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Getting our evolution back in hands! But how?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Demahdi
  • Date de début Date de début
FinarFin, when you take a vaccin to overcome the chicken pox, you have overcome natural selection.
If we let the chicken pox do its work, natural selection would've managed to handle the human population. Though we saved the weak ones and we kept saving them ever since. That's taking natural selection out of natures hand; also women used to do the selecting of males. But then men gathered more and more possessions and it was important THEIR SON inherited it.
We are already kind of robots when you look at machines invented to keep you alive, pacemaker.
Lungtransplantations, ...
The transition happens so slowly it is naked to the visible eye, as it happens in evolution. But when we proppel ourselves forward in time, what might we find? Would we be shocked? Would Mozart be shocked if he saw where we are now?

Why would we care about it? Because we are not selfish beings. We have no control over our life/body in this current paradigm. And our fear is putting people into powerful positions where they can do anything without serving any justice.
We are already evolving into transhumanist robots... We see that today in our current knowledge, no?
So if this is not what you want, me changing it alone won't change the fact ...

We should all ask for our birthrights and save those who we prisoned for our benefits.
We live longer cause we torture other animals. And that's not how our technology should be used....
But they only need 2 events in life and you crawl right back at their feet begging for technology that would kill of your planet.
Matter of saying, dont take it as a priest here haha
I won, t take it as a priest haha.
I do not think you are preaching, you are asking questions and try to communicate.

So you say we have overcome natural selection because we have a vaccin against chicken pox?
Remember that we can not even cure a commen flu. And also remeber that viruses and bacteria can and are becoming resistence to antibiotics.
Also don, t forget that most modern medicins are fighting symptoms instead of curing the desease. People still die of desease. Nobody dies of old age. When you get old you body resistence goes down and you get sick.

Evolution to me is more then en only natural selection. To me natural selection is kind of old school evolution theory. Survival of the fittist darwinism that kind of thing. We may have manage to overcome some part of it but this part i think is no bigger then 0, 005% or something like that.
There are still baby's being born dead. Childeren are still deing at the hospitals because there organs fail or are to weak.
Personally i think there is much more to evolution than natural selection and the survival of the strong.

You write : You crawl righf back at their feet.
Here we have it again. Them and us.
Dualism. Nature and culture.
Right and wrong.
I honestly do not believe in dualism.

I do not believe we are becoming transhumanist robots. I think transhumanism is bullshit to tell you the truth. When you put a pacemaker inside a homosapiens it, s just a homosapiens with a pacemaker. It, s just naked apes with computers and technology.

I am sort of a follower of the taoist philosopy (i call it neo taoism)
Within the philosopy of taoism everything is about balance.
Power, technology ect needs to be in balance. It is not about good and bad.

Now when it comes to the bad the wrong the evil and injustice.
These things are products of the free will of human beings. Free will means having the freedom to do horrible things as well as to do good of ofcourse.

I think people basicly act like apes on a hill (when we talk about power and politics). It, s 2001 ape behavior. The homosapiens (wise homo, s ) are still fighting for territory. This has not change i think.

I think that when you want to be free and independent, free your mind first (and maybe the ass will follow)
Free it of the dualism that seperates everything. It is all one so i believe.

But what do you think.
when you take a vaccin to overcome the chicken pox, you have overcome natural selection

Why would not natural selection include the ability to make a vaccine against a virus ? Some species use mostly their bodies to survive, we use mostly our brains. Who can tell we are out or above natural selection ?
-> :) <- Woke up like this today

Well you have natural selection, you also have selection of the organism itself and you have artificial selection. We, as a species are, globally, evolving into the artificial. There are of course other mechanisms on which evolution thrives. But let's take natural selection for now.

I was death wrong on the chicken pox lol What I meant was small pox.

It was a killer declining our popuplation until a vaccin came along. Not long after the vaccin our population has peaked up to 7 billion. Artificial selection, you keep the weaks alive as well and now they mingle with the others.

