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eating my cactus...


hey there dudes

we are going to eat our cactus verry soon but how do we weight the dose ???
can somebody help us its a peyte cactus around 6-7 cm
is this enough for 2 ????

tnx guy :D hope this will be a nice trip
it wil be the first time we will eat a cactus....
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo poor peyote!!! why don't you wait for the fruits? eat the buttons :cry: :cry: :cry:
orrrrrrr just buy a good and grown san pedro to eat or better, buy several cacti, both peyote and san pedro and enjoy growing your own cacti :D welkom to the forums! hope that they are a source of info for you!
sorry...forgot my good manners somewhere :P :P :P :P
Welcome to the forum! :D
if you want to eat that peyote, which i wouldn't advise, you should get this book:

Root-Shoot Anatomy and Post-Harvest Vegetative Clonal Development in the Peyote

it helps a lot to know what you're doing and not damaging anything. why don't you start small with some san pedro, and then keep growing on the dose. then, when you are prepared, eat the peyote. a 6-7cm peyote is big peyote! contains lots of mescaline.
and it seems to me that consuming a peyote that size for two people is a waste!
:nod: i absolutely agree with daytripper
not only it is a waste but you also:
1 kill a plant that takes a long time to grow
2 KILL A PLANT!? c'mon where's the respect for nature, dude?
3 kill the plant that makes buttons, which is what YOU want ....yeeees you WANT them buttons ..they're for freeeeee....:bear:

if these reasons aren't enough to change your mind then .....
i'll just be here ..........and...be here, yeah!

don't eat that cactus, please!!!!
consuming a peyote will not kill the plant if done properly. that's why i advised that book. you cut the button and leave the root intact. the root does not contain the mescaline and the rest of the alkaloids, and therefore a new peyote will grow. of course this takes a little time, i belive a minimum of two years, but i am not sure. i can understand why the urge to try a peyote. it has specific alkaloids that are not found in san pedro, peruvianus or bridgesii, but do a little thinking, and do what suits you best.

the dissapearing of the peyote in its natural habitat is the consequence of root-harvesting, which is not necessary for the trip. only the green part that lives outside of the soil is needed, which is called button. anyway, read that book, or at least try to buy or download it, or whatever. knowledge does not take any space, you know ? if one day the internet is shut down, how are you going to know this things if there's no one to help you ? i'd advise to get hands on anything that interests you on this matter. i'm not trying to sound apocalyptical, but if it happens, there's no turning back.
a good personal library kills the doubts that arouse along the way.
i will try that but we didnt bought the peyote to keep just to eat beceause the summer festivals of so are comming :p
we can always buy a new one and i will think of it
to keep the roots :D
A peyote is a child for a true psychonaut. Save your child and watch him growing!

Buy a San Pedro instead please! Peyotes are unque!
eat a peyote on a summer festival? just for the fun? nooooooooooo poor peyote, first it grws for 15 years and then it is consumed just so you can enyoj yourself? poor peyote!
skoeip a dit:
eat a peyote on a summer festival? just for the fun? nooooooooooo poor peyote, first it grws for 15 years and then it is consumed just so you can enyoj yourself? poor peyote!
I've cut a peyote(4cm) just to let it dry and then for my fun I'll carry it everywhere I go. Peyote ain't poor.
For me this is a symbol. For others its a waste.
eat a peyote on a summer festival? just for the fun? nooooooooooo poor peyote, first it grws for 15 years and then it is consumed just so you can enyoj yourself? poor peyote!

my thoughts exacly. the poor peyote grow at the speed we all know for many years, and it ends in a fucking summer festival with teens vomiting their first beer, with people that think coolness is smoking marijuana and having trendy clothes. lousy music, mindless stupid arrogant pricks and, above all, the emptyness that such festival has.
i say this because, as we all know, psychoactives are for a minority, just like reading is. there's no way you going to convince me that all the people in a festival have seen the bright lights of life. they do it to be "against" (i guess they don't even know what's the thing their against). powerfull substances, like LSD, mescaline, dmt, psylocibin and even THC, imho, are meant to contact our religious/emotional/creative side. there's no way you can do that with a teen asking for a rolling paper.

anyway, it's his/her call, it's "their" peyote, so i guess the faith of that trip is on their hands. i wouldn't do it. i would chew on their adrenaline glands à là dr. gonzo :)
Just take LSD in stead off Mescaline, fool.
yes, follow lion's advice. my advice is that after the lsd, lock yourself inside your tent and do some math exercises :lol:
[quote:29bfksmn]skoeip schreef:
eat a peyote on a summer festival? just for the fun? nooooooooooo poor peyote, first it grws for 15 years and then it is consumed just so you can enyoj yourself? poor peyote!

I've cut a peyote(4cm) just to let it dry and then for my fun I'll carry it everywhere I go. Peyote ain't poor.
For me this is a symbol. For others its a waste.[/quote:29bfksmn]

I second that, I think it is no waste at all. Growing the peyote for 15 yrs and then trowing it away would be a waste. Growing the peyote and then have a great time with friends at a location you feel comfortable at, is no waste at all. And I think mister_playtime does take psychedelics seriously enough, otherwise he would not have bothered to create an account and ask an honest question, right ?

Suggesting San Pedro as an alternative to Peyote is valid, but anyone doing a google search on either one (on some browsing on Erowid ) will find out that San Pedros grow quicker and cost less money to buy.

So instead, why don't we try to answer his question and insure he and his friends go into the experience prepared and with good vibes from a group of people who aren't quick to judge.

Also what makes Peyote so much holier than SanPedro ? surely, arguments involving time do not make much sense. Both fruits spring from the ground, flourish and die within the blink of an eye on the scale of interplanetary movements.

Since I have not tried Peyote or San Pedro, I am unable to help you with the information. Maybe someone else can ?

Welcome to the forums btw.
I do not think that peyote is holyer than san pedro, or a leaf on any plant, be it psychotropic or not. al the plants are secred in my opinion. but to eat a cactus to just have a good time without the respect for the time this plant is growing? he does not give me the impresion that he has much real respect for the cactus.
he haves the cactus. that's the only fact. we can speculate a lot if he does respect it or doesn't respect it. it doesn't matter at all. if he has any personality at all (i don't know if he has), he will do as he thinks. he wants to eat the peyote, go ahead and have a great time. he will keep the peyote and buy/grow another one, it is fine by me!
i respect some plants (if not all), but i don't force anyone to do the same. people are free to pick up a cactus and eat it with their friends, or in the beach, or even in the moon (hey, has anyone tripped in space?). people are even free to use their free time to watch reality shows. and we don't preach to them, do we ? so why don't we use our efforts to something that really matters in our lives ?
Daytripper you are absolutly right, we dont want to be juged because we use psychedelics, so we should not juge anyone else if they do not harm enyone. if mister playtime wants to eat it at a festival, eat it. I ofer you my apology. wat kind of festival do you want to eat the cactus?