IJesusChrist a dit:
Well, then you wouldn't have a fractal if it wasn't based on anything previously.
That is the definition of a fractal; a geometry (random or not) that is based on a previous point in time [or any other dimension].
So - we can conclude that no, there is no fractal that fits your definition of "creative".
Ok, haha, that's what I was getting at with the following:
Mescaline a dit:
Or am I making assumptions about fractal equations that stop it from being a fractal equation?
Well, then I do understand fractal equations correctly now, I suppose.
You evoked some doubt there for a while by stating that fractals are
random, because in the true sense of the word "random" they are certainly
not random. It's the same thing as with these so called "random variable generators" which you can find in various statistical software. These "random" variable generators are not truly random; they just pretend to be random; they try to be as random
as possible. They are all based on some algorithm, and thereby can impossibly be truly random.
So, then I guess we're back at where we were before. We have to a make decision whether we either believe the universe, in and of itself, is
uncreative, repetitive and non-random or whether you believe the universe, in and of itself, is
creative, non-repetitive and random. (All three of these key-words used in the sense that I explained them before, and not in the common sense of their meaning)
I said earlier that I am in favor of the creative universe, but I think I will take that back, as I have absolutely no reason to believe this as of now. I would
prefer it to be creative though; I
want it to be creative.
Either way, this is what I end up with, up to now:
1) Fractal equations
would be a
potentially good representation of an
uncreative, repetitive, non-random universe.
2) Quantum Theory
would be a
potentially good representation of a
creative, non-repetitive, random universe.
Then, in case of Quantum Theory, the Schrödinger equation would be
as close as you could get to an equation of the universe. Of course in case of Quantum Theory it is logically impossible to create a "real" equation of the universe (unless you make it infinitely long
), as every moment in the future contains an infinite amount of potentiality, the future state of which can in most cases simply not be calculated.
I am interested however, how it
does seem to be possible for a hydrogen atom... Do you know, in detail, how this works? Could you explain?
And to answer my own question of why it would not be possible to write down the equation for the universe on a piece of paper:
It can only not be written on a piece of paper in case Quantum Theory is correct, as, in order to account for an infinite amount of potentiality, one would need an equation that is infinite and never-ending in nature, which in turn would require an infinite amount of pieces of paper.
In case a fractal equation is a good representation of the universe, it does seem to be possible to put it on a piece of paper, as you explained yourself.
And just like you, I think it unbelievable, as in not believable, that the universe can be written on a piece of paper. It just
feels wrong... This makes me believe Quantum Theory is (more) correct, and that the universe is creative, random and non-repetitive in nature.
On the other hand, theories like Time Wave zero (the equation used in this theory would actually be another example of an equation that would fit the
uncreative universe, if I understand it correctly), and the mayan prophecy about 2012,
do seem to suggest that throughout history "timeperiods" repeat themselves, that we are going through the same "events" (or whatever you want to call them) over and over again, although at a faster rate every time. So this is actually in favor of an uncreative, repetitive, non-random universe. However, I will not base my reasoning on prophecies and alike, so I still prefer the creative universe, although I have to admit that this is mostly because an uncreative universe seems, well, kind of boring... Too "simple".
EDIT: Oh, man... Now I'm starting to develop some serious doubt that the universe is creative in nature.
EDIT2: Just noticed you asked another question I haven't answered:
IJesusChrist a dit:
So yes - in this way, the universe could be written down on a page, composed of all the equations within a logical system. However, something has to carry out that logic. In our case, it is a computer. In reality's case... ? What is the "operator"?
The operator.. Yes.. Well this brings us back to our previous discussion, and this is exactly why I thought it was important to talk about it.
Either there is something like a God, or any other creator (/operator), that itself is not created by something, thereby being eternal in nature
or the operator could be us, thus us being the computer, and this again is intimitely connected with this alien theory, and the notion that we are a very advanced kind of robot, which has been created by these "aliens", which were in turn created by other aliens, etc. ad infinitum. And, of course, you can replace aliens/robots by anything plausible you like, and the theory would still work.
However, unless you have something more to say about this, lets refrain from having the same discussion over again.