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Getting our evolution back in hands! But how?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Demahdi
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I am also from europe. I am from the netherlands.

Where do i think europe is going?

Europe is changing, what it is changing into i do not know, there are many options. There more and more muslims coming into europe so this religion is already playing a big role and it is going to get bigger in europe. That, s a fact i think.

When you look who has the most seats in the european parlement the answer is the EPP or the coalition of christian party, s who are liberal conservative.
In the netherlands it are the christian and conservative party, s who want to fight a crazy war on drugs. The christian party made mushrooms illegal and want to ban cannabis.

Christianity judaism and islam all have the same roots. The are what is called the abrahamic religions.

In indonesia they made alcohol illegal. There is no cia or elite behind this. It are conservative and religious people who want to make there rules for everybody.

Now i now many many many muslims. I have muslims in my family. And i know people from all around the globe. I have talked to many people and a lot of people repeat the same propaganda zezt is writing. Everything is always a plan of the elite with the conspiranoid, it is realy simpleminded. Conspiranoia makes you question nothing, the answer is always the same. The elite are behind it and that, s the answer and conspiranoids stop thinking there.
Conspiranoids do not think at all. They are one of the most mind controled group of all. Jet they think themselves smarter then other people. Conspiranoia is a little bit like a religion in itself.

I have heard it all thousand times before. The all point the finget to the evil (satanic, lucifarian) elite. The all point fingers at the cia and the western goverments of europe and the usa. Ofcourse the west has a history of emperialism. And still today the west does horrible things.

However i want to take a neutral position (as neutral as can be)

I think it, s all mind controle. I think the west has a mind control media, but so does russia and so does every state or nation.
Terence mckemma said culture is not our friend. I think mckenna was right about this.
It is all mind control. So free your mind of this stupid dualism.

Fuck (fundamentalist) religion and ideology, they are a curse for human kind.

Saying that questioning the islam is racist is one of the most stupid things i have heard. The islam is a religion and a ideology just like christianity or judaism or any other religion. Islam is not an etnic group.

I believe that what we need is to be more human. We do not need isms and ideology that divide us.
We need to respect people,s believes and to be humble and gentle. We should not let the church the crown or the state tell us how to live and what to believe.

I will write more on this topic in a moment .
If I link you to it it may further push you into where you seem to be at, because like I said, I was saying things like you. Still want to see it?

Look, I do not look at Europe with the idealistic vision you seem to. I see it as being under patriarchal oppression for thousands of years! So it is like the pot calling the kettle black to suddenly begin demonizing Islam, as THOUGH all are extremists. Did any of them invesnt and use the atom bomb on thousands of other humans, fetuses mot born in wombs, babies, infants, children, men women, ALL life, all species, and the natural environment. You may say 'oh that wasn't us that was America, but the war WW2 started here and people in America originate mostly from Europe, and Europe embrace American values more and more. So who are we to say those people are insane? Insanity is ALL OVER.

As I keep saying, what have we to offer? the prevailing myth is that we are robot-consumers living in a dead world. You see this as some kind of freedom?? it is an illusion of freedom because as soon as your money is gone many here are thrown into the streets. Everything is about profits, and if you cannot give them profit to them your worth-less, of no use.

The question of 9/11 is CRUCIAL. You seem to want to ignore it, as though what has been done---the horrific consequences of a false flag-- has no connection with driving people deeper into extreme forms of religion like shariah? How do. How can we live a lie, and imagine the answer is 'tell the 'Muslims' to go back home'. You mean to the bombed out stone-age radioactive wasteland the west' warmongers have made out of it?
The psychedelic and sexual revolution in the 60, s and 70, s was i short period of freedom. It was like a breath of fresh air.
People started to become free of the power of the church.
People started to experiment on all levels. I grew up in the 80, s and 90, s and back then there was in some sense way more freedom.
Aleister crowley was populair back then. Crowley is for (sexual) freedom, experimentation and psychedelics. Crowley was one of the first psychonauts of his time.