In 1950 there were only 2 billion people. 3 MILLION years of human evolution but we peak up more then 50% only the last 70 years? Why is that? Maybe the above reason, just speculating...

Also the spanish flu in the 20th century. There is no cure, but it was anti biotics that saved us from the secondairy problem that may arise with flues, infections. Diseases are getting stronger, more resistant now, people are getting faster and faster cancer, kids born with distortions, lungproblems peak up, allergees peak up, .... You can ask any doctor this around my area: "what is going on with kids lungs?" Allergees is a growing problem as well.

Are we capable of dealing with this knowledge in science? Aren't we triggering another problem by solving the other? And aren't these problems getting bigger as our knowledge grows? Just asking....

Now let's look at real natural selection:

There were no vaccins in the past; We were powerless against the powers of nature. I can not count how many children, women, men and animals died back then. But what a sacrifice it was? Our resistance has peaked up and due to our dirty ancestors some Western people are way better in fighting off HIV then whom's ancestors didn't get in touch that much with the plague as Westerns. The weaks died, the strong lived and now their grandchildren are able to fight off other diseases without taking any pill, any vaccin. Natural selection :)

You can google this on keywords:
Biologists discover why 10% of Europeans are safe from HIV infection

I am not really a dualistic, I speak of them, you and me to place it in context. I don't like to tie myself to a religion or culture. But free will and being free is all relative. We can clearly see what is going on, but for some minds it takes more time to put it all in place. I'm looking at a world I'm still forming into reality. Is my mind playing tricks on me? Of course, I am just beginning to live my life and opening up to change my own way of living. But it sure is nice to communicate about it. I just go on my impulses and feelings now, regardless of being judged or frowned upon. I see the oneness in some way, but I see what's standing between it as well.... Or I think I may see that lol. It comes down to this: we shouldn't fear death, we shouldn't fear nature but prepare the way for those who are next to come. It seems to be going the other way around now.

I like to hear all of you, all your thoughts on this matter as well....Because my guesses are just guesses I'm still placing into context/reality. All of the above could be total incorrect information and I don't mind you changing it :D
It is an elite sick dream that diseases will take the 'riff raff' out. Prince Philip was asked what he would like to reincarnate as and he replied 'as a deadly virus'---your entitled to your opinion but I am also entitled to tell you I find it offensive. I do not want any loved one of mine getting slamm pox or ANY fukin disease, and thus nor anyone else
Has anyone here watched the series Utopia ? It's debating this same subject and I found it quite addictive. Thanks to Palomita that made me discover it.
Why is it an elite sick dream? From your perspective it's the elite keeping us alive, to maintain longer as robot. Or am I wrong on that one Zezt?
You scream you hate the patriarch, but you showed sympathy for the islam before.... It's hard to put a pin on you...
All I am trying to point out is, by solving one problem we might create a huger problem till things peak up and we lose control. Marine life has never been threatened like now. Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (also corexit), Fukushima .... And that's not even mentioning what they are doing to us geneticly...
From all the people on this board, I would've assumed you'd be a bit more open minded about vaccins. But it seems to me you are totally in their power.
Could it not be we've doubled in numbers due to vaccins? And that doubling our numbers at such a fast rate was a heavy bump for Earth? If we wish to restore what is left, what should we do then?
Lotre a dit:
Has anyone here watched the series Utopia ? It's debating this same subject and I found it quite addictive. Thanks to Palomita that made me discover it.

Where does it come down to? What to they do on the show?
And may I add,
I don't want sick people to die.
And these vaccins shouldn't stop directly.
But we could at least start with birth control.
New laws, a new vision, a new story...
All this knowledge is peaking up and we aren't capable of dealing with it. We should stop for a moment, pause and think what to do with it and where to go ...
Technologic knowledge is beyond our understanding and we should be careful with what we are doing.
PLEASE watch this video, I would never throw a youtube video without any importance behind it.

