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Female psychonauts

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion cyroxos
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Every woman has a man in her , a masculine side , and every "man" has a woman in him , a femanine side .
That would be a nice idea, Mara, I'll see what I can do :P
GOD a dit:
Every woman has a man in her , a masculine side , and every "man" has a woman in him , a femanine side .

Yep. And I was once submerged with the feminine in myself in a shroom trip lol :P
nipples are a good sign of that aren't they?
hello everybody! back from some crazy adventures and i find a topic that i fit into! lol, i havent read all of it yet-but i will. i think there a a lot of female psychonauts, but i find that more of them do it sans drugs. i think male and female have the capacity to be psychonatus without drugs, but ive found that guys (especially younger guys) tend to jump straight to licking papers and downing shrooms where are the girls that ive known have just been more observative of their natural capabilities. this is completely a generalization, but thats what ive noticed. i do drugs, but i find that it is easier for me to enter the spirit world/do whatever i want to do, while im sober. I feel that I have such a strong powerful force inside of me, I can do crazy things, communicate with things and leave my body, all of that without drugs and it moves at a pace that’s right for me-everytime you go farther and learn more but at a rate you can digest it. at my work we make herbal medicine and we were all sitting at a table pouring the tincture into bottles talking about this. basically everyone at my work is a psychonaut (i got lucky) and we got in a heated discussion over this, cause all of the guys thought drugs-especially plant psychoactive were the door to something you couldnt achieve in a natural state unless you were a shaman or something, whereas all the girls were like no, you dont need drugs to do anything, and some of them even felt they clouded and misled you. I try to avoid making blanket statements about different genders because each person has the capacity to channel male and female energy, but from observation, feminine people and masculine people approach psuchnatuical experimentation differently, going back to an archaic response to mother earth, old rights of passage and that such. But yeah, there are tons of female psychonatus out there, theyr just not as vocal (from what ive seen). Peace and love everybody! (sorry this was so dam long, I didn’t even really get around to saying what I wanted to=stoner tangents lol)
"all of the guys thought drugs-especially plant psychoactive were the door to something you couldnt achieve in a natural state unless you were a shaman or something, whereas all the girls were like no, you dont need drugs to do anything,"

We dont need drugs . But they are good tools for showing us the doors of perception and helping us to open them . Once we`ve learned to open the doors and took a look behind them we dont need them any more . Its a bit like going somewhere new . At first we need a map and then later when we know the way we dont . Maybe men just like getting beamed . I think a lot of people run away from themselves and their own responsibilitys and give drugs / spirits / shaman the credit . We am the ones having the experience . The answer is in us , it comes out of us . We dont need cosmic / psychedelic nannys to hold our hands like a child needs his teddybear . But its fun getting zapped .
yeah i dunnno, just from observation it seems girls are privy to an awareness whether they like it or not, and maybe guys are too, but from what ive found guys seem to want to go immediately to the most intense experience-meaningful or no, idk just what it seems to be. and yeah drugs are good tools when used correctly, for me they just muddle things, i can do it without it. maybe everyone has that awareness, but ive found that even in women who dont want/beleive in any things related to this kindof stuff, see auras, or have super bursts of intuition, ive think maybe women dont talk about it as much, not as likely to do the whoa man, i triped so fucking hard last night lemme tell you about it. or idk that seemes sexists and i really dont want to come accross that way beucase im not, but there seems to be-amongst my friends anyways-a fundamental difference between the way guys and girls interact with their inner awareness and seek further knowledge, does that seem far off?
I think what you say is true , and i`m glad your saying it . Its good to have women here who talk about what they feel . I hope it wakes the males here up a bit and that we all learn from oneanother and grow mentaly and spiritualy .

I just think men and women are diferent . Stupidly enough from our evolution the men went out and dealt with the world they met and the women stayed in the nest and explored the world from their inside . They had to build intuition and the men didnt need to do that so much because they had to deal with the physical , the actual fighting wild animals . Women have now made a big step forwards and emancipated themselves and take part in the world as equals . The men still havent , they need to emancipate themselves and stop playing macho games and stop thinking they are the boss / the best .

( But as an unemancipated man i have to say its realy shity that some women are realy stupid and / or still like playing the "Im a stupid sheep game" and men often have to play the sheep dog for them . I dont like that , i want a true equale who lets me be week sometimes , that trys to understand me as i am and doesnt loose respect for me when i stop playing sheep dog / macho / mister fix it . )

I think women and men are two halves of one whole .
i dont think its men and women so much as masculine and femenine, beucase "women energy" can manifest itself in men ect. does that make any sense?

i agree, but i think that men have just developed a different sense of intuition as their role has been hunter ect and women healer/mother. i think that the femenist movement was a little off in that women felt they had to BE men, forget feelings and being femenine, taking advantage of your opportunity was making yourself more masculine which i think was a mikstake as much as i love the femenist movement and and thankful for them. what you said about women-it goes both ways. nowadays with the newfounded equality (for the most part) we are moving father away from traditional roles and moving into a colder more urban mentality where intuition is not even an after thought-im not saying poeple shoudl be as they were, but more that we should acknowledge and embrace instinct, maybe, im not sayng this right but i guess everyone should be in touch with themselves, and maybe beucase of the traditional rolse women have played and the instinct theyve developed over time has increased their awareness-well in some anyways, where as the typical male and the whole macho complex tried to avoid all of that, and drugs are seen more as a way of escaping or getting fucked up rather than psychonatuical experimentation.

maybe lol.

peace and love
Yes you make sense . I think we are saying / thinking the same thing from diferent starting points and sometimes in diferent words .

I think that most men arent realy doing anything spiritual with drugs or trying to heal themselves they are realy running away from themselves and getting beamed . Thats why i started the whats ego death , whats enlightenment and whats spirituality threads and others . To get people to think a bit more about developing themselves / their personalitys and to stop boasting about and being proud of killing brains cells by abusing drugs / being permanently stoned .

"I'm looking at myself reflections of my mind"
I`ve had enough of being nice , love and peace and showing my feminin side so i`m going to leave the thread and go and have some fun and have arguments in the rest of the forum .
Hmmmm I'm a female and have a lot of female friends-psychonauts... o__0
What about getting them to join us , and what about you all taking part in the "Way of the godess" section . I think we need more women here to get a social and emotional balance and to help us all to get to know each sex and to understand each other . Its not a mens planet , its our planet .
sorry girls i accidentally clicked on your section (God is posting there, i just assumed God was a man). i didnt read anything
druglessdouglas a dit:
sorry girls i accidentally clicked on your section (God is posting there, i just assumed God was a man). i didnt read anything
GOD is a man
the rules have been revamped - men are now allowed to post in the women's section
i believe the guidelines are "no wankers"
First time i took shrooms I was with my girlfriend.
What happened next is that I start reading books about,writing in forums,try other stuff...and i dont' like tripping often.

It's a strange thing.She also was interest,but...did nothing for it.It's something like a very strange different approach.

And 'til now I never met a female psychonaut.But I would like so much,yep.
my female psychonaut friends dont really like to discuss their experiences. perhaps its more personal to them. i dont like to generalise but thats the impression i get
the rules have been revamped - men are now allowed to post in the women's section
There were never any rules to begin with, but the name of this section was initially called:

Way of the goddess
For women only! ;)

That was a bit confusing, so a couple of weeks ago we changed it to:

Way of the goddess

The psychedelic experience from a feminine perspective.