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FBI urges coffeshops to report cash paying customers

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Haha man what the fuck is that bullshit
"The most recent update asks coffee shop owners, baristas and other customer-service specialists to lookout for the enemy who walks among us…"

:lol: hilarious
So they finally found me out...
The one who uses cash in a cashless society is known to the american goverment as a "Terrorist", As the noose tightens facist control becomes ever more present.

Cash is fairly untraceable, All I have seen promoted in the past 2 years is contactless technology. Which is an RFID chip in a bit of plastic that you wave in front of a sensor, Places like McDonalds have signs up saying they are accepting contactless technology payments and in the small print it says "Still accepting other forms of payment" BIG HINT....

When economic collapse takes place, That which we know will change. No value for currency, The only markets for precious metals will be those with the license/right/etc and those who do not will be labeld terrorists and sought after for their goods. (Oh wait, Thats the past 10 years....)

Any how its one more step to an implant, Track, Trace and Identify all at the point of a sensor.

P.S. Do you ever watch nature documentaries, The ones where they dart the animal, stick a chip in it and then track it to maintain its numbers in the wild? Is it really any different to what they want to do with men, women and children and most importantly who gave them (Who ever them may be?) the right?
Plastic cards linked to a global database is extremely traceable and every cent or penny of funds you have in your account have a route in which they came to you. No route is definately the work of a terrorist, Working with the people who will not accept their one world rule shite :retard:

Also, I remeber watching Obama address troops that had returned home from Iraq in the last few months. Something stood out to me, that being what he said about the outcome of their actions. He said something like, How pleased he was about their success and achievements in Iraq and how they had "Rebuilt" Iraq and now it was time to "Rebuild" America.

Success and achievements??? You must mean Mr Obama, Creating a state of global psychosis and fear while you prance around labelling people terrorists? Including your own nationals.... :roll:

Rebuild Iraq??? You must mean Mr Obama, Install a corrupt government that has sworn allegiance to your bull shit politics for promises of wealth and other sweet nothings...

Rebuild America you say??? In what way will you be doing this? By bringing in fascist control and destabilizing social circles, Devide and conquer I see...

It seems they achieved exactly what they wanted with their mission to Iraq, Total control both physical and political with the media pumping out the propaganda like a true war machine. :rolleyes:

P.S. A link to Obama's speech transcript - Fort Bragg December 14 2011 - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-16191394
Alex Jones did a video about this where he took on the role of a retarded coffee shop owner ranting to cash paying customers about having to report them.
I might see if I can find it, it's funny.
so the war on drugs or rather war on the population will be a war of drug taking people vs non-drug people???
that's so fucking retarded lol... but nevertheless interesting in some sense.
i would say maybe it's even like a spiritual level lol... because drugs can be seen as external tools, in some sense,
while alteration of consciousness is possible by will power alone, too...

i would say: watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because as i see it a lot of non-drug people will probably abuse worldviews or "philosophies"
etc etc in order to fight for their views or so. i think a lot of non-drug people are ignorant and conservative stupid motherfuckers and that's why they will lose if it really would be about arguments.
those who think they have to change people will probably not go far without at some point having to enforce their shit.
i really hope the "war aspect" or so can lead to real peace and will not become more physical war.
we need more true intelligence, because as you all may be aware of, stupidity has have had more than enough power already.

so i think in the end it's not really about drugs or not-drugs, but about open-mindedness or the ability for it.
maybe some people should train open-mindedness a little bit more and not fool themselves so much.

BrainEater a dit:
so i think in the end it's not really about drugs or not-drugs, but about open-mindedness or the ability for it.

well, the article wasn't about drugs in the first place.
llol that's pathetic..

well, actualy i hadn't have read the article indeed lol... :D :P

btw all braggadocios and snobs like FBI can go to hell. (mostly!?)
:evil: :twisted:
8) 8) 8) 8)

they are just wannabes... but mostly in a bad way as far as i can tell... the government is evil.
as it seems, it's gonna take A LOT more political evolution for that to change.

It may not have been about drugs, but, make no mistake, the aim of propaganda like this is to make currency unusable for illicit purposes. If the cash dollar is extinct, how exactly will you be paying for yer next sack of weed? It would be a major attack on the drug using/distributing community. The fact that it was coffee made it comical, but the inference can be made with ease that such a system will far extend Starbucks.
Now using cash to buy coffee is terrorism? These agents couldn't find boobs at a strip club, much less terrorists at a coffee shop. Terrorism's the big excuse.10 years later. [news on television] BREAKING NEWS! Hitler drank coffee. Do you really want to be like Hitler?Random person: What?!?! Hitler?!? Crap, I need to go get a gallon of water to drink and flush out the coffee I had this morning! Damn you Folgers! Damn you and the best part of waking up!
The book 1984 is slowly turning into a reality. If the government can't keep their eyes on us at all times, they feel like we're up to something. Minding your own business is a thing of the past. The government doesn't care about your freedom. They care about how well they can control you and basically want to turn us into machines to fill different niches is society. Most people in 'power' have lost sight of what is important in life. So many have to live in fear because of the paranoia that comes with being watched.