Humans need not apply:

Humanity we woke up, now get off your feet!
Demahdi a dit:
Why is it an elite sick dream? From your perspective it's the elite keeping us alive, to maintain longer as robot. Or am I wrong on that one Zezt?
You scream you hate the patriarch, but you showed sympathy for the islam before.... It's hard to put a pin on you...
All I am trying to point out is, by solving one problem we might create a huger problem till things peak up and we lose control. Marine life has never been threatened like now. Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (also corexit), Fukushima .... And that's not even mentioning what they are doing to us geneticly...
From all the people on this board, I would've assumed you'd be a bit more open minded about vaccins. But it seems to me you are totally in their power.
Could it not be we've doubled in numbers due to vaccins? And that doubling our numbers at such a fast rate was a heavy bump for Earth? If we wish to restore what is left, what should we do then?

Like i wrote before. Zezt is suffering from conspiranoia. People who suffer from this disease tend to see conspiracy everywhere and blame everything that is wrong on them, the (occult) elite, tbtb, illuminati, freemasons ect.

Often they will try to bring into a discussion the subjects they want to preach about. Chemtrails, vaccinations, fluor in the drinking water, fema death camps.
All the stuff people like alex jones talk

Zezt loves to shoot his conspiracy jizz all over the tits of this forum and spread fear propaganda.

I believe we all have inner power, inner wisdom and inner strength. Instead of moaning about everything that is wrong we could use our power to make ourselfs a better people and the world a better more beautyfull place.
Why is it an elite sick dream? From your perspective it's the elite keeping us alive, to maintain longer as robot. Or am I wrong on that one Zezt?
You scream you hate the patriarch, but you showed sympathy for the islam before.... It's hard to put a pin on you...
All I am trying to point out is, by solving one problem we might create a huger problem till things peak up and we lose control. Marine life has never been threatened like now. Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (also corexit), Fukushima .... And that's not even mentioning what they are doing to us geneticly...
From all the people on this board, I would've assumed you'd be a bit more open minded about vaccins. But it seems to me you are totally in their power.
Could it not be we've doubled in numbers due to vaccins? And that doubling our numbers at such a fast rate was a heavy bump for Earth? If we wish to restore what is left, what should we do then?

And may I add,
I don't want sick people to die.
And these vaccins shouldn't stop directly.
But we could at least start with birth control.
New laws, a new vision, a new story...
All this knowledge is peaking up and we aren't capable of dealing with it. We should stop for a moment, pause and think what to do with it and where to go ...
Technologic knowledge is beyond our understanding and we should be careful with what we are doing.
PLEASE watch this video, I would never throw a youtube video without any importance behind it.

Humans need not apply:

Humanity we woke up, now get off your feet!

The elite see you and your family as less well bred than they arre. Worse, the see you as animals. Mow let me explain before you think I look down on animals, which I don't. The elite have funded and promoted ideas that animals are machines (Rene Descartes), and letwer cam the 'experimental psychologist' and philosopher, Wilhelm Wundt who claimed the very same about humans, that we are also machines. So that is how they think of us whilst they think of themselves as being gods. So when they start talking about 'over-population' and how good fatal pandemics would be, they do NOT include themselves in what ever massive death toll that would cause, but you and me--and all the other 'worthless machines'. And seeing that they are pushing for a transhumanist world where computer-robots will be designed to do works for them and MAKE PROFIT for them, you will be even less worth to them, because their very god IS profit. They think they own all the land and that you are just tenants and they want their garden 'back!

Regarding my sympathy for Islam. IF I see and know tyhat eg 9/11 was a false flag blamed on Muslims and causing the deaths of thousands and thousands of innocent men, women and children tthey call 'Muslims', the fact that Islan is also a patriarchal religion is besides the point. A MASSIVE crime has been done by liars who want pointing out as the criminal they really are and then something being done about that. To want to live in a world you choose to be blind to that, I do not share. I don't want that. It is evil, and corrupts all of us.

yes I am aware of the ecocide, but see what they do--they blame 'overpopulation' so as to deflect from the real people responsible for this--the mega rich and their corporations! Their SYSTEM. They love you saying 'look look! it is overpopulation!. That of course may add to problems but is not the ROOTS of the problem