For people who do not like free sexuality and (sexual) experimentation crowley will be seen as a evil man.
For people who are afraid of woman and man getting to know and owning there own sexuality or people who are afraid of free sexuality in general crowley is the devil.

For conservative and religious conservative people the 60, s revolution was a nightmare.

About europe and where it is going.
It all has to do with geo politics.
It is a very intressting and complex matter. Economical, political, and military. Everything is shifting at the moment. China has started a bank and a lot of european as well as non european country want to join this bank. Militairy china is also a rising power. The middle east is one big mess.
China is getting into south america and africa. The US is losing his grip on south america and other country, s mainly because of the mess in the middle east they made, by removing dictators. Europe has to deal with a great amount of refugees as well as a possible hostile Russia. And there is TTIP which may have large effect on the market.
So when it comes to geo politics everything is shifting as hell.

As for the near future like i wrote i am not optimistic. Like a wrote before, people will just do there job without thinking. The people seem to need a dissaster or war to wake them up a bit for a moment. But eventualy they always seem to return to there normal habbit.

What i am talking about is people in general.
I do not realy like to talk about people in general that much.
I hear to much We. And i hear we against them a lot.
Becoming human is becoming an individual. Carl jung called it the individuation process. Nietszche also talked about this (his three metamorphoses). As well as heidegger and nearly all the mystics who ever walked this earth. This becoming a individual is what i was hinting at when i wrote about freeing your mind. To me personally it is most important because this is where we find the inner power.
One last thing about homosexuality.
A muslim conspriranoid told me once: the satanic illuminati elite templars are behind everything. They themselves are homosexual and want to promote homosexuality. That, s why childeren learn about homosexuality. According to this dude the evil elite are a bunch of satanic gays. Alex jones also talked about gay sex at the bohemian grove. And crowley also experimented with gay sex. So if zezt is gay he is part of the new world order gay elite hahaha.

Conspiranoia is just dumb don, t you think.
We have been lots in Rotterdam and Amsterdam FinarFin, … Before your political changes we went to Terneuzen and Goes.
You are right, culture is not our friend, and he also said: It’s an operating system.
So what kind of operating system is threatening the west the most today? :D
I am just going to spill it out: our very own democratic nations and islam. They collide big time! We have freedom of expression, they execute freedom of expression. We have equal rights, islam preaches we don’t. Now I know they are all Abrahamic beliefs, but one is taking it a bit more serious then the other imho. So we must act upon that which inflicts our values the most. We must not kiss and carresse it out of fear of being called a racist or a terrorist attack.
One forgets fast how muslims hate jews, isn’t that a form of racism too? We just need to put it in perspective and act upon it consequently.
I dare you to go out and tell a group of muslims you do not respect their religion. That our free rights of expression lead us up to believe Mohammed might’ve been a paedophiliac. This is a fact in our Western society. That’s questioning their religion too my friend ;-)
I double dare you, tell me it’s bullshit after you surprise them with a shocker like that … hahahah not to piss you off though ;)
It’s for those IN the religion haram to convert religion, or even to question their religion.
it’s paid with death penalty to convert and known in our language as “eremoorden”. No not all muslims do this, but it is coded in their religion.
I do not need to express how girls have no say in who they marry, don’t fall in love with a handsome blond European stud, oh no no no no haraam :D

Becoming human is just who we are naturally before culture changed us. And yes that is unique for every one of us. So of course that is individual ;)

Zezt, Where am I at? You were saying things like me but you changed… I was once defending islam and now I changed. We are opposites on that one.
I am not going to change my song on this one, because I rather see Europe maintain as Europe then to be swallowed back to the middle ages. I am doing this with all my heart and effort because I am not doing this for myself. I strongly agree the media can demonize islam, they can demonize anything. But we should not look at the media alone, you should take your own neighbourhoods as example. Where one neighbourhood is pulling the alarm bell, let’s not ignore the fact but act upon the whole culture and not on individuals when such individuals keep sprouting from that religion.
What do we have to offer? Medical care? School systems?
Trust me that’s a huge basis for a strong civilization.;; and that’s why we don’t migrate there Zezt, or do we? They don’t have an educational system as us. Have you seen the way they teach science in Islamic countries? Something you should do … We have lots more to offer.
I have never said they should go home, I said we should live in a secularism. That means religion has no impact on society anymore. It’s John Lennon singing: Imagine there’s no religion.
Europe is more important to me then 911. Americans are very good patriots, they can handle 911 better from their position.

