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first time, how much for ego loss??

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion mindsiyk
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I am a experienced psychedelic user, have done virtually everything but shrooms many many times.
the season for subaeruginosa is coming up soon in my area and i would like to get to complete ego loss for my first dose.
I no you cant guarantee such an ask, but how much would u recommend having to improve my chances???
I ask this because the only times i have made it to ego loss is the first time Ive tried a new substance.
If you are indeed experienced with other psychedelics. i would not use mushrooms that are in "season" because that implies that you are picking them out doors. its to hard to determin potencey with outdoor mushrooms. i WOULD however reccomend 5 - 10 grams of indoor grown mushrooms for what you are looking for.

I give such a vauge doseage range because as you mentioned there is no definate answer to your question, only a rough estimate.

i say 5 grams minimum because i achieved a great trip from 5 grams of golden teachers, and i say 10 grams maximum because mushrooms can be completly overwhelming if your not ready for whats comming. and the fact that you dont know mushroom doses well enough to plan a trip implies to me that you arnt truly as experienced as you imply.
Before discussing dosage, I'd like to know what the setting will be of your first mushroom trip. Once your ego is gone, where will you be? What will you do? Who will take care of you?

Why do you want to lose your ego, and what do you imagine this state of mind will be like?

Although raising the dosage will increase the egolithic effects of psilocybin, it will also increase the visual and mental effects, often resulting in intensely colored closed-eye visuals, very weird thoughts and utter confusion regarding external affairs. Is that what you want?

If that is indeed what you want, and have made the proper preparations for, then anything above 2.5 grams of dried subaeruginosa should do.

Will you be taken the mushrooms with friends? Is it also the first time for them? If so, keep the group limited to three persons. If possible, have your ego loss experience by yourself.

Dosages above 4 grams should be taken at home with the lights dimmed or turned of, not outside. You can have a walk during the latter stages or end of your trip, but experience the peak at home, or in another safe, secluded place.

If you've got a very good place to experience your trip, and if you've got an experienced sitter nearby, you could try a dose between 5 and 8 grams.

There's nothing that compares to the visual intensity of mushrooms, except Ayahuasca. Do not underestimate the flesh of the gods.
i find always to feel equal with everyone and everything on shrooms like being natural,the feeling melts your ego forget u had one. only on acid sometimes my trip can be knocked and spiral but i think i have some insecurities to confront or curb.in time
_Avatar_ a dit:
Before discussing dosage, I'd like to know what the setting will be of your first mushroom trip. Once your ego is gone, where will you be? What will you do? Who will take care of you?

I will either be at home or on a camping trip, preferably in a secluded place outdoors as i like nature better than plaster walls.
It will most likely be me and a my tripping buddy. and maybe a watcher.
Id imagine it to be like- forgetting i am a human, have a body, and am lifted into another world of peace and tranquility, with no worries or problems. Just a never ending view of intense beautiful fractal patterns melting away.....
I want a ego death dose so i can learn more about myself.... plus i want some crazzzzy visuals i will remember for the rest of my life.
Especially when you're outside, the visuals will be most clearly visible in the evening or at night. If the circumstances are right, and the camping trip sure sounds like a good idea, try a dose between 4 and 8 grams. You could do 3 grams first and as soon as you've reached the first plateau and like it, take the other 3. Have a nice trip.
I've only seen 1 person have an ego loss before and that was at 7g's. SWIM has eaten 8gs before and not had the ego loss but a very exciting experience. I would suggest like the people before me, 5-10g's depending on who you are. Start with 4g's, then after 1 hour I'd go for another 4g's, less if you feel like doubling down would be too much for you. Always do what feels comfortable
6 grams dried home grown cubensis did it for me. It's violent at the peak and in no way comparable with a high dose of acid. Whoever says LSD is more intense than psilo hasn't had psilo in the proper dose yet.

I would definitely suggest you to do the experience at home on bed. You may find music disturbing (it's simply too much) and may not recognise tracks you listen to everyday, but the need for music fluctuates during the trip. The extreme time dilation makes it hard to connect with almost anything steady at the peak, trying to get into the progress of a song will be impossible (all divided sounds). With closed eyes you're instantly pulled into tunnels with brilliant enfolding visuals. With open eyes the entire world will be waving in a way you have never seen before. You may find someone else in your body and experience phases of utter despair and bliss. Personally all I wanted at the peak was laying down in the half dark with sensory deprivation.

It does not make sense to be outside in public or nature, the external world is simply not understood and the deep respected appreciation of nature is only on set during the come down.

It bends size, time and consciousness in a way no other psychedelic can do. And watch out for low blood pressure, it's a really irritating feature at the end that makes you feel you're about to faint. Drink juice to restore carbohydrate levels quickly.
I think it may be better to take your time to get to know the mushrooms, before going mad with the dose.
i think 4 to 5 grams dried gives you a solid trip, the full mushroom experience. (i don't know for sure it's the same with about wild subaeruginosa)

I had ego loss experiences on 4.5 grams of dried mushrooms.
Don't worry if you don't get there the first time. Just try again each time taking a slightly higher dose until you get the ego loss experience you seek.
I've never experienced total ego loss, even with half ounce style amounts of mushrooms.

The only time it's happened is with a hot, deep hit of salvia. I held it down for so long I don't remember exhaling. I was lying on the bed, alone and let my mind drift. I was pushed through a wall, which was now 2D, and into another dimension. I entirely lost contact with the physical world (including myself) and seemed to be existing in three or more places at the same time. As it finished, I gently floated back down into my body and I could feel myself regaining contact with my nervous system and control of my muscles. That was me permanently grinning for life.

