Ok thanks GOD,
???? have you said that right ???? 100°C = boiling water = sterilisation , and all the methods i have seen talk about 90% and more humidity .
I ment 82 F, sorry for the mistake.
So the question arises why dont mushrooms in the wild need fish tanks and extreme , doubtfull methods to supply them with water ?
From my opinion, nature is perfect in everyway, and we humans cannot dublicate it. But from a 'scientific view', I'm not to sure. I'm just 'shooting darts' at it, but is it because the mycleium is hidden under soil, and somehow there is a degree of humidity created between the soil and mycleium. Does the mycleium draw nurtients and water from the surrounding soil, and when the humidty is high outside, they do well when they are above soil?
No . When the mycel is grown through and it get air it flowers
So when the jars are a solid white all around the side and the bottom, you then start the fruiting process. And if I understand correctly, the mycelium is not as densly grown and it is less dense, the air can exchange better between the outside environemnt and the middle of the cake? I'm trying to really truly understand the stuff you say, and I am not just a follower, rather someone who actually understands the knowledge.
So why do people have dificulty suplying water and what could they do about it ?
Could they create a system, like the earth, that can redistrubute the water in small quantities. So when the water starts to eveportate from the Pertile, you could put a clear plastic sort of 45 degrees, so the water eveporates and then is dripped back down to the pertile.
But now this draws a question, wouldn't it work better to have a water source right at the start, and then high humidty after. Because, everyone knows, about 24 hours after a rainfall, or even sooner, go mushroom hunting. Why do the mushroom pop up after a rainfall. Leads me to believe that you need an initial water supply, then high humidity.
I would advise you not to use clear containers
Alright, I will get a dark black container, and then cut out the top, and replace it with some clear type of material. This will lower the contimination rate? Right?
make humidity but mushrooms cant swim so there should be a space between the top of the water , the top of the perlite and the base of your cake . If they stand in water the chances of contamination are much more
I know, I was going to use tin foil to seperate the layers, and then also place the cake on the top of the lid.
Alright, sorry for the long post, and takes for your help,,
I have one more question, does it matter what way your myclieum is facing if it was colonized in a tapered 1/2 pint jar? Is there an up, or a down for the myclieum?