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eating my cactus...

Lion a dit:
Just take LSD in stead off Mescaline, fool.

nah its nothing like that, if you want similair effects just go for the San Pedro.

Its easyer to grow and cost less, but if you have your peyote for quite along time and it got you some little peyote for return.
Why not eat it?

I think you bought it for consuming and if you do it the right way with great respect for the Peyote, there is simply nothing wrong with that.

Anyway have a nice trip, and my regards to Mescalito :wink:
For an average dose is beween the 15 and 30 grams, that is like 10 or 15 little peyote buttons of 2 grams.

The strenght also depents on the Cacti itself so its hard to tell how much you should consume, but if you go for the big one eat him whole becouse its a waste if you dont consume it all.

but if your peyote is less then 20 grams please dont eat him let him grow..
tnx to answer my question and eeuuhhm you thin ki am not serious of without of respect.. thats a treu stupid thing to say...
like the othe guy say why would i take time to
make a account a read all the stuff on here...
we have our own muschroom famr here at our place i have my own plants and serveal cactus that gets the best needs they deserve....
i looking everyday if they are doing oke..
if there is something wrong...
i wanne try the cactus i am sick of the other things
btw somebody experince with lsa seeds and what are the best seeds ?
to skoeip
there are so many festivals in belgium so dont know yet
but the festival is just the place
themost inportant thing is i am going to do it with my best friend he is more a brother for than my real one so i dont care where we are when of whatever
if we are together thats good for me...
he gives me the best vibes when i take drugs and i do the same for him...
we stick togheter and we know what we have of eachother when we are tripping :D
mister_playtime a dit:
tnx to answer my question and eeuuhhm you thin ki am not serious of without of respect.. thats a treu stupid thing to say...
like the othe guy say why would i take time to
make a account a read all the stuff on here...
we have our own muschroom famr here at our place i have my own plants and serveal cactus that gets the best needs they deserve....
i looking everyday if they are doing oke..
if there is something wrong...
i wanne try the cactus i am sick of the other things

And again I offer you my apology. I was to hasty in my asumption to think that you would not have any respect towards the peyote.
I hope you will have a good trip with good vibes. my blessing :) let us know how it went :D
Try and eat it and be disappointed. You will see. When you hear that you need to eat 10-15 buttons for buttons is mean whole cacti that is started to flowering. And it is not waste? :roll: New buds will come and from XP two or more of them so after 25 years you will can test this theory of one cacti per pearson again. Sorry. Sin loi my boy :wink: