i am glad i have caught your wavelenght and we both agree.
still on the documentary (ontopic again), who paid it ? it certainly took some money to do it, where did it came from ? who wrote it ? what are his connections on the past ? these are all important matter that one should look.
perhaps if one left the cows in a large cornfield, would cause the corn price to go up, and the ethanol price would go with it. we shouldn't belive that all the things that go into mainstream are there because someone really wanted to make everybody aware. many of us try to do it and how many reach mainstream attention ? very few. things reach "global awareness" when money is involved.
for example, do you know what triggered the "slavery awareness" that began in the XVIIIth century ? it wasn't the french revolution (that i could sure talk about), or any major idealist-paradigmatic shift that "magically" happens in mankind, like kubrick's monoliths. what trigerred the liberation of slavery was the invention of the steam-machine, and with all the factories, crops and cities full of them, the slaves would have few things to do, began mobbing and would be a threat to all forms of goverment except for anarchy. they had just become redundant in the workplace. then, someone made this beautiful idea of all man equal: liberté, igualité et fraternité (freedom, equalness and fraternity). suprisingly, it worked 100%: 1)all people bought it 2)all slaves were incorporated (aka aculturized, lost their identity, etc) in the system. and you ask me what won ? it wasn't freedom, because we might still think that they were the ones who got incorporated...it wasn't them, it was us. we are all slaves now, who get to report to their boss, their "equals", and have several degrees os slavery, both upwards and downwards. slavery has become so normal that it answers to the name of "freedom" nowadays. and so happy are we when we can get a FULL DAY to go to the country, or tripping, or drunk, or whatever. we are so happy when our bosses LET US take that day just for us.
i am just affraid that the same will happen to this movement, and i am pretty sure it will happen. the animals are just a façade of a bigger plot, namely the "global awareness". "we are all equal, both sexes, species, races, etc..."isn't this the same story than in the french revolution ? and see what has come out of it!
there's just one hipothesis that i belive that every human would protect the earth, and every other living thing on it: there must be an alien attack. and the aliens cannot be atractive or valuable, either alive or dead!