Also, take Fukushima catastrophe--there is evidence it was a planned event--as horrible as that idea may seem!! These people at the top are extremely insane, and do not care for life. And they would also love to have 'the people' screaming for the killing (though the rich shits would see it as culling) of others. Their flag is the Skull and Bones which is a flag of death

Malthus himself, an Anglican minister, wrote that “We are bound in justice and honour formally to disdain the Right of the poor to support,” arguing for a law making it illegal for the Anglican church to give any food, clothing or support to any children. Not content with consigning thousands of children to death for the misfortune of being born poor, however, Malthus also advocated actively contributing to the deaths of more of the poor through social engineering:

“Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and restrain those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they are doing a service to mankind by protecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders.“ source
@Finarfin: Well what is your inner power saying about this matter ? Now let’s put our psychedelic goggles on. What do you see at play in this world when you look into it after eating a decent portion of cubensis? The way I see it is beyond my level of explaining. Humanity is just getting out of hand and we need to reorganise how we live, eat, work, reproduce, We have a marvellous evolved brain, we have relativity, we have it all baby… But then why are we using it that dumb? Was it smart to build a nuclear reactor down shores where tsunami’s are definitely going to hit your shores in the near future? What’s up with that?
I do admit we should all aspire to engage on a constructive level to matters like this.
We have all our own role to play, and we should play it in our most best way.

@Zezt, if there is an elite, they are only abusing our ignorance. There are indeed people funding most crazy scientific breakthroughs. They were able to control a rat on a remote controller. They are touching into the mind in obscure ways; where I as a human do not wish to be any part off. You can all go and look it up on youtube for yourselves… They simulate car crashes on a monkeys head, they attach their necks for HOURS in the same position, they are placed in that box very brutally, then they do all this mind experimenting in benefit for Alzheimer's disease. Is there no other way?

About islam, shouldn’t we all free their minds? We are born in cultures, then we become these cultures. I don’t like religions that says humanity should reproduce and spread all over the world. We should all just become human again, I think the homo erectus was more human then we are. We are just going on our ego and the more we possessed the more our ego grew.
These conspiracies might be fun to look at now and then, but it is in the here and the now only we can make the change. Exposing just isn’t enough.
I am waking up most mornings and thinkin g 'I am now waking up into a bat shit crazy insane world
I am talking of the 'world' that the insane elite have got 'under control' THAT one

I am trying to understand where there heads are at. Any good detective MUST get into the head of the criminal s/he is investigating no matter how harrowing that may be. But that is what I have been doing and it IS shocking when you discover just how fukin insane they really are

Here's somethings I am learming---these people deify BUILDING, and look to their 'ancestors' the first builders of city-scapes, hence the term freeMASONS. Their buildings and monuments are all sharing their occult measurements, and location which tallies with their hermetic beliefs of 'as above so below'--meaning their interpretation of astrology has then placing their buildings etc to correspond with the above

So they have been busy doing all that, but as well as that they have built a matrix which is designed to control our bodies and consciousness, and they are using similar methods they use for their buildings and monuments, and dates of speeches etc. Using numerology, gematria, symbolism, and all of this is to CONTROL us on many levels. So much so that even protesting against it they will try and lead the 'dissent' to be contained within their matrix, hence nothing truly radical can happen, and they will fabricate staged events to mindcontrol 'the masses' to carry on accepting their matrix and own slavery

So I see it that I personally cannot round up these insane fuckers and lock them up where they belong. But I can explore undoing the mindcontrol they are doing on me by becoming aware of their tactics. And of course this is activism and you will also stand up against what they do. it is all of a pice. You will find though deeper energy when you uncover the methods they use

An example--how they get you to buy shit you dont want and be a mindless consumer. When you see through that you dont DO that.
My inner power is saying the following:(Let me try to explain this best i can)
Cubensis are a medicin. The purpose of medicin is healing and learning how to heal yourself and others.
Healing on many levels.

What is behind all the shitty stuff is sickness, trauma, addiction,suffering.
You can play the blame game if that, s what you want. You can ask yourself why someone get, s sick. But there are many kinds of sickness and many kind of people. There is not one answer. There are many answers.

