover your wet perlite with caseing it will cause problems ?????? Can anyone think about that and think about why and what one could do about it ....... and tell me????
"Is there an up, or a down for the myclieum?"
It knows wich is up and wich is down and will find it so it doesnt realy mater if your jar was slanting .
What could a person very simply do to cut their legal risks ? , and what could one easily do to cut the chances of contamination by more than 50% ? A clue :- I NEVER got contamination with flys ??? Why ?
"The only thing that wouldn't be 100% perfect is that not all the brown rice was powder, there are a lot of chunks, what should I expect?"
Brown rice powder is not as good as brown rice . Rice powder has the habit of forming lumps wich is not good for myceleum growth .
"So opposed to using steam, hot water vapors to sterilize could you not freeze to kill bacteria?"
Realy cold doesnt kill contaminents...... it preserves them .
"I wouldn't think that freezing would have any effect on the substrate either"
freezing destroys the cell walls eventualy leaving you with loads of slimy mush .
"What do you think??"
I`m realy pleased because you are all thinking about things . Keep thinking and keep asking please .
"I bought a growset a couple of years ago, but didn't start immediately to grow my own.After a couple of weeks everything started to rotten, so i had to throw it away..."
It was on european grain wasnt it ? Thats the reason why generaly its not good to use other grains than rice . If you sterilise several jars with both substrates and just leave them standing for months you will see why its best to use rice .
"the only stupid questions are the ones that are never asked"
BINGO !!!!!
"I do disagree, however, with your thoughts concerning dunking and other methods which have been adapted after lots of experimentation by forward thinking mycologists."
With all respect......Bollocks . They have to adapt methods because they are brain dead . If one does it properly in the first place one doesnt need to adapt to work against the problems caused by using unthoughtout methods .
"If you want to get the most yield, design experiments to test factors which influence or seem to influence yield."
YES......thats why i say what i say.......because i have tried all those methods and found mine to be the only sensible one . It also just happens to be the easyest , cheepest , safest and most productive one i have ever seen or heard about . The reason to use rice is because it has proved to be the best method . Rice is more specific = very much less contamination grows on it than grows on other grains . DONT DUNK OR FREEZE . Those are things that can "improve" your harvest if you are using unthoughtout methods , but if you do it properly in the first place you dont need to compensate for the problems your method brings with it . I understand that the method you use works and that you can improve your yealds by bathing / freezing your substrate........ please think about what i am saying and compare both methods . Just touching or breathing on myceleum is dangerous .
"Just wondering if anyone had any experience growing Fly Argic? Would PF Tek suffice as well?"
No , and NO . It only grows in symbiosis with a few trees . I have never heard of anyone growing flyagaric....... but i have a method wich i will try when i have time .
Someone said that they had heard that psilocybin could be easily dephosphorylised/ated to psilocin by useing vinegar/acetic acid . This is what i have found on the subject :-
"Casale (1985) described the rapid formaion of psilocin after complete dephosphorylation of psilocybin by heating the dilute acetic acid extract. It is now quite clear that the decomposition under these conditions is an enzymatic reaction and was not caused by the acid alone."
"Theoretically psilocin should have the same effect upon the user as psilocybin. The only difference between the two is that the later has a phosphate bond which disappears immediately after assimilation in the body. In other words, in the body psilocybin turns into psilocin". (From the PF TEK web page)
Someone else wanted to know about the potency/drug content of diferent psilocybin mushrooms . This is a bit old but it says
alot . ... ction.html
Table 1 #
Amount of indole alkaloids in fruiting bodies of different species by using pure methanol as solvent (%, dry weight).
Species Psilocybin Psilocin Baeocystin
P. semilanceata 0.98 - 0.34
P. bohemica 0.85 0.02 0.04
P. bohemica (cultivated) 0.93 0.04 0.02
P. cubensis 0.63 0.11 0.02
G. purpuratus 0.34 0.29 0.05
I. aeruginacens 0.40 - 0.21
P. cyanescens 0.32 0.51 0.02
Table 2 #
Concentraction of alkaloids by using acetic acid for extraction of the dried mushrooms (%, dry weight).
Species Psilocybin Psilocin Baeocystin
P. semilanceata 0.97 0.15 0.11
P. bohemica 0.60 0.21 -
P. bohemica (cultivated) 0.65 0.28 -
P. cubensis 0.45 0.25 -
G. purpuratus 0.24 0.35 0.01
I. aeruginacens 0.32 0.05 0.15
P. cyanescens 0.20 0.61 -
Table 3 #
Results of the mushroom extraction of six species using aqueous mixtures of methanol and ethanol (%, dry weight).
Species Psilocybin Psilocin Baeocystin
P. semilanceata 0.80 0.15 0.11
P. bohemica 0.60 0.21 -
P. bohemica (cultivated) 0.65 0.28 -
P. cubensis 0.45 0.25 -
G. purpuratus 0.24 0.35 0.01
I. aeruginacens 0.32 0.05 0.15
P. cyanescens 0.20 0.61 -