Ecstasy Is Not as Damaging as Predicted

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
A new study clears up the long-term effects

More than twenty years ago, a large number of teens worldwide was experimenting with the effects of one of the most potent drugs on the market. Commonly known as ecstasy, this substance was at the time said to induce a batch of nasty and serious side effects, even though during that period there lacked the reference point for such gloomy predictions. Now, scientists have attempted to make good on their word, and have conducted a study on former drug users, namely on the teenagers who are now middle-aged and settled down in their own homes, with families.

The conclusions the investigators have come to have surprised them as well , it turns out that, on average, the effects of ecstasy have been largely exaggerated, and that the drug is not by far capable of producing the long-term effects that were described back in those days. In other words, other than a small memory relapse and a mild depression, which are not at all uncommon for people who have never touched an illegal substance in their lives, all the participants in the new survey have showed no deterioration of bodily or cognitive functions to speak of, which goes to show that fear of a substance can trigger mass hysteria for nothing.

Indeed, there have been cases in which participants registered more advanced stages of memory loss, but they have been, the researchers say, completely isolated and unrepresentative of the total amount of test subjects. That is to say, only those who abused ecstasy as teens, and continued through adulthood, have registered notable changes in their physiologies. The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs from the UK, an independent research body that advises the government on issues related to drug use and abuse, has been behind the new research.

Short-termed, the effects of ecstasy aren't strong and seriously negative. In fact, even after years of occasional use, the man or woman taking the drug reports no significant changes. However, no one says that consuming ecstasy is risk-free. Its impact thoroughly depends on each individual's system, and adverse effects could easily occur. The scientific body has decided to recommend the downgrading of ecstasy from a class A to a class B danger level, meaning that it will be in the same class as marijuana, as far as the level of harmfulness is concerned.
nice, where's that study from? i suppose the papers will ignore this study, it isn't the agenda they want to promote..
Nevertheless, there's no need to do this substance regulary.

I'd have to say that after 2nd and the 6th time of use (the 3rd, 4th and 5th experience are similar in kind), with proper breaks of 4 months between each experience, the effects start to shrink and becomes euphoric and pleasant. But the cosmic and entheogenic properties are no longer solitary present.

The very 1st experience is one of a kind and can never be repeated, being naive of the effects of E makes this experience.
"The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs from the UK, an independent research body that advises the government on issues related to drug use and abuse, has been behind the new research. "
Good article, good news. But what I don't like about this is that they always say "ecstasy". The problem is that, nowadays, sadly, MDMA and ecstasy aren't synonyms anymore. Ecstasy has become the mystery pill. You can find anything: MDMA, speed, ketamine, diphenhydramine, PCP, coke, DXM, etc.. and combinations of these. Sometimes the combinations are dangerous. THIS represents greater risks that MDMA alone. MUCH greater. Last winter when I abused ecstasy I'm sure I wouldn't have had such a depression if I only took pure pills. But the fact is that I'm sure I haven't took a single pure pill in the ~100 pills I have taken in those 4 months. For example I know that one of the pills contained 1/3 speed, 1/3 ketamine and 1/3 MDMA. This one made me feel like shit for a whole week.
Don't underestimate the power of abuse.
Forkbender a dit:
Don't underestimate the power of abuse.

Well i am going to be honest with you guys. I think 7 month's ago, i found some MDMA and where directly amazed about the effects that it did produce. I had one 1 gram of it, and i think it was after 4 month's gone. I also noticed that the magic did disappear. It became more JUST a little trippy high. Then i got 2 pills from someone i knew, these also where gone in 1 month. Finally i bought again 1 gram of mdma last month. I thought it was already a month ago, and did abuse it tonight. I am happy i did not a high dose, because instead of feeling love and positive, i felt slightly little down. I also didn't like the effect at all and where happy when i did come down. Tough i could feel the emphaty, because i talked with a friend for a couple of hours, because he had really big shit. This also has affected my mdma experience, because i couldn't stop thinking about his problems.

My conclusion, you can't really abuse mdma. There will be a moment, that it will fire back at you and you don't like the effects that you experience. And i am sure, that the most people will quit with it a mediately if they start to feel what i did experience. I mean you keep trying it, to have the amazing experience you had the first time, but the more often you try how faster the effects where off, and then there will be that moment that you think. Why am i doiing this?

I never did experience really depressive feelings when using MDMA, not while i where on it and not afterwards. Oke sometimes the next day i was a little emotional, but in someway i did even like it. Tonight i felt a little down when i where on, but now that i am back on earth, i can't say i feel bad anymore. It even helped me to realise a view new things, like not diving to deep in someone else his shit. Anyway, i am surely DONE with M for the next 2 or 3 YEARS. ;)

Well. and now i am going to try to get some sleep, since it is already 5:50 in the morning :P

Then something else did popup in my mind ;)

I always thought that serotonin was the feel good chemical, but a month ago a friend gave me some herbal pills, at least he thought it where herbal xtc pills since he bought them at a smartshop. But it seemed to be Cathinone after i asked the owner what was in these pills. Cathinone is illegal here, and i think almost anywhere on the world.

