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first time using fly agaric help please

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Alpiniste Kundalini
i have been using blue meanies, gold tops, golden teachers all containing psilycobin type alcaloids. even ate this huge slimmy grey N white mushroom size of a eggplant me and cousin found under ground once when could find nothing else and tripped BALLZ.

but neva tried fly agaric (musscimol?) getting 100 grams soon and would really appreciate dose recomends for first time thanx heaps buds.
Dont know what i'd do without this site Magic.
5- 10 grams is a regular dose. Also after you do your dose, your urine is psychoactive....lol
" Also after you do your dose, your urine is psychoactive "

Prove it .
Ibotenic acid is metabolized by the body into muscimol, but muscimol is not metabolized into anything. It is excreted through the urine.

So drinking your own urine (urine is only sterile to your own body) lengthens the trip.
LOL, I'm not gonna PROVE it, but as DevXavier said;

"Ibotenic acid is metabolized by the body into muscimol, but muscimol is not metabolized into anything. It is excreted through the urine.

So drinking your own urine (urine is only sterile to your own body) lengthens the trip."

I personally would never drink my own urine. But it is true that your urine is psychoactive after consuming Fly Agaric.
i've read somewhere that the siberian shamans and warriors would eat the amanita muscaria, and then the poor people would drink their urine to get high, but i cannot claim that this is true. the poorer would also have access to amanitas in the wild.
but many reports on erowid also tell this story (one even mixed his urine with gatorade, and eventually ended ruining the natural flavour of urine), and also cannot be held true.
i never tried it, and don't know no-one personally that has. i didn't knew that were doubts about this fact...
I have eaten like 12-15 grams of amita mascaria and it only made me tired. I did feel a nice body fry, but that's about it. I'm not sure if I just don't know what to look for or if the supply I bought them from sucks. Can anyone tell me what to look for. I still have like 2 1/2 Oz. left and don't want to waste them.
About the urine thing...it's true i've seen with my own eyes raindeers drinking urine from another raindeer who's eaten flyagaric (i was out on a hunting trip with some friends, tho i din' touch a rifle and never will) to trip balls...and was a blessing since i've only read it before this...and seeing it was like getting an autagraph from my favourite actor (i never got the autograph but i would feel the same, maybe...who knows) anyway this was the mechanisms that taught us how to use the mushroom.
back to your initial question
it all depends on the power of the mushroom
i personally don't drink my own urine unless, under the influence of the mushroom someone told me it was champain!! but this i do: eat the mushroom and build up...start one gram, dried shroom, and go up until i feel like it usually i stop at 5...but this year all i could gather was 5 grams and they were really poor quality...drunk for one day...but trust me, was that "risotto" delicious.
sidefx a dit:
i have been using blue meanies, gold tops, golden teachers all containing psilycobin type alcaloids. even ate this huge slimmy grey N white mushroom size of a eggplant me and cousin found under ground once when could find nothing else and tripped BALLZ.

but neva tried fly agaric (musscimol?) getting 100 grams soon and would really appreciate dose recomends for first time thanx heaps buds.
Dont know what i'd do without this site Magic.

Just a little warning. Eating strange mushrooms will kill you, you got lucky. Tripping not worth your life just be careful.

I plan on trying Flys sometime soon they sound interesting. Also yea ive heard that people used to drink moose piss to get high... lovely yuck
tho i'd NEVER EVER even think about drinking any kind of piss it smells too funky for my stomach...tho here in norway there are people who drink " Akevit" (a liqueur) and is worse than piss i think maybe that's how they started it :P
very, VERY nice site...i don't agree on a couple (i swear! only two things he said went *HONK* in my opinion,) of arguments, but on the main i'm all with what he says. still i'm not ready to drink pee yet, not my own figure any other's. still
now that i know of the existence of this site i guess i'll be recommending it too ^^
it's a good reading to have an idea of what you are facing and the method he recommends is good

tho i prepare my mushrooms with rice

the "well cooked" part is so true. it does neutralize the ibotenic acid and the bodily effects are way diminished....i seldom experienced any sweat or any symptom of amanita muscaria poisoning.
so you sure 28 grames for trip ballz material, just that 1 ounce is alot a shrooms?
home grown blue meanies tkae only 5 sometimes 3 gms.
i know they not even related.
28 grames yeah :?:
I wonder if that's a typo cause I saw that too. Maybe he meant fresh weight which would be around 3g dry.
it depends
it could be a typo
and it could not
Amanitas ar known
for their variation in concentration
depending on where they are from
American Amanitas ar WAAAAAAAAY milder than the european ones (SCORE!)
so he could actually mean that the dried material has to be 20> grams
tho i really doubt
i usually bake the hats and end up with 5 grams of dried material and that is enough to have a mild trip
then again
this year it was a really poor quality
i ated it (with rice and it was OH SO GOOD!!) and all it did was make me drunk for the whole day, i know
i shoulda drunk my pee, but seriously im not ready for it yet
ill have on oz soon and i was curious on your doses. Im not that good at keeping a good trip going so i dont want it to be as insane as that page that was just linked.
i say screw fly agaric. stick to psilocybin cubensis and psilocybin azurescens. at least they arent disassociative. fly agaric also has way more potential for complications, including incontinece, hypotension, and shock in higher doses.
then you should say screw MDMA, screw cocaine, screw Tobacco, Screw your brain screw television....
got a slist?
wanna make one?
just stick to your logic and soon we will all say screw marijuana
how about putting some brain into it?
and approach the use of substances with the right mind
instead of demonizing things by saying "screw" study the subject and learn the most
information is salvation
besides i do whti what i have available i'm not gonna give money for free to some mafia associated guy for some drug
either i'm gonna grow it (and i swear it's gonna happen sometime) or i'm not gonna do it.
i got amanitas here and they are (from my experience) safe to do as long a s you don't gor over a certain level....get a sitter to be 100%sure and don't pick them if there are poisonous amanitas around
i've survived over 5 experiences with amanita and i never peed in my pants or hurt myself or "lost" control as dissociatives do...