And remember, the Caliphate is expressing islam in its must pure form, where’s your sympathy for gays when they throw them off a building? And the mass stoning him to death down below after he survived the fall.
Is that not islam you think? Oh … the European version of islam is not what the quran is teaching… We see in the news from the Islamic state what the quran is teaching.
zezt a dit:
of course I am aware of the Shariah law. I am gay, and I am very aware how gays can be treated in some Islamic countries, and also women.
The elite made it possible for gays to marry, to adopt children.
Do you think Islam will?
To me you are looking at this blind. You are ignoring vast pieces of very important information. One VAST piece of important information you are ignoring is the 9/11 false flag which as I am telling you has been specifically contrived to CAUSE a 'clash of civilizations' between the West, and Islam. So I see you falling arse over tit right into this predictive propaganda!
Do you remeber monty pyton life of brian: what did the romans ever do for us....

You know who jezus was? You know what the romans called the first christians.. they called them terrorist. The romans had problems with christians and jews because they only worshipped god and not the roman emperor and his empire.
They called these people terrorists and killed them. Eventualy the romans turned christian themselves and christianity became there state religion before the whole empire collapsed.

I think the EU and all this talk about new world order has to do with the wish to build a empire.
Rebuild the roman empire.
If you want to understand this stuff learn about history. When you understand history you will understand more about the present situation.

I can go on and on about history and how everything became like it is now.
However the point i am trying to make is that humans (east and west) act like robots.
People just believe what they have been told by: there culture, there religion, there nation state and stop thinking there. Most people i meet do not have a clue about history. Most people i meet let, s say 90% do not think or ask themselves questions. They do not question there religion nation or culture. The just repeat what they have been told.
We should not focus on one religion. At this momemt the islam is very much at the centre of attention. But the same shit happend with the other abramistic religions. And there are (example) also buddhist in Birma who attack and kill muslims.

This religion of islam and the whole arabic world is going trough a fase of change and turmoil. And not only the arabic world. The whole world changing very fast. You need to see it in historical perspective.

Let, s not focus on one religion. The problem is (not just) this one religion. It has to do with the way people seem to be.
Seems to me a lot of peoplr act like children. The human race need to grow up and become human. Humanity needs to come before religion.

But of course this is humanistic satanic lucifarian talk the conspiranoid will say.
Evil humanism. Hahaha
But a secularism addresses all religions . It's not islam alone

What vast information am I missing? 911? That has nothing to do with sharia. Sharia should never be ruled in our societies .

I will get back to this.
The problem with (fundamentalist) christians and muslims is that they see the devil behind every tree.
Zezt used words as lucifarian satanism evil occult.

Lucifer as you may or may not know was a rebel. He rebelled against god (the patriachical abramistic god)

The evil elite the masons and illumitati promote a one world idea. A world without nations and borders. They the evil illuminati are humanist in a sense.
The christians and muslims as well as a lot of other people (nationalists for example) do not want humanism and do not like the idea of a world without borders.

When you try to create a new world order by force what you will get is a nightmare dictatorship positive change needs to start inside.