I am not interrested in the blame game. I just want to try and use this life i have to be the best i can be (i do not always succed at it.)
I want to learn from my mistakes.

Now zezt ofcourse would say it, s the elite making us sick. The ussual conspiranoid respons.
Conspiranoids often talk about how the elite is trying to kill of part of the population.
If that is there plan it is clearly not working.

I think that there are many things that need to be changed. I also believe humans will make many more mistakes.
I wrote on this forum about how i do not believe in utopia. I am not that optimistic about the future.
I do not see any utopia just behind the horizon. I do not see a return to paradise. I do not see a transhumanistic future where technology saves us.
What i see for the future is the dawning of a new dark age. An age of intollerence ignorance agression and war. I hope i wrong and hope people will learn from there mistakes to make a better future. A future where there is more care for our selfs and each other as well as the rest of the planet.
What if you are both right? What would come out of it in the middle?

@Zezt, I would strongly recommend to think about lighter things in life. I know how pissed one can get from absorbing the world, but think of delicate things. In stead of giving them your life from the moment your days start, take it in hand. What can you do? I would strongly suggest to let the 911 paradigm go and adopt a new one. Anything but elite things, mk ultra, …
You have a strong vibe and I hope for your surrounding you are just pushing it all off on the web :p I don’t like to be rude and I don’t mean to, I’m just going on my instincts here. Trust me, I am facing the biggest struggle in life and I still see beatiful things in life. It is that we must honour and cherish so it may bloom for generations to come.

Yeah, cubensis are quite strong in learning, but they are quite strong with confronting too. To me personally of course. You are so right we shouldn’t be pushing things in boxes but rather grasp the whole image. Though there are many things in life we share, that we need to apply with our best knowledge. And a lot of paradigms, ideologies are getting us there slow. I know I do not need to nuanciate this to you .
I see a dark future too if we maintain course, that’s why I’m reaching out to you guys… Why are it always the “worse things” that wake us up instead of an organic compound?
Utopia is a changing theme, it's a vision you can not uphold for we all are different visionairs. But what would be in the center of it all I Always pounder.

Are we all from Europe? Where is our future of Europe heading to?
Into what is Europe evolving?
Please dont worry about me :) Though I respect your concern. Words cannot convey that well, so you could imagine me some person who is all the time frowning and worrying. I assure you it is not like that. Yes sometimes I wake up like that, but those thoughts pass and ---I allow myself freedom to FEEL and think. That is what I encourage in others too

We are in a serious deep trip that is such a Mystery it is ungraspable by the thinking conceptual mind. However, we can see things are very wrong. True, one may have food on the table and shelter, and even money in the bank, but there are actually homeless people on the streets. We are expected to take this for granted as real life. Like we are expected to take for granted innocent men women and children and all species having bombs dropped on them. Now we have drone which involves young men and women thousands of miles awy sat in front of a 'video game' that deals out real death to images they see on their screens

HOW do we deal with this as humans?

IS there a way to BOTh being to undo the mindcontrol which divides us from sensual connection with others and the natural world AND be deeply concerned with what is being done to fellow humans and other life forms. Surely the more connected we feel the more empathy we feel for what is going on, and this feeling, passion will find energy to act in whatever ways it sees fit to try and bring about RADICAL change. Not superficial, radical
Are we all from Europe? Where is our future of Europe heading to?
Into what is Europe evolving?

I am from UK. What do I see happening? Well I see a continuation of the elite's agenda which has been going on for many many generations. Enslaving, land grabbing. Now they are promoting so-called transhumanism, the idea you can gain immortality via technology. They are pushing through their new world order which seeks to impose on everyone their corporate fascism where every one, every seed, everything becomes tied with profit. And in order to do this they are busy doing mind control and keep people where they want them--mindless consumers. They can do this because they have divided many from their bodies and spiritual connection with others and the natural world. This created a MASSIVE void into which they have the person trying to fill with endless junk and entertainments

Psychedelics ARE a medicine to help us reconnect, but be aware that the ruling class thus try and infiltrate the psychedelic movement by pushing new age ideas. So we must always question, which is exercising critical thinking and nurturing intruition
I think we should turn things upside down....
Devil came by this morning ...

