Sorry. Was gonna wait until I tried all 3, but of what i've tried so far i'd say...
Methylone is amazing. I like it more than ecstasy, but I'm not really a big fan of harder stimulants. I first noticed it come on very subtle, I'm not even sure it was anything other than the weed at first, and then it just sort of hit me, and even though it hit pretty hard it wasn't at all overwhelming, it's just a smooth transition into a sense of ease. Very euphoric. I actually had some very good introspective thinking when doing it alone, I felt I a lot more in touch with my emotions and my ego definitely took back seat. A much better social drug though. Less inhibited, I felt much more aware of the full spectrum of emotional depth to every little moment of the conversation and much more connected to everybody. Things aren't quite as exciting as with e but I find the conversations a little better... It's easier to keep on track and keep from being too much of a spaz.
2CE is also pretty amazing. Dunnow if I like it as much as 2CI yet. Very visual. I can't say just how much it compares to 2CI visually 'cause I haven't gone nearly as far with it yet, but at 20mg i found every light and shadow much more bouncy and shifty, and everything much more dramatically contrasted (and 2CI already has a pretty dramatic contrast). Light and color movement was much more dramatic and chaotic but nothing really popped out with me like it does with 2CI at this dose. Music is amazing. I think the potential is there to dive much deeper into your mind with this one than with 2CI, but i'll see how some higher dose 2CE trips go, 'cause 2CI got pretty introspective with me. The mindset is similar to 2CI, calm, accepting, vaguely meditative. Perhaps a little less calm than 2CI. It definitely has a darker mindset than 2CI. Not as euphoric as 2CI, and not quite as much body awareness, but definitely still a lot of body awareness. A lot of people complain of nausea but I didn't really get any... I mean I did pop the first time I did it, but that was after the 2CE had already mostly worn off and I had ingested a lot of methylone and kratom and nicotine and weed so I think that one was just more of a stop putting chemicals in there barf than a 2CE related barf. Oh and it's not the greatest social drug. It's okay there but it's definitely more introspection oriented than 2CI.