Now zezt is talking about false flags. However there is no solid proof any terror attack was a false flag. Hey just says it because isreal and america are the evil empire according to conspiranoid believes.
The always talk about the evil of the west NEVER about the evil of other state such as russia, china, north korea, iran or anu other state.
Conspiranoia is a simplistic believe the west is the evil empire the west is behind everything.
It, s a lot of nonsense if you ask me. The west has a emperialistic background and has done horrible things that, s true. But there are horrible deeds done by non western religion and ideology.
It, s not black and white you know.
Slave trade for example is not something the western world introduced. The west did trade in slaves and it was horrible but therw where also black africans trading in slaves.
9/11 has changed the world dramaticly. You can argue about if it was a false flag a inside job or a terror attack. What it did not do was change the ideolgy of islam.
Let, s say that people try to make the muslims look bad by false terror attacks. The ideology and teachings are still the same.
Finarfin, Islam is a world idea too! I know our democratic ways aren't perfect, but at least they leave room for reason, logic, common sense and debate! Open debates. Yes it is not perfect, but it is a CHANGING system. Now I am the kind of guy that wants to know where I'm at, what I'm confronting, so I read the quran, I read hadiths, I read sharia laws. I can not allow myself to deny the facts. I can not allow a sleeping Europe. Why can I not ? Cause I care great deal! I have loved ones, I had a grandfather that fought WW2 whos greatgrandfather fougth the first! Get it straight, look where we at, what we have achieved and what is threatening it!
I have been looking at school peers and telling myself it was just testosterone that needed to be balanced out over a period of time. What happened???? They sent other islamists to die in Syria. Can you fucking believe that???? So I got in real deep and I find it really arrogant from Zezt for telling me to be blinded to the vast facts while the elephants is standing in the room and its fart is spreading all over Europe!
You speak of slaves, do you know who sold the black slaves? And do you know why there are almost none Africans in the Saudi Arabia? Because they got castrated, in the US they didn't do that.
So civil and humane is a thin line,
and Zezt I would strongly suggest not to put things in boxes like that, but look at an entire image before you speak your mind about something. You are going way too deep in 911 while that shit has passed long ago. Even if they did, they got away they're never gonna pay for it. They did it, then Ghadaffi wanted a golden dinar, means money from solid gold, and then Sarkozy got him! Can you imagine oil being traded for solid gold??? Where does that put our Western society ? We trade!!!!! We don't have that much gold to go around, and certainly not for oil. We spend way more oil then gold….
I was heavily active in my country frowning upon this and overcoming the mass media by truth. But there are other inconvenient truths we can not deny….and I am going to drink the poison that's worth dying for! That means Western standards, morals, philosophy, all we have build up and I'm going to make out of all those things my own special me.

But to get there in freedom? I think we all need to be on the same page in Europe and ask for a secularism. So no culture, no religion can stop you from being who you are!
Free and independent!
What I see now is apartheid, and that is what got us in world wars the first place…. History keeps repeating because we keep stuck.

We are Lucifer, We are God
Because they're all made up by us to explain what we can not grasp, and we never fully grasp our choices and the coincedences of it.
Finarfin a dit:
9/11 has changed the world dramaticly. You can argue about if it was a false flag a inside job or a terror attack. What it did not do was change the ideolgy of islam.
Let, s say that people try to make the muslims look bad by false terror attacks. The ideology and teachings are still the same.

9/11 is a reaction to the war and domination of USA. It's probably not a "false terror attack".
Sorry that I did not came out elaborated enough in my previous postings. I seem to be pushing a bit hard on this matter, for which I excuse myself.

Don't look at Europe as a conspiracy Zezt, yes there are politicians conspiring, but we are still a community are we not? Just take your own country, we work, live, eat, sleep, shit together. We pay taxes for the same water, same streets, same medical care, etc etc… Yes there is a huge deal of problems going on. I am not going to deny this and I know I did not respond to your opinions in the past. But I see your point of view and I have my respect for it. I don't know your age, but when I was a teenager I could rebel against the illuminate as well. I see and feel your caring is sucking you down into a vortex you need to escape now. It is “programming” you and in stead of repeating, I strongly suggest to put it in consensus. Leave it there, and open up to other things as well. What you left in consensus should be left alone for most time, other things should be done most of the time. Think about all the things you might miss concentrating and fixating on the troubles in life only? You're gonna look back one day and say: gosh, those little things were the big things!
I don't want to ignore 911, I paid time to it and yes I learned quite much back then. But I already told you this much: It's on an agenda and it has no time to explain… While you are busy figuring out, they already done it. And when you figure 1% out they backed up the full 100% So why bother? Whatever we do, expose, turn upside down it doesn't seem to matter.
There's a strong code I picked up from a real wise man in life, I'm not that fast in calling one wise. But he said this at a right moment in my life: If you can't beat them, join them!

