Holofractale de l'hypervérité
- Inscrit
- 20/11/04
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- 3 440
I have eaten like 12-15 grams of amita mascaria and it only made me tired. I did feel a nice body fry, but that's about it. I'm not sure if I just don't know what to look for or if the supply I bought them from sucks.
I had similar experiences with dried fly agarics (that I got from azarius). I don't know anymore how much I took, but once I took a dose that should have certainly had a psychedelic effect according to some sources, but all I felt was a little weird. The effect I felt was intriguing, also from smaller doses. It was some kind of uplifting, animating effect, my mood became better. But then again I wasn't sure again if there was much effect at all. I can remember eating the last few of the shroom pieces in a tomato sauce with spaghetti. It tasted really good and I felt great because the old myth I had been told was proven to be wrong: you don't die when you eat fly agaric with your spaghetti

I tried multiple times to achieve any psychedelic effect, but then assumed fly agaric were too complicated for me. You obviously need the right batch (maybe collected yourself at full moon or something??) and a really high dose to achieve an effect that is, according to James Arthur, death and rebirth into the light. However you can't do that kind of trip without serious preparation, a lot of time and a sober sitter. So, maybe I do it when the time is right, for now I just use the mushrooms that I know make me trip at certain doses.