I never do an attempt to jump behind the back of black or white. Because doing compromisses and strive for moderation is the only path to achieve the most balanced one-ness and divided wellness for all parties. I refuse to agree with boycots, whatever it may be. Because it always dissolutes freedom for someone.
Capitalism includes finding great inventions and developments as well, think about internet, information servers such as erowid. And most importantly...
The ability to documentate human history and spread our history to prevent the repeat of it. As well as spreading civillisated knowledge and information on a large scale
If we stil lived in the jungle or small villages, our primitive instinct would be still our main source to act on. Slaughtering and rape would still exist on a large scale as it always did.
Don't forget that healthy luxury supresses the primitive ego behaviour as well. Capitalism up to a certain degree (healthy capitalism) can be a plateau to have a stable base to invest in third world communities to bring them up to this certain point as well. Which wouldn't be possible if specific groups of people don't step on that plataeu first. Because first safety and primairly needs (sleep, food, drinks, sex) need to be assured in a decent environment before humans are willing and have the potency to grab the arm of screaming others.
But totally rejecting healthy capitalism is a bit xenophobe no? It's not that healthy capitalism is demolishing life-values or consist of replacing green for buildings.
However, the tabacco lobby is unhealthy capitalism. But banning it would lead to a cigarette maffia and produce at least the same amount of blood.
The best option as for now, since tabacco is just there, is to spread as much as information as we can about them and their intention. Transparancy is the only way to reduce this appearance as much as possible. It lies in the middle of both outer sides, that's what I meant with refusing to choose for one ultimate side. Black or white.
I'm just strongly related to one side, but not in an ultimate way, closing the door entirely prevents you from being in able to take knowledge everywhere.
Even with the worst enemy there should be a gap, only if it was to spy how he operates and form strategies.