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Fasting and abstinence before tripping?

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Yesterday I had a pretty excellent shrooms and cannabis experience. For about 5 days I meditated and avoided any kind of sexual activity, and then didn't eat anything the day before. I feel that this kind of preparation did a few things:

1) It both intensified the trip and prepared the mind to better deal with the trip. It also meant I went into the experience with a very immediate physical reminder, in the form of an empty stomach, that I had prepared and worked hard for the experience I was having. You get out what you put in.

2) It shows respect for the substances you're taking that you would go to that effort to inconvience yourself and set apart a special time just for them. You fear them less because you know they will see your respectful manner towards them.

3) It helps create a balance between abstinence and indulgence. You feel less guilty about taking time to enjoy yourself because you know it's balanced by self-control. In a way you're rewarding that control and encouraging it.

When you fast and abstain at the same time your stomach is empty but your balls are full. It's an odd redistribution of equilibrium, but not entirely unpleasant.

Does anyone else have similar rituals they use to prepare?
I've never gotten to! It's always been impulse...

I have been planning on an internal trip - sober, unless the gods grace me - on my camping trip. In which case I will be taking a larger part of each day to meditate, relax the mind and body, and stable myself emotionally. I haven't been treating my brain very nice this past few months, but it's been good anyways...

I would imagine that simply eating them on an empty stomach itself would dramatically enhance the trip though! What about hunger during the trip, did you have cravings? When did you begin to eat [normally] again?
I suspect that the hardest part of a fast is the first day. After that your body gets used to it and begins to compensate, so the hunger diminishes.

One mistake I made was eating too much too soon thanks to the hunger-inducing effects of the cannabis. Next time I might extend the fast to cover the whole day of the trip itself. Would probably feel cleaner that way.

Next week we will investigate the effect of fasting on either 2CE or 2CB, not yet fully decided on which should come first.
interesting perspective. now that i think about it, i've never taken a psychedelic with any kind of food in my stomache. just instinctual.. i've never fasted before a trip, but i am a bit weary of fasting in general, that is, in regards to my blood sugar levels. i'd definitely look into it a bunch before i try anything extreme like not eating for a day. my metabolism is so high it might be dangerous for me... it's got me interested for sure though.

One mistake I made was eating too much too soon thanks to the hunger-inducing effects of the cannabis. Next time I might extend the fast to cover the whole day of the trip itself. Would probably feel cleaner that way.

when you say this, do you mean that you took cannabis before the psychedelic, or munched before it all set in? im a bit confused on the timeline you're referencing. when did you eat/smoke what?
i never realy fasted before a trip, but tried taking shrooms on an empty stomach (did not eat like 5 hours before ingestion). i did so two times, both attempts resulted in me fainting at some point during the trip. at first i was speculating that fainting could be psychologicaly caused, kinda avoiding realising something the shroom wanted me to see. but i took them again short after the fainting experience again with a similar mindset, but i ate before. i came through the trip without dificulties.

i assume it has to do something to do with my low pressure, i have quite strong metabolism too.
my hypothesis: during the trip brain go turbo (vtec kicks in, lol) so you need more fuel. the energy from the food could be substituted with mental energy accumulated with meditation, but this is kinda difficult.
Allusion a dit:
when you say this, do you mean that you took cannabis before the psychedelic, or munched before it all set in? im a bit confused on the timeline you're referencing. when did you eat/smoke what?

As far as I can remember it was something along the lines of: Fasted, took shrooms, shrooms began to wear off, took cannabis, stuffed my face.

A day without food isn't likely to do you any harm unless you have a medical condition. People underestimate just how good the human body is at coping with lack of food, it was probably a major selective pressure for most of our evolution.
i see. that sounds like something i did in the past as well. only i smoked the weed way to close to the end of the peak, when i thought the mushrooms were wearing off, and they came beck 2x as hard. my first visual experience with mental loops. i just really wanted everybody to stop talking. it was all so redundant...