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Getting research chemicals in Canada

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion robhR
  • Date de début Date de début
Can someone pm about rc's. In the late 90's, early 00's I had the most amazing experiences with lsd, mdma and mushrooms. Completely changed my life for the better. I'm so extremely interested in some of the rc's, been reading about them for years literally and have been searching the net for weeks with no lead whatsoever on where to order them. Please help. I dont know anyone else currently who does anything other smoke green so this information will be 100% safe with me. peace.
I just tried the last bit of my 2c-i again after a few month hiatus.

What a completely different trip this time. Probably i'm gusessing 14-16mg

But SO much more intense than last time. Visuals started appearing 30-40 mins after ingestion and kept gaining intensity for about 2 more hours. Peak was about 4 hours. Very sudden, rapid comedown. No real hangover next day to speak of.

I didn't have to relax to see visuals, everything was constantly alive, hallucinations of people standing next to me, audio hallucinations and even scents.. paintings were 3d and dancing, melting, swirling, floors covered in swirling faces. The visuals are so vivid and clear on 2ci.

The closed-eye trip was where things got really interesting. I felt like my body had almost vanished, and all my senses had been rerouted as if I were these completely different, imaginary organisms. With eyes closed, the audio "hallucinations" became incredibly intense.

Overall it was not an easy trip, quite physically intense and I was quite uncomfortable and edgy. Had to lay down. Towards the end it switched and became kind of euphoric, but by that time I was so physically exhausted that I didn't want to even open my eyes. Despite the physical and mental discomfort I never lost control however, with 2c-i it seems you are quite centered at all times.

Fascinating trip though.. new respect for the substance definitely.
Awesome. :P I'm pretty sure that the same company ripped me off. :( I ordered 1g of Methylone over 3 months ago. They last thing sent to me was,
Hey there - we're still hoping it will arrive. Your order was shipped
June 9th according to the records we have - so please wait until July
21st ( six weeks ) and if it still hasn't arrived - please contact
us. We will re-ship at that time if you still haven't received your

I've replied twice sense to no reply. They are definitely a hit and miss company.

I order 1 gr of 2c-i in june and I never receive anything from them.
I send 5 or 6 mails but never received a reply.
I read on internet that I'm not the only one.

This vendor is not conscientious. He don't send all orders and don't care if we don't receive his orders. He had problems with his employees on june, they didn't send the orders. But, after, Greg adams never send orders as it may be.
Go on https://www.undrugged.org/index.php and search for this compagny. You will see that they are a lot of people in the same case...

Don't order in this compagny anymore because you can't be sure your order will arrive...
Yeah. Nuts. I guess they went shifty. Or I just got lucky with that first order.

Fuck. Here I was thinking there's still a chance of getting back the 300 I dropped on them after my first sucessful order. Here's the outcome I didn't depend on: the second order is the one I get screwed on.

Yeah. There was something about some ex-employee not shipping a bunch of orders on their site I remember, but I've sent three emails about this and am yet to hear anything.

So yeah I think it's pretty safe to say that we got screwed. Sorry to vouch for them.

Okay so new question: Is there really any risk in ordering these things from outside the country? I mean it is a whiteish powder going through customs so I can't really be sure how safe I feel.
:( Sucks, I wouldn't suggest anyone ordering from them any more, luckily I'm only out 100US. If you can get it through customs you should be good, but if customs checks it out they'll take it for lab testing. I don't think it would be too much trouble in Canada though, opposed to the US.

If anyone has a different site than this one please PM me, I'd like to try again when I get some extra cash, again.

*sigh* :(
assuming you guys are talking about c*****r* still?

yeah, on the review sites i've been reading seems that lately people have been taking several months to get their orders. that isn't the first time this has happened with this supplier either. every so often it seems they fuck things up big time and orders take weeks to months to get out, and they are terrible at answering emails. i must have just lucked out with my timing--got my order in like 10 days

so just keep sending them reminder emails and you will probably get it or at least a refund in the end

pretty sketchy, i know

if i ever order again i will wait for the reviews to start getting positive.. timing is of the essence it seems
I recently ordered some 2c-i from CRC. It took 2 months to arrive. Fortunately, I have since found better sources. I would avoid ordering from them for now.
Finally an update! Just received this email.... [quote:hte1mnss]We are sending this email to update you on our current status. Many
of you may have noticed a significant delay in response to emails or
telephone contact with our office, and have sent us messages asking
if we are still operating. We would like to re-assure you, our valued
client, that we are very much operational and we are proud to serve
your needs.

We apologize for the recent delays in customer service response.
This was caused by an internal issue with a key employee, who has
since been terminated. The negative effects of this created a backlog
on everything from communications to ordering and shipping, the
effects of which we are STILL experiencing today. For this, ******RC
would like to extend its sincerest apologies to our customers. The
extended issues with our employee were not detected quickly enough to
prevent orders from being lost, and questions unanswered.

We are delighted to inform you that, after a brief period of
corporate restructuring – including the new addition of a
well-trained staff member, ******RC is better than ever before! Over
the coming weeks, we will be responding to our backlog of emails,
repairing, retrieving and processing orders and answering all of your
questions as quickly as possible. We thank you for your patience, and
we hope you will visit our products section to review our latest
additions, and our fabulous new “customer appreciation
I've been talking to the owner, and he is sending a.s.a.p., Finally!! So if you are missing an order try sending him an email now. They seem to be back in buisness!
Awesome! The 2CT2 isn't in stock but I'll still be getting the 5meo and the methylone. Really looking forward to both of them.

