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everything forever - interesting way of seing the universe

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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hey check out this site:


specially recommended to all who posted in the physics proves itself wrong topic and all the others related to the big bang and theories attempting to give form to the universe and things like that.


what i liked best is the explanation of symmetry order, symmetry maths and the alpha to zero model.
I'm always interested in these things, but the image you posted says "possible futures", which discourages me from reading the website, because based on what I know, I cannot believe in "possible" futures. There's only one future ahead of us, and that's the one that's bound to unfold on the basis of the present, or the past.

The page also doesn't mention anything about fractals, the Golden Mean or Phi...

LOL, they included an image of the Allspark!


I admit: I saw the first Transformers movie the day before yesterday. But only because I wanted to see pro-cannabis babe Megan Fox. :wink:
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
There's only one future ahead of us, and that's the one that's bound to unfold on the basis of the present, or the past.

well that image may be misleading then because this is exactly what the author says, perhaps i should have posted this one


he says that there are possible futures but that there is convergence of time; there is one final goal (omega) that will happen no matter what, so the future states actually pull the present towards the omega


the omega is the absolute zero where the universe is expanding to, reaching total symmetry order.

give it a chance, even if you don't think everything is great there are valuable concepts there, for instance he says the universe's expansion is not so much because entropy is rising and everything is tending to disorder and chaos but that grouping order is decreasing and symmetry order (something like it's inverse) is increasing


edit: oh and there is mention about fractals, plenty even.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
There's only one future ahead of us, and that's the one that's bound to unfold on the basis of the present, or the past.

So how do you motivate yourself? And how do you make decisions? I'm interested in getting to know more about that...
Okay, thanks for the clarification.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
There's only one future ahead of us, and that's the one that's bound to unfold on the basis of the present, or the past.
The theory would imply there are multiple "us" each with his own future, so in a way what you say fits the theory.

EDIT: the parallel-universe theory, that is...
What difference would this make?

Where are the 'random' events that cannot be determined by physics?

I guees at our current stage of technology the uncertainty principle holds true, but I really don't believe it will forever. I think everything can be pre-determined, with all the information.
Forkbender a dit:
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
There's only one future ahead of us, and that's the one that's bound to unfold on the basis of the present, or the past.

So how do you motivate yourself? And how do you make decisions? I'm interested in getting to know more about that...

I make decisions based on the love for the humankind. I want everyone to have and feel the love of infinity.

The theory would imply there are multiple "us" each with his own future, so in a way what you say fits the theory.

EDIT: the parallel-universe theory, that is...

Its possible to quantum jump to other realities where you live :). Listen to: http://www.quantumjumping.com/teleseminar

I guees at our current stage of technology the uncertainty principle holds true, but I really don't believe it will forever. I think everything can be pre-determined, with all the information.

When all is known we will still interact with eachother and other parts of creation. Creation is infinite and nothing infinite can be known. Change is the only constant regarding creation and life itself. The only things that doens't change is that we're eternal. That we get what we put out and that all is one and one is all.
Creation is infinite and nothing infinite can be known. Change is the only constant regarding creation and life itself. The only things that doens't change is that we're eternal. That we get what we put out and that all is one and one is all.

I agree with that but/and, change doing it's thing, seems to have the perceived effect on the univers/reality/organic life that they all seem to exponentially increase in complexity. Also, in the nineties it was discovered that the universe is expanding at an exponentially increasing rate and there isn't any sign, that this is going to change. This would mean that at some point the speed of expansion would reach the speed of light and eventually I suppose, exceed it. How that looks like is unimaginable I guess.
Forkbender a dit:
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
There's only one future ahead of us, and that's the one that's bound to unfold on the basis of the present, or the past.

So how do you motivate yourself? And how do you make decisions? I'm interested in getting to know more about that...
Well, in a sense I don't motivate myself, but I allow the world to motivate me. Decisions are made on the basis of the information the world has provided me with. So basically I'm "going with the flow", meaning the flow of information and events.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Forkbender a dit:
So how do you motivate yourself? And how do you make decisions? I'm interested in getting to know more about that...

