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First time with shrooms... concerned.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion PsycheSmirk
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I'm going to be shrooming with my boyfriend this weekend, and we're going to split an eighth.
Like the subject of this thread says, this will be my first time doing shrooms. The only other (strong) psychedelic I've done is Salvia, and I've done it about 5 times. Every trip was amazing and euphoric, and the afterglow was wonderful. I didn't have any unwanted physical effects
I've been smoking weed for about a year and a half now. I don't do it every day, and I definitely don't do it as much as I used to, because every time I smoke, I get incredibly uncomfortable physical effects. All my muscles feel contracted, and I twitch uncontrollably and non-stop, as if I'm really cold and shivering. This isn't enjoyable AT ALL, and if I'm around people (I rarely do it around people because of these effects though), I start having a bad high and think things like, "Shit, am I really twitching, or just imagining that I am? I bet I look stupid."
My first question is if shrooms will give me these physical effects. With Salvia, my body felt light, flowy, and it felt like love was literally flowing through my veins. Weed makes me feel like I'm being compressed and forced into a little ball, and I feel extremely claustrophobic. Most shroom trip reports I've read have said that the body high is more like the Salvia body high I described, but then again, I've also read it's different for everyone.
Oh, and as a sub-question which would otherwise be asked in the marijuana board, does anybody know why this happens to me? Everybody else I know feels GOOD physically when they smoke weed, but I feel like absolute crap.

My second question is... do shrooms make you do things that you don't realize you're doing? I'm asking in terms of the dose I'm going to be taking (I don't want a cosmic, total ego-loss trip for my first time).
I ask this because this is another negative thing (in my opinion) that marijuana does to me.
One time, I was at my friend's house and we had just smoked a joint (my tolerance threshold has always been pretty low, incase you're wondering). I went into the kitchen, came back out with a box of cheezits, sat down and ate one. All of a sudden I heard my friend say, "Jeez, slow down, Molly!" I had no idea what she was talking about, so I simply said "What," and she told me that I had just eaten "like, 6 cheezits in 3 seconds." This didn't really bother me, but I found it bizarre that I had apparently scarfed them down like that, when I clearly and physically felt myself eat only one. I did consider the fact that she, too, was high, and she could have just perceived me eating that many. But other experiences like that have made me think otherwise. I've been high around sober friends that have said things like, "Why are you doing that with your face?" to which I reply with, "I'm not doing anything. What am I doing?" and then they show me the weird face that I apparently was making at them, which I have NO memory of doing. It's like, I do things that are, once over with, dissolved completely from my memory. I don't physically feel myself doing these things.
I'm nervous about this because I don't want to do something completely embarassing, harmful to myself or others, stupid, etc.

So... yeah. Will mushrooms have an effect like this?
Feeling nervous beforehand is normal and OK. However focussing on your behaviour while tripping may have the exact opposite effect or may ruin the trip in another way. It's not easy to keep an eye on yourself while your identity is fading. You don't loose much control over your actions, but they are hard to condense to motives and implications.
That's also a reason to carefully choose the people you trip with. If you feel people are judgemental over you you shouldn't trip with them. You need people with who you can be free, don't need to worry about doing/saying stupid things.

And most importantly: RELAX 8)
You can't do much wrong if you're doing nothing at all.

I do get some of the same effects that you describe from Marijuana. I do not get them from Mushrooms. If you are anything like me you will be fine. As stated above, don't dwell on these thoughts during the experience, as it may spiral into what people call a 'bad trip', which is always for me a very profound learning experience. You will be fine, just relax, and observe the emotions and thoughts you feel. Let them flow like the river flows, and don't attach to them. Another word of advice would be to take them with your boyfriend and you two should just be alone, if possible. The dosage you described will not send you into complete ego-death, where you end up doing things you don't remember doing. Although it is possible, sometimes the mushrooms have an intended plan for you, but it if highly doubted that this will happen. Just again, don't dwell on it, and if you are only with your boyfriend then you will be fine even if this does happen.

Aside from all these worries, from my experiences, the major thing that happens to me when I consume Mushrooms, is that I feel more sober than what our culture calls 'sober'. I feel I can see through eyes I have never seen before in my normal consciousness, and I feel this content peaceful feeling about the world. All the troubles and all the beauty, into one thought or feeling that I am content and peaceful with. To me, you don't 'get high' from the mushrooms, instead for me it goes the opposite way, it makes you more sober, and lets you see through the divine creators eye. I hope you have a wonderful experience and I am sure you will. Just be smart, and stay around people you are comfortable with. The mushroom is divine and has the ability to show you divine states of consciousness, and I hope you can reach these states.

peace, love, light & unity!!
I start having a bad high and think things like, "Shit, am I really twitching, or just imagining that I am? I bet I look stupid."

