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First time LSD disappointed

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Mescaline
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Ive only done acid once and I only did one blotter but Im pretty damn sure it was really good. I had a 10+ hour trip with things melting everywhere, uncontrollable laughter, and all that stuff... :P

I also think it was strong because my other two friends that tripped with me had done acid before but they said it was nothing like that... :wink:

By the way, do many of you guys ever get hits on sugar cubes? Ive seen em a few times going around but I heard they were weak. :roll:
just a quick question .. maybe a bit oftopic

but I heard someone say .. that there is natural LSD in your skin... or body
but I told him that was a load of crap
or can anyone enlighten me ? :)
Hyperion1980 a dit:
Ive only done acid once and I only did one blotter but Im pretty damn sure it was really good. I had a 10+ hour trip with things melting everywhere, uncontrollable laughter, and all that stuff...

Perhaps it wasn't LSD, it could be DOB instead... According to the length of the trip it could be...


I suppose its possible but I doubt it. Erowid says it can take up to 2-4 hours to start having its effects but the stuff I had came on pretty quick (<30 min).

But you never know.

I had fun either way! :D
ProStoner a dit:
just a quick question .. maybe a bit oftopic

but I heard someone say .. that there is natural LSD in your skin... or body
but I told him that was a load of crap
or can anyone enlighten me ? :)

I really do think it's über bullshit, I mean, if we already had LSD present in our body, would 150 mics be enough to make us trip ?
LSD is derived from ergot.

If you're growing ergot in your skin, then brother, you've got a problem.
Brugmansia a dit:
The blotters can be so weak nowadays compared to the 60's. I had once two blotters, and taking one of them was just a slight effect of smoking a joint.
If you took two and only felt a little gigly and stoned don't you think it was a placebo you felt and that you where ripped off like real hard?
I have sad that chloride destroys acid! I have never mentioned HCl :wink:
And why is better to suck blotter instead eating it. I always have stronger effect when acid is absorbed trough tongue. And this thing with chloride you can read in Shoulgin TINKHAL. 8) FUBAR
spice a dit:
chloriNe degrades LSD.

ahhhh...the subtleties of english

Shiz I am NOW confused :rolleyes:
What does 'chloriNe' means? Playing with my english knowledge or you understand that chlorine(Cl) is an element and HCl is acid highly bonded, with different properties than Cl alone.
Cl kills when is in fumes, and HCl doesn't. :wink: FUBAR
The amount of HCL in the stomach isn't enough to substantially degrade LSD to inactive levels.

No one can tell me different because I have taken LSD in capsules just to find out for myself whether or not it is active this way, and it is.

Don't you think some enterprising idealist would have dumped massive amounts of LSD in the water supply by now if it were feasible?

It's not, because chlorine gas degrades the molecule.

Chloride ion in the stomach doesn't affect it that I can tell.
Goran.. also, HCL ionizes in water and is only a 'stable covalent ' molecule as a gas. when this gas dissolves in water it makes H+ and CL- ions.

in other words it is only covalent when it is gaseous.

Hopefully, your stomach is mostly a watery solution w/ maybe 3% hcl.