In stead of fighting an elite, join them?
Which poison are we gonna drink? :snakeman:
Well I am born in Europe and I've been living here for a few decades now. I am worried, a huge deal. I have seen transforming so much in such little time. I remember being in a classroom that was half muslim and half autochthonous. Today the classrooms of the same school are filled with only muslims.
Carnivals where I used to play as a kid don't show up anymore, shops have vanished out of entire blocks and changed to muslim supermarkets, halal dinerrooms, &#8230; There is a mosque in our city that harboured Syrian fighters and IS militants. They get welfare from our taxmoney while fighting and preaching islam to other infants. Those infants get born in a culture we need to stop. They are taught to hate jews, other infidels and yes Zezt they are planning on taking over Europe. Do not doubt this for one second in your mind.

While you are looking at an elite, don't fall asleep and look behind your very corner. UK has had Sharia patrols until English finest stood up, am I correct? Those sharia patrols have been beating up tourists because they refused to drop their can of beer. In my country extremist harassed people on the street for looking &#8220;haram&#8221;. Some locations are totally lost and cops have no say in those zones whatsoever. They are even scared to go on patrol. Can you remember how those blocks used to be ? Where our kids could play in their own culture? Does anyone remember?
It is not an elite dividing us, our own politicians have no balls of standing up. They get threathmails and they shit their pants. There are so many cultures going on in Europe, but all that our ancestors worked for died for seems to be hanging on a very very fine line. There's only one culture threatening the entire world and not hiding its agenda. Taking over the world.
I think Europe should come on one page and govern our entire nation from a secularism. We should act as a republic where referendums make the decision.

you know, I went through a period thinking like that. In fact this forum (not sure if the got rid of it) had a FIFTY page thread which I started titled 'Danger of Islam' where I was arguing what you are, and there was only me and another --ex moderator--who were on same wavelength. In them days there were a few more in this forum contributing and I got very attacked for being racist, and was even physically threatened, but that did not put me off, because I was passionate

But now I am ashamed of what I was preaching. it is hatred, racist. I now understand things differently

of course I am aware of the Shariah law. I am gay, and I am very aware how gays can be treated in some Islamic countries, and also women. However, despite that I am NOT prepared to be blind to the fact that 9/11 was NOT the doing of Islamic terrorists but rather a false flag done by Zionists Israeli Jews, and others who are for the Zionist cause, and the PNAC! And how the false flag was specifically designed to caused a massive conflict between the West and Islam, the 'clash of civilizations'. And that this had been meticulously devised on many levels, including occult levels

IF you imagine that such an evil would NOT cause a religious people to rush into more extreme forms of their beliefs like Shariah, then you are naive. And also to incite people to become 'terrorists' which is really a term the other side calls people trying to defend their people

You should checkout Israel's long history of terrorism. They wrote the book!

So this is why I am trying to go deeper. We HAVE to become aware of the roots of all this. We cannot just scapegoat. That is what am elite wants, ----DIVIDE and CONTROL, as I keep pointing out. IF they can keep us saying its them its them, then we do not see the underlying roots of it. I see the underlying roots are the patriarchy. patriarchal thinking per se is divisive. It wants to disconnect you from your sensual body and emotions and feeling, and your connection with others, including other species and the natural world. If you can begin looking into this and understanding it it will clear away a lot of toxic shit blocking seeing and feeling what's going on

Patriarchal thinking has been behind christianity, which in its hey day was VERY oppressive, but also so-called atheism, and materialism,which is utterly pernicious making you think of yourself as being a robot-consumer without any freewill living in a dead world where everything is meaningless!

