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Fake MDMA....Just in the UK?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion moody
  • Date de début Date de début
thats piperazines period but when it comes to getting high bzp started all the drug piperazines and that as made to get off meth piperazine bye it self yea de wormer but its like a benzal group and alot of other shut attached to it

if you correct somebody try to be right it works alot better lmfao
GOD a dit:
I dont want to offend anyone but the only reasons why anyone lets themselves get ripped off are because of greed or stupidi .

Only buy from people you know and get them to give you their opinion of the product and tell them if its shit you will come back and get your money . If you are somewhere and you dont know the seller just watch him and wait untill you see 3 or 4 people buy . Then wait an hour and go and ask them if the product is good . If they say no dont buy . Also spread the word about whos a ripp off .

Remember , people with a bad reputation soon disapear and there are heavy blunt objects everywhere . Or your girlfriends hand bag with a house brick in it . Or a sock half full of pebbles tied off half way down .

I don't agree with that. You have to remember this is an illegal black market place. I have been involved in this for 20 years. There simply is no guarantees about anything! People come and go and get busted, even the most reliable dealers end up with shit once in a while! If they get it by mistake or get ripped for 5,000 they aint gonna just throw it away. It's just too risky to go about it in the way you think is possible? You can't goto a dealers house usually and then just hang out and wait to see what stuffs like? I always test what I get and have had to take back some of this fake MDMA for a refund which even with a dealer you know well is not a pleasant experience?

I think the only way you could operate how you imagine is if you knew a chemist who only did very small scale production and was't paranoid? Good luck finding one of those! Fair play if you have but for the most you are always having to take financial or health risks using black markets:-

But back to the original topic, there definitely is a big problem in Europe now. Last year there was so much high quality MDMA going around black markets it seemed supply exceeded demand. Now however even the most reliable dealers have been fooled with an unknown stuff? I have tested the last batch I found and I don't know what it is yet? The human guinea pig test would likely indicate possible BK-MDMA (methylone) from effects but Marquis doesn't give a colour and just fizzes like with pips but the effects seem better than usual pips reports without many bad effects, just not as nice as real MDMA slightly euphoric as you come up going into a speedy stimulated blank feeling after a few hours? A waxy type of crystal and powder of crushed crystals?
What dont you agree with ?

Only dickheads get ripped off .

If your not in the position to do the buisness dont do it . If someone tries to ripp you off kick shit out of them publicly .

Your talking about the street scene . Anyone who buys from the street is a dickhead and only has themselves to blame . The rule is .....if you deal with rippoffs you deal with rippoffs ......= if you dont you dont . Do you understand ? That means .......you bought it . It was you that ripped yourself off . You were greedy . You didnt have enough patience .

Marquis doesnt work . Only VERY unexperienced people even mention it .
FB--the decrease in supply of ketone jives with what I have heard. From what I hear it has NOT changed in china. If things are getting better I suspect they are using alternative sources or a new process.
I keep seeing spam like this: http://twitter.com/sarahj101 that really makes me want to slap someone. Tons of spammers pushing mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) as "just like MDMA but BETTER and LEGAL!" all over the place.
"What dont you agree with ?

Only dickheads get ripped off .

If your not in the position to do the buisness dont do it . If someone tries to ripp you off kick shit out of them publicly .

Your talking about the street scene . Anyone who buys from the street is a dickhead and only has themselves to blame . The rule is .....if you deal with rippoffs you deal with rippoffs ......= if you dont you dont . Do you understand ? That means .......you bought it . It was you that ripped yourself off . You were greedy . You didnt have enough patience . "

Thats crazy? I'm surprised your still alive :-) If only everything was so simple really?
I have a few comments to add:

I live near to the south pole.. country un-named as there are to few people here. In the past 10 years I have seen the quailty of 'mdma' or rather mda decrease, maybe this is partially my fault, maybe not..

Pills were good, 10/10 everytime here and readily availible. Reseach Chemicals unknown back 'in the day'. I pioneered RC's in this country, yes, mainly to make a buck. I put my body, mind and soul through hell trying to find a mixture of chemicals which had a relation to the proper mdma as I knew it back them, nothing compared, nothing ever will.

I spent many many nights trying psyco mixtures, which, at a dose rate cost less than 3 dollars. I gave up, yes, I gave up after a seriously bad trip.. It wasn't me.. I stopped drugs alltogether infact. Pills were worth 50 dollars at the time..

I came back after 3 years with a degree under my belt (pills worth $30) and gave a pill a shot... It was littered with RC and I hated it. Tried several more and had similar effects... I would guess now that 9/10 pills are packed with that shit here, I actually refuse to take them now.

I think it might take a person with experience to pick up on it, newbies have no idea...
Half a year ago I could still occasionally find extremely good pills, but now quality supply is near dead in my region. I think I can still find pure mdma pouder (though much harder than before), but the pills are all crap.