Finarfin, always look on the bright side of life…. I should've picked up that Monty Python clue right a way. I am not saying muslims are terrorists, now am I? I am saying their moral standards collide with western standards. And of course there are lots of moderate muslims in Europe, but why should they be against a secularism? Why is it important that a religion has power in a society? If they want their religion in power, they have lots of countries to choose out of. I'm not telling them to go there, I'm just saying their religion can not be practiced in an open and free society, how ironic this may sound!!!!! Lol Of course I have no problems with one praying on the streets, but sharia laws are undermining other important laws that ensure the rights of an individual human being. We can never ever tolerate this in our Western society. That's just an advertising tag for the horse of Troy. “Attack here!”
If you doubt anything I say, look into the religion yourself. The fundamentalists in islam are loose from any point of reasonable sense and as a psychonaut I see through that charade in one Islamic chapter. Of course the problem is not one religion, that's why NO religion should have laws that are above democratic chosen laws. But if we keep going this course, they will democraticly get sharia law. It's not because there are good things in it it justifies the bad things, does it? And as a muslim would say, you can not accept a little, you must accept the whole. And any wise wo/man can read between the lines of what's written in the entire islam.
Spread the world, have many children, decapitate those who inflict your religion, let them pay tax otherwise and use them as slaves, etc etc…

We see this happening NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People are running from it and I remember this week alone only more then THOUSAND of them drowned in the sea, having children on board!

So please people, we are our priorities????
I am not saying we should send them home, but should we tolerate their system within our system?
Stop talking like if you could resume all of the muslim voices in one post. All of my muslim friends would say it's bullshit. Most people would never want the shariah like most christians wouldn't kill homosexuals. Muslims are hated in Europe, so please attack those in power, not the weak.

If you want to spread your hate about categories of people and ignoring individuality, go somewhere else. No, in fact, just shut up.

western standards
I would laugh if I didn't cried reading this bullshit.

You're looking for ennemies in the dominated people around you. Look at the structures making people getting power over others. We need to destroy those structures, not fight our brothers and sisters. You're talking about terrorism but you're insulting people that you live with and peaceful people around the world.
I am leaving this board. Hate censorship.
Go to Bruxelles yourself. Capitol of Europe.
This is everything that's wrong with Europe: TO DENY.
Of course not all Muslims want sharia but many do and already apply it in European countries.

Anyway I could have lived with a normal chat but shutting me up with oppressive power?
Fuck that ...
Oh, so oppressive and intolerant I am. But calling for hatred about Muslims, nooooooo, not oppressive and intolerant at all. We got enough of you people. If you can't make a difference between religion and religious people in your words, and if you see islam as the biggest threat to Europe, well... Open your eyes because evolution is not only rejecting Islam, but much more. And if some people could reject Islam, it's not us, it's Muslims. Taking a war against them will not evolve anything. Evolution is about opening up to people as they are, and helping each other to emancipate of all kinds of authorities : state, religion, capitalism and so on.

You're right, I'm not opening up to you in my last post, but I can't stand your kind anymore.
Read what I wrote in context. I am protecting individuality.
You did not read my intentions.
Which is ok for me. But it ends here. I would not mind you delete my membership.
"shut up at all"
So here goes ... Mahdi left psychonauts.com.
Enjoy your hassle.
If you're talking about how Muslims are the biggest threat to Europe (and saying Islam like Islam = Daesh, wtf), then do not come crying that people don't accept this kind of talking and "oppress you" (the typical victimizing process from people calling for hatred about categories of people - hilarious). You can stay here if you want, we can disagree on a subject and talk calmly on others. If you don't, I won't cry for your loss. Maybe others will, but I won't excuse myself. And I will certainly not take a minute to delete your profile and validating your self victimizing attempt).

I'm pretty sure you don't even have a Muslim friend. Go talk to Muslims, instead of talking about them, this will be good for you.