Just hitting it at your desk or at a party, it won't do that. You need to entirely let go to it. Closing your eyes and letting your mind wander is usually the easiest way to seriously charge up the power of a hallucinogen. Concentration will start wiping the effects out.

It's like how you can see things out of the corners of your eyes in the dark. But once you look at them, they disappear (because the color cones in the center of your eyes aren't as sensitive as the black and white rods at the edges).
so i finally tried shrooms for the first time :D
i made a tea and added 60 shrooms (most small with 4 biggies)
almost yaked trying to down it as it was the most grose cup of tea ever!!
after 40 mins i got most of it down accept a little bit and tripped balls!!!

It was an amazing experience!!, i found it so peaceful unlike lsd. It help me produce one my best songs aswell!
I didn't get even close to an ego loss tho.. i think to archive that for me personally i would need about 150. (wondering if that pushing it lol)

I did see a awsome hallucination tho, it was like a chinese dragon flying around in clouded cigarette smoke. was beautiful.
it almost had a similer look to a dmt hallucination.
Glad you enjoyed it! I remember the first time I tripped with mushrooms. I was grinning for the rest of my life, and still am.

I don't know how it'll apply to you of coarse, but personally, I can eat a ton of mushrooms and deal with it. It's not as if I suddenly go into another world. Which is why I also doubt you'll experience total ego loss with them.

The only way I think you'd get close is with a lot, your eyes closed, on your own, daydreaming. And you could probably wake yourself up from that quite easily.

As I say, the only time it's happened for me was when I was alone, lying still and with a big, hot inhale of Salvia, which I held down forever. I entirely left my body as I remember it. People worry about that kind of thing, that they'll jump out a window or something, but I didn't move from the bed, or even the position I was lying in - clinging onto the sheets.
as much as it takes to think your experiencing ego death and then doubling that until your fearing for your mortality and eventually convinced you are actually dieing, far too often do people not realize that true ego death involves a completely terrifying confrontation with ones mortality, anything less always only ends up reinforcing the ego, for instance i watched my younger brother trip for his second time (the first time was very weak) and during the first wave he said to me "Ahh! so this is ego death! i can feel it washing away my ego, its so peacefull!" to which i replied, "No that is your ego tricking you into thinking such just wait" then the trip calmed down some and he drank a second cup of ayahuasca and about 30 minutes later was on my floor screaming in tears "IM FUCKING DIEING HELP ME!!!!" to which i replied "It is ok bro you can die, you may leave your body" about 1 minute later he tried to stand and collapsed into a 20 minute long near comatose state, upon reviving from it he looked at me and said "i just died...." i told him yes that is possible but now you know the difference between thinking your experiencing ego death from actually experiencing it. that first experience was only a trick of the ego to reinforce itself. until you come face to face with your mortality and greatest fear and experience loosing everything you hold onto in life as if it were your actual final moments then it is not truly ego death. im glad your back" hes been a changed person for the better since, as have since i experienced it back in 2004. ego death is not somthing that is a pleasant experience until you return from it, im not trying to invalidate what some of you may have thought to be ego death im only trying to prepare you for when it finally does come. the hardest part is to let go of those you love and the fear of what they will experience should you actually be dieing. once you come to terms with such then you truly are free from hell.

i hope this clarifies things for some
iIappreciate your comment mind ash.
this is what i thought to be ego loss anyway.

I took 12x the recommended dose of DOI by accident, and was so ridiculously intense. I was unable to tell the difference between my thoughts and my vision, couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed and every time i opened or closed them i would wake up in a different world and have no idea what was going on. after about 17 hours of this i thought i was dying/OD'ing, i was laying their and the hallucinations and visions started to fade to bright white light, that was it i thought i had died, but i didn't find it frightening. i was more curious because i have always wondered what happens next. i stayed hear for a couple of minutes and before i knew it i was back in my lounge room tripping balls.
mindsiyk a dit:
iIappreciate your comment mind ash.
this is what i thought to be ego loss anyway.

I took 12x the recommended dose of DOI by accident, and was so ridiculously intense. I was unable to tell the difference between my thoughts and my vision, couldn't tell if my eyes were open or closed and every time i opened or closed them i would wake up in a different world and have no idea what was going on. after about 17 hours of this i thought i was dying/OD'ing, i was laying their and the hallucinations and visions started to fade to bright white light, that was it i thought i had died, but i didn't find it frightening. i was more curious because i have always wondered what happens next. i stayed hear for a couple of minutes and before i knew it i was back in my lounge room tripping balls.

hah awsome man im glad to hear it was an enjoyable experience and some of us just have an easier time letting go, what was hellish for me at first until i surrendered was the thought of my mother who had just lost 2 husbands within 7 years quite unexpectedly and how she would have not handled it well at all. my brother on the other hand i cant say what brought him to tears and fears but it did the trick and hes a changed younger brother for the better :-)
I only had a real ego-loss/ego-death experience once when I had 10g dried cubensis from a grow box. It was really really frightening that I can tell you - nothing like I've ever felt before.
The second half of the trip was great though, as soon as I realized that I had not died and that I would be coming back well and alive, then it was the most exciting and enjoyable trip. Really tought me how much I loved my life and everything and everyone in it...

I never tried that high a dose again so far, I guess am still afraid of that much loss of control over everything. I have done up to 8g since, and I usually don't do less than 5g because that's a waste of time and shrooms in my opinion.