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and I'm more cheerful than usual because I slept deep.

Sounds great, but some things are unclear to me. What does do you use to improve your sleep ?
The effects seems lasting less than 3 hours, then ones feel very 'refreshed'. How is it possible to get a decent night of sleep if awaking after 3 hours ? Redosing during night ?
But dosing so often may trigger a serious addictivness no ?

Also SWINM said that his throat seems slightly irritated few hours after ingesting the substance (nothing hard, but he just wondered if there is a link).
Did you ever felt that ?
theres a link alright ; in the process of GHB manufacture it is required to use a very corrosive, caustic chemical ... lye.

The irritation is caused by a kitchen chem improper ph adjustment.

read: your friend is consuming sodium hydroxide.

While brugmansia makes some good points and valid info, I have to disagree with the statement that the difference between a good dose and a fatal dose being large....thats not completely true, and it is a bit sweeping, as a statement.

For bigger men with more bmi (body mass index0 the statement is generally true, but I'll bet you that everyone taking it doesnt fall within these specs...

with smaller women, for example, the difference between intoxication and the 'g-hole', as they call it, is very narrow.... there seems to be a degree of physical addiction associated with it as well.....

responsible use is everything....
At Maru,

Yers, rapidly after I swallowed it there's a slight up to heavy irritation.

It's slightly or hardly noticeable if you've drinken water and milk before, heavy if you've just consumed chips or food that contains a lot of salt/natrium.

But it's no biggie actually, just drink a lot of water.

At spice, it depends strongly on each individual, two friends of mine use 2,5 ml of GBL and they just space and still keep standing. While a female friend of us is comfortable with 0,5 ml. You just have to find the appropriate dose for yourself and then stick with it. (There's hardly any tolerance) That's why the first time you always should start LOW! And not following the dose of others you're doing it with.
theres a link alright ; in the process of GHB manufacture it is required to use a very corrosive, caustic chemical ... lye. 

The irritation is caused by a kitchen chem improper ph adjustment

Yes the chemistry was not 'perfect' he said. The resulting yield had a PH of 8.3 but he hesitated to add more GBL as he already added more than what was supposed to in the Erowid recipe.
Do you think it worths adding some GBL to reach PH 7 ? Should the liquid be heated to finish/improve the reaction ?

However, I hardly understand how a little hight PH may irritate while few drops are put in a juice fruit with a ph of 4. I mean 0.25 ml of PH 8.3 in a full glass of PH 4 should not lead to something really irritating ? Or is it just the amount of NAOH not transformed in NAGHB which may react with the body even is so small quantity (probably few % of 0.25 ml) ?


But it's no biggie actually, just drink a lot of water.

It's indeed not biggie, I just wondered if it may be harmfull
spice a dit:
1) Mark twain said that there are three kinds of untruths;


Damn Lies


statistics are too easy to misinterpret, and they lend themselves to 'spin' too easily.

I don't disagree with your position on either pot or GHB, but be careful with the sweeping generalizations: remember that statistics are exactly what were used to determine the oft-touted lack of adverse affects of our beloved reefer.

That said, I will (despite my foreknowledge of the obviousness and repetitiveness of the following remark :lol:) say that, as with any substance, I think GBL and GHB CAN be used responsibly. But, as HeartCore pointed out, it's not in any way a "kid friendly" substance, even less so than classically dangerous hard drugs like ecstacy and coke, so I wouldn't think it in any way appropriate to promote widespread usage. Perhaps if distributed in controlled pill form as per normal antidepressant or anti-anxiety prescriptions, it could be useful for such purposes as have been suggested.
Gilligan- Most of what I said about GHB is derived from one thing; my experience watching people use it. From listening to some of you, its apparent that G can be used responsibly, and I never doubted that....but many kids try a drug based on peer pressure and reputation, not careful measuring and judgment..

Statistics aren't what I use to gauge the harmlessness of reefer, my own intelligence and listening to my body tell me reefer is friendly....if I overdose,
be it slightly or massively, the most obvious result is introspection followed by sleep and eating (in whatever order)..

when people die because of slight dosage miscalculation, ( sorry, 2 ml falls under 'slight' to me ) I have to be down on it.

There's a reason I didn't flood the streets with DOB back in the day, and this is it. ( DOB is a hallucinogenic amphetamine active at 1-3 mg and probably lethal at around 10 mg for SOME PEOPLE, I made the judgment call that the difference between high and dead was too close, because if kids get it, it's gonna be abused )