I always got these effects from weed, then when I smoked too much every day they went away, but only to return more forcefully at some point. It made me quit weed almost totally, now I'm smoking like once or twice a year, preferably when I'm alone.

It's not the same with mushrooms. Although I don't like to trip around people (at least not on higher doses) there's not this bad effect on me. Although mushrooms can be pretty intimidating, they never gave me this kind of paranoia I got from higher doses of good weed.

So to speak I, as a weed-paranoic, can recommend mushrooms - but still don't underestimate them!
It's unlikely that mushrooms will make you go for cheezits like MJ does.
With mushrooms you may do movements without thinking about them. Don't worry about it, let it the energy move around a bit. you may get silent and still. You may experience hallucniations.
I think It's best to open up to it and just let it happen.
Don't do psychadelics if your concerned.

That isn't say don't do these shrooms, just lose the concern.

You have to be free, do not care about the future with regards to your trip - Nothing will happen that will negatively impact your life forever. This is just not true.

If you've done salvia and its euphoric, what the hell are you worried about :mrgreen: salvia to me is one of the most scary mind-tossing out of your head and reality drugs I've ever experienced (mm... well there's DMT too).

Half an eighth will usually make you feel the effects of normal strength mushrooms. I've been both blasted by half eighth and also felt absolutely nothing. Just be aware that a very strong trip is not something to be afraid of - if you feel its strength as more than you thought realize that it's already there, and you best enjoy it!!

Good luck, and if you get lost in your head just say something to your boyfriend. Communication is the hand of god when confusion begins.


As far as involentary physical effects that psychadelics can cause, they are scary aren't they? You know what this really explains is that you are a bit too self-conscious. Take it as an excuse to forget what you look like, forget how you sound, forget who you are when you take mushrooms. People aren't going to judge you, especially your boyfriend. Just accept these things. Learning to relax this instinct we have is a blessing.

Have fun lovely, you will be fine. I promise.
you said you're eating 1/2 an eighth, i think that's a good starting point. nobody is gonna get blasted into their own little world, yet, you WILL catch a little glimpse of it, and get an idea of the body/mind effects.

user 1919 and IJC have some good advice, but ill say it once again, DO NOT trip with judgemental or even just obnoxious people. you can almost feel their eyes burning your skin, it's claustrophobic on a new level. at times i've been compelled to leave the room someone was in, because they just talked too fucking much. it's like they were narrarating my life, and the frustration from it drives you nuts, like being in a room full of mosquitoes. i wouldn't hang out with anyone but your boy till after you peak, and even then, make sure you are comfortable enough with him to say something beforehand, should you need a moment alone during the experience.

you will feel somewhat awkward, but that's because you're high, duh. you did it on purpose. try not to be confused about it, just take a deep breathe, and relax. you measured your dose, you'll be fine. the drugs high involves your mind as well as your body, so you'll notice a shift in thought too, maybe a little erratic, jumpy (from idea to idea), or subjects you normally dont think about. once again, you have eaten your mushrooms, so go with the flow, it is a learning experience, and learning isn't always going to be easy. a hard lesson learned is a lesson well learned.

another note. salvia is hard to deal with for alot of people, myself included. if you can handle salvia, imo, you can handle mushrooms. but do take note, that your mind AND BODY are involved in this experience, so while you won't get the twitches like you did with weed, there's a physical response associated with the trip. for me, i felt like i weighed an ounce, movement with the greatest of ease. i felt i could (and should) run at lightspeed, my muscles felt very fine tuned, and i couldn't help but have this grin from the energy i felt. like a little kid: "i just found that candy that mommies been hiding from me" kinda happiness. very beautiful if you can come to terms with it, and go out and USE it. if this feeling makes you anxious, a walk or run always made ME feel better. good weather is something to plan around. but yes, you will make alot of faces, your emotions will be very fine tuned, dont worrry about true expression, worry if your not expressing yourself truely. good luck and have fun :shock: :D
Just go with the flow without thinking anything at all. If bad trip signs start to appear, try to think that you're having fun and anything good you can think of, will happen. Imagine you're flying and feeling great. Let go and feel free...
feeling free is the key,
resist the urge to see
inside your eyes shining
a colorful radiancy reflects
blackness thru flowing rivers
like silky flowers blossoming
on the back of all regrets
and on top of every quivers
it just shines and blazes
like rays of a sun in all cases

peace & happy tripping!!! :weedman: