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Force of LSD

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Matrice Périnatale

I just arrived at my home at the end of a really strange week end for me. Friday night, I was with my girl and a friend that have a connexion with a scientist who works for the ROCHE laboratory, and that guy sold us some trips that he made himself. Trips were really strong, we took it at about eleven and felt really euphorics all the night. Visuals were really strong, maybe the strongest I've ever seen. at about 5 in the morning, my girl and me were planning to get back home, so we left our friend but we decided to go near a castle that was on our way before going home. My trip was on the way to finish soon when my girl started to cry, I did not know why and she didn't as well. we sat on the grass and she started a kind of delirium, she was saying lots of strange stuff like "I am a frog, I'm the most beautiful, I am everithing". She complitly left the reality for a moment, and at the same time I was back to realty. She said she was god, she made the world, she spoke about the most disgusting stuff, and the most beautiful at the same time. She was waiting the light, just to be able to braith but the light did not come. I tought she became mad, so I called a doctor and we did bring her to hospital. Hours later, at about 2 in the afternoon, she did be able to get out the hospital and she was just feeling so tired, and the doctor told me just to have a look on her all the time for some days.

I dont really understand what happened, even at the moment. Did she just had a bad trip, or maybe a mystical experience ? Does anyone lived a similar trip that was complitly out of the real world ?

I can just say I always felt really good with lsd or mescalin, no bad trips or no bad feelings, but some people dont understand how hallucinogens are strong. Everyone have to take care, because they are the strongest drugs that be, and using this kind of drugs is not a game. I think I understood that for the first time in my life. Just take care.
Sounds to me that she was having fun! I little lost in the void but nothing harmful... did you ask her if she was ok? Maybe because you were tripping too you overreacted a bit? (calling the doctor) plus taking into account your feelings for her.. though is very understandable. But really, it sounds to me like you were just enjoying really good lsd.

foune a dit:
using this kind of drugs is not a game

Yes. Every person that takes lsd has to be prepared to go insane, NOT that you should expect it, but they aren't called psychomimetics out of nothing. It's part of the necesary state of abandonment you should get into.
First of all , how is your girl friend ? Did the trip to the doctors hurt her ? How does she feel now ? Hows your relationship ? And what does she think about what happened and what you did ?

I dont want to be rude but you just learned that youd never had a real trip before . You learned that you werent prepared . That you hadnt taken care . I think she didnt have a bad trip , i think you paniked .

When you take a trip you should rermember that you cant think straight and to be carefull not to do things that could make things worse if something happens . That you are going to come down and not to project things on other people .

You were very lucky that you live where you live , and you were very lucky that you had a good doctor . If it had been a dumb doctor it could have damaged your girlfriend realy baddly .

It doesnt matter wjat a person thinks or says . The only time to get help is if a person is doing things that could physicaly damage themselves and you cant stop them . If ithat happens try to talk to her . Try to change things , the set and setting . Take her for a walk somewhere else where she has different associations . Tell her you love her . Tell her a joke . Put her hand in some water . Fuck her . Anything that might get her to think in a different way .

I think that the best thing you can do is talk about it . Wait a month, and then do it agin . But next time learn first about mental and physical set and setting . Learn to meditate and learn some breathing exercises . Learn about rituals and learn a mantra . Have a few valium in your pocket as a parachute .

Sorry if that was a bit hard , it wasnt ment to be .

Love to both of you ,

Hmm I dont know, this moment was really bad I think. For me because I tought she was mad and maybe she was never gonna have a comedown, and to her, as she explained to me today, it was really good and really bad at the same time. She said she was a part of the baddest and the best things at the moment she lost connexion to realty. Very big happiness, very big fear, pain and pleasure ....

I'm not sur you get what I wanna explain .... Anyway, Im not sur to get what my girl explains me. But as you said, hat was really good lsd, probabyl one of the strongest I've ever took. had maybe 15 or 10 lsd or mescalin trips in my life, but this one is the one I'll always remember.

Sorry for my mistakes in english ....
I hope your girlfriend is ok, and I am sure she will be. One has to be careful with such powerful substances and should always know knowledge about the use of psychedelics and the different effects that each one produces. Maybe your girlfriend had a true experience, one where you go really deep, and it just shook her up a little. Some of the most profound experiences are when you experience the good, but also when you have a taste of what the bad is. This way one can learn to not attach to the emotions and feelings that he or she feels: enlightenment. Proper self-analysis of her experience afterwards will do some good in keeping her sane and healthy, also it will help keep her interested in altered states of consciousness. I would recommond her doing some meditation.

Your english is OK . But from what you said i think it was you that paniked . What happened to her is normal and not dangerous . Its only dangerous when a person starts to act dangerously .

Next tim you should take more and she the same dose as this time . Usualy women need a little less to get a trip than mem . Allthough they can often take more at a time and not freak out as easily as a man can . It has something to do with being a woman and staxying in controll to look after the kids what ever happens .

Love GOD

Talk and we will try to help you and try to explain .
Seems that she fully realized that there's always good or bad, beauty and ulgy, heaven or hell, bliss or terror, life and death, light and dark etc.

She may have noticed that she's projecting herself for almost her entire life untill now.

Despite the fact that one may feel like he's truly dying, it's never a good idea to take them to the hospital. This merely causes unwanted incoming signals that do not interact positively with the experience. Once it is over, a feeling of guilt may occur.

