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Enhanced weed effect

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
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Some days ago I smoked hash for the first time since the 8th of january. Since then I had done 3 shroom trips and E once. I don't know if it was only because i hadn't smoked hash for so long, but the effect was VERY intense, like a weed, shroom and ecstasy trip altogether. A long time before I had noticed that after I took some E the two following weeks I would get some E effects when smoking. My last shroom trips seem to have enhanced the effect even more, now weed feels like a mildly strong psychedelic to me. I don't have crazy visuals like with shrooms, but it is more about my state of mind, which feels like the one when I'm under the effect of shrooms, that feeling of extreme lucidity and connecting with the nature. Anyone else experienced the same thing?
After my first mushroom trip i had a somewhat similar experience, i was smoking hash (like always) daily but that time i had bought some ice-o-lator hash which is 50-60% THC %, instead of the usualy 10-20%.
When i smoked this ice o lator in my pipe the feeling of the trip were totally in place again, i even had some very mild visuals (moving walls at the edge of your vision etc). this was really weird yet also nice. i never had this again though, and i dont know how much time there was between the shrooms and the ice o lator. im pretty sure it wasnt just the ice o lator though..
Hey guys and girls I just want to share this really strange experience with you all.
What happened is the following, we are with a couple of people camping in belgium in the ardennen and at night we were chilling at a camp fire. My friend then suggested to go smoke a spliff and I'm not the person to say no to that in the right circumstances. So I'm rolling the spliff and think to myself gee that's quite a bit of weed, but who cares we'll just get nice and stoned or high. After smoking it first we got really giggly (I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about here) but after some time my mind started fucking with me and it started feeling like a deja vu at first (like I had experienced the discussion we had before) but slightly it started changing and I started feeling not like a deja vu but like I had actually gone back in time or something (don't know if you're following it). This got so strange that I couldn't really talk to my friends anymore (they were mainly laughing at me being so surprised and confused) and I was getting tired so I went to bed. Lying in bed was actually a lot more interesting as it usually was because I couldn't control the muscles in my face anymore and they were twitching around alot, and in the darkness I saw stuff you usually see when you look into something really brightly lit and then look in the darkness. After I got used to the strange muscle twitches and the other weird stuff I got this feeling of extreme tranquility and like if I had gotten some divine inspiration. After that I fell asleep for about 7 hours and the day after I felt really well rested and really happy.

I mean I knew Weed is alot of fun but this was quite a positive surprise for me!

That's what happened with me. Never done a proper dose of shroomz yet, no xtc and all just weed. I had had a couple of beers but I know they had little influence, it's just that indeed cannabis is a psychedelic :)
Yes I know it is a psychedelic basically, but the effects seem to increase everytime I do MDMA or shrooms
I really dislike MDMA and cannabis. Even though it increases the visuals, it decreases the love feeling and it makes your mind scrambled beyond belief. Last time I did MDMA (about 300mg pp) and 2 big joints, convo's were like this:

A: I was gonna say something, but forgot what...
B: Oh, what were you gonna say?
A: What?
B: Dunno, you said something?
A: Forgot what I said...what did I say?
C: What are you guys talking about?
A: I have no clue.
B: Me neither.

That for about 3 hours in a row.
DevXavier a dit:
I really dislike MDMA and cannabis. Even though it increases the visuals, it decreases the love feeling and it makes your mind scrambled beyond belief. Last time I did MDMA (about 300mg pp) and 2 big joints, convo's were like this:

A: I was gonna say something, but forgot what...
B: Oh, what were you gonna say?
A: What?
B: Dunno, you said something?
A: Forgot what I said...what did I say?
C: What are you guys talking about?
A: I have no clue.
B: Me neither.

That for about 3 hours in a row.

haha, last time i gave some friends shrooms they had a discussion about what it was they just saw on tv (some commercial) for the entire trip. It was so annoying i just left them alone and put on some kid loco :p.
MDMA alone and MDMA+cannabis are two different trips... personally i don't get THAT fucked up when I mix it with cannabis,, just a bit more confused, and VERY disoriented (once needed a friend to take me home cause i didnt remember the way :lol:). But it is true you get less of that love feeling. Stil i thinkl it's a pretty good combination

But it wasn't my question, I'm asking if anyone else noticed that cannabis effects increase for a while after taking psychedelics

BTW is MDMA considered a psychedelic? cause I had my first psychedelic experience with an ecstasy pill. This is what made me research on the internet about drugs effect on the consciousness and made me discover that hallucinogens are known to expand consciousness. Even before that I was interested in trying shrooms because it seemed cool, but after that experience and what i read I started actively searching for some, and finally found some guy that sold me 2 grams dried for 30$, but I bought it cause i really wanted to try ^^
Yes , they call it a flashback when u for instance took shroom like 2 months ago and u smoke soem weed it could be u get a sort of flashback and ur in a bit of ur mushroom trip , effect i read :)
I had somewhat the same, bud then in a bad way:

Hello everyone,

I’ve got a little problem lately:
When I smoke cannabis I stop trusting everyone around me, I’m becoming kind of paranoid.
This started a few weeks ago. I candy-flipped that night with some guys. That night we also smoked quite some weed.
The next day, after a whole night of tripping I began distrusting the people I tripped with and I started to think that everything they said was a joke at my expense.
I know I can trust these friends, but when I smoke with these guys since that night the feeling of being the laughing-stock of the group comes back.
I wonder whether this is a flashback to the end of the trip or something else. If anyone had a similar experience or has a resolution for this problem I would really like to know, because I love smoking weed with these friends, but I can’t take this ‘flashback-ish’ feeling anymore.

Greetz & Peace,

see http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?option=com_forum&Itemid=11&page=viewtopic&t=26884&lang=nl
for the whole thread
i did E on dour festival, combined with cannabis. i also got very dissoriented, but there was still a strong social feeling (and i love the taste of a joint on mdma 8) )

the days after the festival, every time i got high i was super-euphoric high, like a total mdma flashback.
i think cannabis has a huge potential in triggering flashbacks.
lots of people including me have CEV's on cannabis after they did shrooms for the first time. also had a minor salvia flashback on weed.