Determinism is no different in motivation than in free-will, etc.
If you believe you have free-will, and if you actually have free-will, are exactly the same. Regardless if your belief is incorrect.
IJesusChrist a dit:
If you believe you have free-will, and if you actually have free-will, are exactly the same. Regardless if your belief is incorrect.

Exactly. Whether free will is an illusion or not, we won't notice. If there was no free will, we would have no choice in the matter as to what we believe, one way or the other, even though we would feel we did.

Free will is an essential part of the western religious moral code (an eye for an eye), without free will this sense of justice and morality collapses into a heap. And although our society is more secular nowadays, Alan Watts is so correct in pointing out that the modern movement away from monotheistic religion is still very much a part of it, we've taken Yahweh and Jesus out of the equation but our belief system and way of conceptualizing reality is essentially the same, when it isn't purely reactionary

I've read some pretty bad junk philosophy attempting to prove free will exists by using a pop culture understanding of quantum indeterminacy to claim the future cannot be predicted.. essentially claiming that random==free will (yeah right)

Perhaps there's a happy medium, free will does exist but on an extremely limited basis--limited by our own personal awareness, psychological hangups, issues, and limitations, place in society, education, etc. Ironically, in that sense you could still represent the choices one might make in terms of probabilities. For example a kid born in a lower-class segment of society, with little education, growing up as a gang member for example, has been born into a certain marginalized section of the population, will probably never fit in, much less understand other sections of the population. It is much more likely that a person raised participating in violent criminal behavior will repeat that behavior, than Joe the spoiled rich kid who stays home all day playing Wii, stuffing his face with chips. Suddenly you realize both examples (stereotypes that do exist for sure) may have some sort of free will, but operate within a very predictable window of behavior. Joe will never understand what it is like to be poor and will grow up a rich libertarian, with zero empathy for the less fortunate. And hence the power structures that have existed in society for centuries continue in some form or another.

When you look at humanity as a large, constantly evolving structure, you start to notice that much like any closed biological system humans have evolved to fill every possible nook and cranny.. It's almost eerie how human behavior can be represented in terms of probabilities. There are times I see us as just a continuing part of the processes going on in the universe, and less as some magically empowered free agents that can somehow operate outside the typically predictable parameters of the observable, known universe.

But this doesn't mean I'm going to give up on life and the people I care about, and quit my job or anything. I still feel pain, I still empathize, I cry when my friends are suffering, I laugh, I still really enjoy the creative process, I still love. It's my choice (or illusion thereof)
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Forkbender a dit:
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
There's only one future ahead of us, and that's the one that's bound to unfold on the basis of the present, or the past.

So how do you motivate yourself? And how do you make decisions? I'm interested in getting to know more about that...
Well, in a sense I don't motivate myself, but I allow the world to motivate me. Decisions are made on the basis of the information the world has provided me with. So basically I'm "going with the flow", meaning the flow of information and events.[/quote:8xz83zjy]

I recognize the going with thee Flo part, but it is hard to wrap your head around the idea that future is already determined. Although I do have some experiences that corroborate that, and I am seldom surprised by new events, it is still hard to think deterministically and I have trouble believing it. Can decisions still be decisions if they were bound to happen?
I made a really shitty video along time ago on youtube, I'm not going to search it but it is called "Determinism" and has a blue and green spiral swirl for it's picture. Feel free to watch it, just brings food for thought.

It is almost in itself proof that we have freewill just to ask the question, however, it isn't really... It is a fundamental question, with a very, very hard answer. We may never know.

But if there is free will - what do they come from? If they are random, they are unpredictable, and we are creatures of a dice throw. If they aren't random, this means they can be predicted, and everything else is most likely predictable.

We are either a dice roll away from a thought, or a computation away from predicting our next.
good video jesus! :) i liked the ocasional effect that changed your voice, too.. kind of fit in... i think its a very interesting topic and when i have thought enough about it i will tell you. :p

free yourself from being a puppet of the past.

nice line.
If you want

I made the picture too :)
God I just watched it, I was such a corn-ball.