Please put yourself into a Muslim's shoes. The West and Israel has done a massive false flag that went global--9/11. Previous it has already allowed European Jews to invade Palestine and occupy ot, and now persecutes and commits genocide on the Palestinian peoples, innocent women and children in the Gaza prison camp. All war crims done on them is accepted by the western leaders.
back to 9/11, so they do this evil false flag, and blame it on iraq, and invade and murder thousands and thousands of innocent men women and children (please just think about the horror of that. Imagine that began happening where you live now), and spreading radioactive pollution all over their land which goes on causing diseases, horrific DNA damage, and deaths. It does same in Afghanistan and on and on all based on blatant lies which all the evil fuckers get away with. Are you telling me that IF you were religious you would not want to just totally embrace your beliefs and NOT see the enemy as the very devil?? See what I mean?
At the moment you see to be focusing solely on islamic peoples and seeing THEm as evil? Well THAT is exactly the elitist goal. Their end goals apparently is the destruction of all religions including atheism and replacing with their Luciferian beliefs and system!

This is a VERY VERY deep subject we are right in the thick of--the whole world is, and we need to look deeper.
Can you link me to the topic? Would be nice to catch up. I am the other story around, people were claiming I was a muslim while I’m not. That’s why a chose this name “mahdi”, it’s a funny nickname I catched up in my previous life. “De” is a dutch reference to “The”. Wish I chose another name… “Insurgent” or “Divergent” would’ve been better :D
I'm sorry for being dualistic and extreme in the below:

I have been shouting at Europe brutally, I have convicted her for all her crimes last decade which I simply could not believe.
You are addressing the 911 problems, but on other forums I was heavily active frowning down on what they did to Gadaffi and Saddam. The media had a heavy impact on my psychonaut vision, I saw through it all and I could not believe it. I was so proud of my Europe before, we were progressive and we were heading to something we could be proud of. We were a peace nation that did not resort to war but tradings. Now some conservatives get sneaky in all their methods, and they are so tactful they send you to hell while you are looking forward to the trip. Then on the other hand, all this misery has opened my eyes for Islamic problems as well. I picked up other inconvenient truths which lead me back to my originals roots. In stead of convicting my system, I want to change it. In stead of blaming Bush and Sarkozy, I started to think of solutions that may change my system from inside out. We as a people are not fully responsible . We do not know what’s truly going on, this has gone way over our head. But just so you know, I know what it’s like to absorb all the injustice in the world…

And yes Zezt, I’ve been in muslim shoes. From the moderates to the radicals. I went to school with a guy that’s been picked up by a chopper from prison, I’ve seen the street dawhas in the hood I grew up from the guy that’s been sentenced to prison for recruiting Syrian fighters. You might’ve picked something up like that in your media recently? Well that one. Then this other guy went to college and became a politician, I know the diversity. Though instead of being tolerant torwards other religions, stop looking at the religion and maintain European laws that can not be excused by religion. If they keep excusing our laws we should ask ourselves why and it might turn out to be a cultural problem.
Put yourself in the shoes of Europeans 50 years from now. There’s no leadership in this current system that’s able to co op with this kind of madness, I guarantee ya. That’s why I am heavily standing up for a secularism.

It’s not about Christians, Jews or Muslims, we should become humanity and fuck cultures… they should be a free choice, but they are not when one is born and taught what to do for some invisible deity. What kind of god would preach to kill off those in protest with your religion? And what kind of father would marry off children for money because he is unable to pay food? While make them in the first place? Again it’s a cultural problem. All the religious books are filled with incest, wars, blood, and doctrines that would never lead you to anywhere good. The quran is that in the most extreme way. I can put out suras and hadiths , but I just don’t want to go there. Just look at the neighbourhoods where muslims outcome the original inhabitants... They do not even consider adapting to our laws and change the surrounding to their laws and cultures. I want to look at what is around me, and I’m looking at a changing theme. A theme that does not connect with the values all our ancestors worked and died for.
And why are Europeans so scared of being called racist? Isn’t the one blaiming you for protecting your culture a racist? We have all the reasons to be proud and we should not let it slip out of hands by exploiting politicians or religious groups. We are Sparta!