Anybody have experience with both 2CT2 and 2CI? What are the differences?
I'm not experienced with either, but I finally received my Methylone today via FedEx. The kind fellows over there also giving me 25% off my next order, so I'm enticed to try something new, I know the 2c-i got some good reviews let us know how the 5-meo is, I'm enticed to get some for a Christmas present to myself.

I'll let you guys know how the Methylone is in a different thread, I hope to start out on my project tomorrow. Cheers!
Huh. It somehow arrived only like a day after they shipped it. They gave me 2C-E instead of the 2CT2. I'll have a report on one of 'em soon.
can anyone point me in the direction of getting to some RC for testing?
thanks :D
Ordered from them in middle of September, order arrived in mail in one week. Very discreet and professional packaging.

Ordered from them in October, order arrived in 3 business days.

I was very impressed. But maybe I was just lucky?

I would very much appreciate a PM from kind people for other RC sources ... :)

anyone get this stuff shipped to the US where life is hell?
Some of the finer RC providers provide things such as FedEx express shipping for more discreet shipping to the States. Although expensive, I think it's a worth while investment.

robhR you got those reports yet?
Sorry. Was gonna wait until I tried all 3, but of what i've tried so far i'd say...

Methylone is amazing. I like it more than ecstasy, but I'm not really a big fan of harder stimulants. I first noticed it come on very subtle, I'm not even sure it was anything other than the weed at first, and then it just sort of hit me, and even though it hit pretty hard it wasn't at all overwhelming, it's just a smooth transition into a sense of ease. Very euphoric. I actually had some very good introspective thinking when doing it alone, I felt I a lot more in touch with my emotions and my ego definitely took back seat. A much better social drug though. Less inhibited, I felt much more aware of the full spectrum of emotional depth to every little moment of the conversation and much more connected to everybody. Things aren't quite as exciting as with e but I find the conversations a little better... It's easier to keep on track and keep from being too much of a spaz.

2CE is also pretty amazing. Dunnow if I like it as much as 2CI yet. Very visual. I can't say just how much it compares to 2CI visually 'cause I haven't gone nearly as far with it yet, but at 20mg i found every light and shadow much more bouncy and shifty, and everything much more dramatically contrasted (and 2CI already has a pretty dramatic contrast). Light and color movement was much more dramatic and chaotic but nothing really popped out with me like it does with 2CI at this dose. Music is amazing. I think the potential is there to dive much deeper into your mind with this one than with 2CI, but i'll see how some higher dose 2CE trips go, 'cause 2CI got pretty introspective with me. The mindset is similar to 2CI, calm, accepting, vaguely meditative. Perhaps a little less calm than 2CI. It definitely has a darker mindset than 2CI. Not as euphoric as 2CI, and not quite as much body awareness, but definitely still a lot of body awareness. A lot of people complain of nausea but I didn't really get any... I mean I did pop the first time I did it, but that was after the 2CE had already mostly worn off and I had ingested a lot of methylone and kratom and nicotine and weed so I think that one was just more of a stop putting chemicals in there barf than a 2CE related barf. Oh and it's not the greatest social drug. It's okay there but it's definitely more introspection oriented than 2CI.
Alright I tried the 5meo...

First we put 7mg up our noses... The only way I can describe it is everything got extremely simplified and clear. I felt a little euphoric. There was nothing very abstract going on visually and yet I would say it feels very visual. Like there's no difference in what I saw from what I would normally see, but I was sooo so so much more aware of every little detail and all the energy in the air. There was so much to take in, and I seemed to be managing to take it all in despite the fact that I was a giggly dumbass. Outside, everything I turned my attention to was a masterpeice. Then my buddy smoked about 20mg over several hits and had a very blissful experience. I smoked 20mg straight up and had an overwhelming and confusing experience. Basically it was an intense exaggeration of the feeling I still had from snortning it, but my body shifted through moments of extreme euphoria and extreme discomfort. the both of them seemed to swell over my body in layers... My mind became a lot more active, but I actually can't seem to remember what I was thinking. I remember scraps of it, and at points I was thinking in what I could only describe of as thinking in tongues, which would give way to some pretty decent insights about the nature of concsciousness, but nothing I would call introspective.

Strange experience. I'm going to do a higher snorted dose in a little while and then not touch it for a long time, I figure. I think I'll revisit it every 3 years but I'm not sure if I'd ever smoke it again.
I think the potential is there to dive much deeper into your mind with this one than with 2CI, but i'll see how some higher dose 2CE trips go, 'cause 2CI got pretty introspective with me. The mindset is similar to 2CI, calm, accepting, vaguely meditative. Perhaps a little less calm than 2CI. It definitely has a darker mindset than 2CI.

Interesting, I've heard other people say they found 2CE a lot darker than 2CI. Honestly though, I'm wondering how much this just depends on your body/metabolism/what day it is. I found 2CI calm for the first couple trips, then suddenly they became a lot darker. Especially after that last intense and quite dark trip I had on 2CI (not a trip I regret, but I wouldn't want to do that to myself again), I'm sure I'll revisit the Shulgins again someday but I think I'll be breaking from them for a while. I think I'd be interested in trying the bromo dragonfly sometimel. Whew!