Plastic cards linked to a global database is extremely traceable and every cent or penny of funds you have in your account have a route in which they came to you. No route is definately the work of a terrorist, Working with the people who will not accept their one world rule shite :retard:
Also, I remeber watching Obama address troops that had returned home from Iraq in the last few months. Something stood out to me, that being what he said about the outcome of their actions. He said something like, How pleased he was about their success and achievements in Iraq and how they had "Rebuilt" Iraq and now it was time to "Rebuild" America.
Success and achievements??? You must mean Mr Obama, Creating a state of global psychosis and fear while you prance around labelling people terrorists? Including your own nationals....
Rebuild Iraq??? You must mean Mr Obama, Install a corrupt government that has sworn allegiance to your bull shit politics for promises of wealth and other sweet nothings...
Rebuild America you say??? In what way will you be doing this? By bringing in fascist control and destabilizing social circles, Devide and conquer I see...
It seems they achieved exactly what they wanted with their mission to Iraq, Total control both physical and political with the media pumping out the propaganda like a true war machine.
P.S. A link to Obama's speech transcript - Fort Bragg December 14 2011 -