[quote:29bfksmn]skoeip schreef:
eat a peyote on a summer festival? just for the fun? nooooooooooo poor peyote, first it grws for 15 years and then it is consumed just so you can enyoj yourself? poor peyote!
I've cut a peyote(4cm) just to let it dry and then for my fun I'll carry it everywhere I go. Peyote ain't poor.
For me this is a symbol. For others its a waste.[/quote:29bfksmn]
I second that, I think it is no waste at all. Growing the peyote for 15 yrs and then
trowing it away would be a waste. Growing the peyote and then have a great time with friends at a location you feel comfortable at, is no waste at all. And I think mister_playtime does take psychedelics seriously enough, otherwise he would not have bothered to create an account and ask an honest question, right ?
Suggesting San Pedro as an alternative to Peyote is valid, but anyone doing a google search on either one (on some browsing on Erowid ) will find out that San Pedros grow quicker and cost less money to buy.
So instead, why don't we try to answer his question and insure he and his friends go into the experience prepared and with good vibes from a group of people who aren't quick to judge.
Also what makes Peyote so much holier than SanPedro ? surely, arguments involving time do not make much sense. Both fruits spring from the ground, flourish and die within the blink of an eye on the scale of interplanetary movements.
Since I have not tried Peyote or San Pedro, I am unable to help you with the information. Maybe someone else can ?
Welcome to the forums btw.