Anyway, it produced a total different euforic feeling. with was more a vibration that did go trough the body. It produced a false state of happiness. I mean i can be honest about deep feelings when i have done some MDMA, but Cathinone made my ego stronger, and if you had heard me speaking. You would have thought that i where a little out of my mind. Anyway, Cathinone is a stimulant which works almost the same as speed, the effects seem not be the same. I never done speed, and i never will do so, but the euphoria had to do some with adrenaline and dopamines i think. Now i believe that if your out of dopamines you do have a bigger problem, then if you out of serotonin. At least, what i noticed is that abusing MDMA will affect you love feelings. And it can make you more emotional, which is not good for people who are already depressed or close to it. But after done Cathinone you feel horrible, that's really not fun :P I can't imagine someone does like those effect.....
mysticwarrior a dit:
My conclusion, you can't really abuse mdma. There will be a moment, that it will fire back at you and you don't like the effects that you experience.

Well yeah that's right... after abusing a lot of the same pill after a while it didn't do anything at all, I took 5 in like 2 hours and could barely say I had consumed anything else than weed, while the first time I took it one produced nice effects, it was a strong pill. The first night I got over 3 pills in a single trip was with these pills, I had taken 5 and a half. When the last pill came up I was so gone I couldn't understand anything of what my friend was saying, so I told him that I couldn't understand him cause I was too high so I was gonna listen to some music for a while. So we closed the lights and I was lying in the sofa with my MP3 playing in my ears. It was pretty trippy, had nice CEV. I was seeing lots of words, but couldn't read most of them. But one that appeared bigger than the others, and much clearer, was "RAVAGES" (translator tells me it's "devastations" in english). I interpreted it that I had abused too much and my brain was suffering and alerting me.

The last time I took ecstasy before my recent trip (after a 4 months break, which wasn't enough Oo), I had taken only one pill. I didn't feel good, didn't feel empathy, and even was less social. And I felt down for a week afterwards. I finally listened to my body and he thanked me ^^

So I'm not taking any pill AT LEAST until august. Until then I will have the chance of having a real trip, as I haven't taken shrooms for a very long time, over 6 months I think, as I thought it wasn't a good idea taking some while being depressed. Just thinking about shrooms my brain was shouting "NO NO IT'S NOT THE TIME" lol. But now I feel like it would be the perfect time. I even could have the chance to finally try LSD soon. As you know I've been looking for some for years, and now suddenly there are 3 people who say they could get me some ^^ :D

Back on the topic of ecstasy, one thing that might have made it worse for me is that I often took ecstasy two days in a row... I know it's very stupid, and even knew it when I was doing it, but I felt so bad the day after that all I thought about was taking more to feel good. And I couldn't even tell myself that the day after was gonna be worse, cause it wasn't true. Strangely, I actually felt less shitty after the second night than after the first night each time. But after doing it a few times, I noticed that the down was much longer, like almost a weed instead of 1-2 days.

Before that period I had always been responsible with all substances, maybe except with weed which I had abused quite a bit too. I wasn't being myself in that period of time. The sudden possibility of having very cheap pills very easily at any hour after a very long time with no possibility of having any coincided with a shitty situation, and then I reacted wrongly by escaping with that drug I loved so much... and which I now will probably never be able to appreciate like I once did. Everything started when I met a guy who knew the dealer who was selling the pills, and we took some together. We ended taking pills 5 days in a row:

Day 1: 1 E
Day 2: 3 E
Day 3: 3.5 E
Day 4 to day 5 night: 3.5 speed pills
Day 5: 1 E

After the night I had been on speed, I went back home, and after entering my bedroom I stopped and stood still, and then thought about what I had done in the last days. I then suddenly started crying, walking in circles, very confused. I felt VERY bad. Up until this evening I always wondered why this happenned, and just attributed it to my low serotonin, and me being exhausted after being up on speed the whole night while being in the crash of taking E 3 days in a row. But this evening I suddenly understood. I started crying like this right when I thought about what I had done the days before. What happenned is that the thoughts I had been pushing away unconsciously the whole time suddenly splashed right in my face.

"I abused."
"I did exactly what I'm against"
"You're becoming exactly that which you always refused to become"
"And you call yourself a psychonaut?"

I brutally realised that I had betrayed myself. And unconsciously, I've never forgiven myself for that. Even now that I know all of this, I'm still not able to forgive myself. I think I'll have to prove myself I'm worth better than that before I'm able to.

Well that's a long text and I realise there's a lot of personal stuff in it but well... I do not force you to read ^^

EDIT: Also, on the topic, all of the negative effects I had from that period of abuse have vanished, even those which I feared might be permanent.
"you can't really abuse mdma. "

", all of the negative effects I had from that period of abuse have vanished, even those which I feared might be permanent."
Psychoid a dit:
I brutally realised that I had betrayed myself. And unconsciously, I've never forgiven myself for that. Even now that I know all of this, I'm still not able to forgive myself. I think I'll have to prove myself I'm worth better than that before I'm able to.

Everybody does stupid shit. You seemed to have learned from it so it is time to move on.
The problem is not particulary abuse on it's own. The relatively quick lose of magic is just not noticed and believed in first instance.

After like 5 times, there comes an experience which feels different and 'calmer' than you former divine trips. You tend to think next time it will be just as the beginning. So you do it once again, yet again, same result, euphoric, but still weak compared to what it was.

You repeat, because you're still living with the idea that it was just by chance that the effects were less. During that experience, you'll sense the first phases with negative energy, you're watching your face with jaw tension which looks 'drugged up' while you're just feeling soft and pleasant.

That's just how E works. You can only do it like 5 times as ecstasy, every next time experience will be empathy.

I never abused it, and it's still a nostalgic, soft and magical feeling with no hang-over, but nothing like the beginning.

I'm also aware of the bullshitter I can become on this substance, my approach to people is unrealistic due to the extreme release of serotonine.

It does dissolute the ego, and it showed me that true honesty in the interaction with people is not something we humans should strive for.
[quote="Brugmansia] it showed me that true honesty in the interaction with people is not something we humans should strive for.[/quote]

Sad, but true.....we still have too much instinctive behaivour and impulse in us for that.....for all our abstract thinking and idealism, there is still a dominant wild animal inside, and this creature doesn't always meet the standards set for it.
But what's the reason for this loss of magic? Logically if it is permanent that would mean a permanent change in the brain or damage...
spice a dit:
Sad, but true.....we still have too much instinctive behaivour and impulse in us for that.....for all our abstract thinking and idealism, there is still a dominant wild animal inside, and this creature doesn't always meet the standards set for it.

Looking back, it wasn't anything controversial. Just interactions about family roots, self-image, personalities, shortcomings, youth, potential of life etc. But there were some acqaintances and a few friends who weren't pleased about these kinds of conversations. It came across as too much poking to them. They were on E too though.

But I was remembered as the one who gave expression of criticism. But in all honestly I made an attempt to get things more transparant for a closer bonding and understanding.

Psychoid a dit:
But what's the reason for this loss of magic? Logically if it is permanent that would mean a permanent change in the brain or damage...

I wonder about that too.
I brutally realised that I had betrayed myself. And unconsciously, I've never forgiven myself for that. Even now that I know all of this, I'm still not able to forgive myself. I think I'll have to prove myself I'm worth better than that before I'm able to.

It was indeed a long post, but anyway, now i want to force you to forgive yourself :P

If you not doing that..... Don't let me visit France ;)
GOD a dit:
"you can't really abuse mdma. "

", all of the negative effects I had from that period of abuse have vanished, even those which I feared might be permanent."

If I understand well the point you're making with this post... You can abuse MDMA, of course you can cause I did. But you can't abuse it like other drugs. You can smoke weed everyday, or take coke everyday, for years and it will always produce something, some pleasant effects. But with MDMA after too much abuse, the effects become all negative and the hangovers just become too hardcore to continue.

But well, there was this guy who took 40 000 MDMA pills in 9 years... He was in a pretty bad state at the end though ^^ And I have doubts about the veracity of this story.
But well, there was this guy who took 40 000 MDMA pills in 9 years... He was in a pretty bad state at the end though ^^ And I have doubts about the veracity of this story.

I've read a book "The story of mdma" or something like that. And there they did discuss the addiction of M, but a reall addiction like you telling, where very exceptional.... :) The most people did seem to quit soon after the magic was gone.
Yeah of course it is exceptional (if it's actually true). The article said that when his consumption was the highest he was taking at least 20 pills a day oO

I'm sooooo nostalgic of those incredible highs I had on my first rolls... :(
There really was something very special that I have never felt with any other substance...

I'm wondering something about the loss of magic... Before last winter I had always been responsible with E. Taking only one pill, once every 3-4 months. Those were the most incredible highs I have ever had with E. About two years ago, I decided to try taking 2 pills at once at a special event. It resulted in a VERY intense effect, my eyes were shaking uncontrollably, VERY strong euphory. I had an incredible night. But forgot most of it :(

After that night I didn't take E for a long while, until last winter when I took some 5 days in a row as described in my other post. The first day I took only one, as usual. I was disappointed by the effects (was a good strong pill, other reported, but wasn't pure for sure as some people said after 3 they started tripping a bit). The night after I thought taking some two days in a row just once (just once! lol...) wouldn't be too bad. So I took 2 at once this time... and had a very nice high, although it did miss some of the magic. I took a third, had very intense effects, but again the magic wasn't fully there.

So my guess is that you can keep the magic if you always stay with reasonable doses. Once you take doses too high you probably tire the cells producing serotonin and/or your brain gets used to a higher dose or I don't know what, and that result in that loss of magic.

So I think that if you want to keep the magic, you have to resist that voice in you head that says "but if you took more, wouldn't it be even more insane?" even if you're already completely gone.

Unfortunately I don't know anyone who stayed reasonable with E so it's all just an hypothesis, which might be absolutely wrong ^^
Psychoid a dit:
So my guess is that you can keep the magic if...

At some point in time you are going to realize that all magic is just a trick. Why live in an illusion?

[e]It also gets boring after a while if you don't abuse.