The best way is an elder or guide that can trace one's location and accompany the path.

One excepting are the solanaceae plants, if someone's out of control on datura or belladona like substances. Make SURE water is readily available and let them drink excessively. Cool down the entire body with water. Don't let them walk too much (blood pressure).

Call the emergency and tell that the victim has overdosed on anticholinergenic drugs. Mention the word atropine too.

As for tryptamines and all other psychedelics, there won't be an actual death or physical danger.
I think telling someone that you think that they need / your thinking of calling a doctor when they are on a trip could reinforce any fears they might have . I`ve seen people having a not optimal time and when people around them didnt take it to seriously it passed .
I've had a similar experience. One of the first times I took lsd I ended up in this space going back and forth between how extremely beautiful and at the same time seriously fucked up things were and i couldnt stop. I was crying hysterically.. one minute out of extreme bliss and overwhelming joy that was so intense I couldn't stand it, rambling about god and creation, how wonderful life is "i am" ect.. and the next minute sobbing painfully about how horrible the earth has become, how we've taken advantage of and destroyed mother earth who loves us so much, how much suffering there is ect. i went back and forth like that minute after minute for some time. it took me a while to calm down. I wouldnt trade that experience for anything though.. it was traumatic but nevertheless very amazing.

I think you overreacted though by taking her to a hospital, they rarely help in these situations.. if anything make it worse imo. But you care about her and were worried so I don't blame you. Hopefully she has recovered and intergrated that experience into her reality.
I remember when I drove my friend to furry once. Yes I know, I was an asshole,but when you have head full of acid you dont think that way. I thought it would be funny to scare him while he was tripping in the bathroom,sitting in the tub. I started switching on and off the light,screaming preety loudly.That drove him crazy and he had a bad trip,after a while he wanted to kill me(that was serious,I locked myself from him and thought how stupid I was). I learned the same thing Thompson said:"you can turn your back on people,but never turn your back on drug"
foune a dit:
She said she was god, she made the world, she spoke about the most disgusting stuff, and the most beautiful at the same time.

You know what that just reminded me of?
People get goosepimples. They laugh, they cry at the same time. They get horny and holy at the same time- you see them.
This one brought me down to my knees.
I had to hold onto the wall.
My knees shaking, quivering.
My head feels like a frisbee.

Shpongle, "My Head Feels Like a Frisbee"
That is tripping - you totally lose it, you say things that nobody can understand except you at the moment. You feel like an atom and like the whole universe at once.

foune a dit:
I tought she became mad, so I called a doctor and we did bring her to hospital.
That is exactly why I'm doing all higher dosed trips alone - no one will call an ambulance because I "look weird" and turn my bliss trip into a shitty night at the hospital...
You tell 'em, tryptonaut!
"You know what that just reminded me of?


Shpongle, "My Head Feels Like a Frisbee"

I was thinking the SAME THING :D
You have to let drugs take you. Even if you think, or anyone else thinks that you may never come out of the trip, just go along with it. The chemicals will break down, and you will come back, thats how it is. It doesn't physically change your brain, and people who say you can go brain dead off acid havn't done acid, or the person was brain dead to begin with.
I know idiots that took DXM(!) while their parents were in home,and they ended up in hospital. It all depends in what company you are tripping
Foune, you overreacted. But its okay, shit happens. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I think you should introduce your gf to these forums so she can educate herself better about psychedelics. I did the same with mine, and it was she who took care of me and handled me on phone when i had a bad trip once. Anyway, i'm sure your gf must have recovered by now :)

I dont think Foune overreacted to be honest. He obviously cares about his girlfriend and she was taking him to new extreme's. He did what any one with limited knowledge of extensive LSD use would of done.

Thankfully the medical staff in Switzerland seem to be able to handle these situations pretty well too, You gotta remember Hoffman himself was from Switzerland and I bet the medical staff up there have had to deal with many LSD intoxicated people. 8)

P.S. Im going on the Switz thing by the flag selected by the name :)
Maby Your GirlFRiend was in a kind of trance
and she did not have control over the trance.
It,s important to have good relationships with your parents so your
energy field from your mother and your father are in harmony
those two energy fields that are your spirit (soul)
Or are a part of your own spirit,
Those Two fields are 3 dimensional
The Shape of this two field is named Star-tetra hedron


here with these link you can read about the energyfields

MAby not only bad relationships with your parents can cause that there
is no harmony in your energyfields

maby you need spiritualhelp
maby you can help your self by meditating

Father Heaven,, Mother Earth
There is A Sunflower (spirograph) in mY head
There is 3D star of david surounding my

have you ever seen that the sunflower looks the same as a spirograph

And lOOk there is also a spiograph shape in space


So there must be also a sunflower (spirograph) in evry one s head

s tripping on Psychedelics, you loose control over your trance
and over you highsensitivity

so the spirograph are all little holes and you can full these holes with colors
and if you color the right holes you can make all kind of stars and symetricall shapes

So you can Color with Psychedelics or you can color with Meditation.
with Psychedelics you have more Colors
and with Meditation You have More Harmony

with meditation you can visualisize.

these is serious man you can reach a higher state and harmony Consciousness also by meditation
i see you're cross-referencing "Crystal Links"