mrvn a dit:
really a addictive substance whit a nasty almost heroin like addiction. What I mean is that when youre addicted to it you can't function whitout it and get really really sick whitout ghb.
But this was in the news so I don't know if its really as horrible as they say it is.
It's true as I have experienced it myself some years ago. But it's not like opiates (only some withdrawals) but more like the habit of smoking cannabis in the evening. I ended up with dosing myself each day in the evening and eventually 24/7 a day every 2-3 hours. When I did not took the half of my normal dose I got some severe tachycardia, intense fear, stiffness, shaking, fever, open eye hallucinations, flashing unpleasant thoughts.
I tapered off very gradually and had not any physical harm during my entire addiction, I just kept dosing through a proper schedule and measured amounts. It hardly affected me physically as long as I kept following the routine. Even did all my works outs and nutrition during the period. Dosed in secret at work, which was easy as I was always alone in my office.
Quitting cold turkey however, is known for deaths in severe cases and I also suspect it can damage veins and nerves if not done properly.
This drug must be measured in a syringe accurately, it's the last psychoactive you want to do an eye-ball dose with. It is a super aphrodite as it can produce extraordinary fixated lust, but it's a pretty wild and obsessive crave for sex.
Doing one single dose will do no harm and has no after effects, but if one has the character for G it's effects he may have to deal with the appetite in his spare time. Especially because it's cheap and easy to produce in massive amounts.
Tried 1.5 ml GBL last week after years, pleasant, but it seemed my purpose for the use of substances has changed a lot since then.
Euphoric insights, but too flat, though certainly deeper and more real than MDMA.