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Drug related movies

Blueberry was very weird, but beautiful. Canal+ showed it a lot of times.
It's a cowboy comic turned into a hollywood shaman experience something :)
It's made by a dutch guy, Jan Kounen. http://www.jankounen.com/
Anyone knows his other movies/docus?

Btw: what about Waking Life ??

Blueberry was very weird, but beautiful. Canal+ showed it a lot of times.
It's a cowboy comic turned into a hollywood shaman experience something :)
It's made by a dutch guy, Jan Kounen. http://www.jankounen.com/
Anyone knows his other movies/docus?

Btw: what about Waking Life ??


showing the sjaman way and the ayahuasca way ...
but Jan Kounen is from FRance - dutch name - french guy ;)
My favorite drugs-related movie is still Trainspotting... I think I saw it about 15 times. I really love the scene where Spud is meeting his girlfriends parents....

And of course: "So why did I do it? I could offer a million answers, all false. The truth is that I'm a bad person, but that's going to change, I'm going to change. This is the last of this sort of thing. I'm cleaning up and I'm moving on, going straight and choosing life. I'm looking forward to it already.

I'm going to be just like you; the job, the family, the fucking big television, the washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electrical tin opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortage, starter home, leisurewear, luggage, three piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, nineto-five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing the gutters, getting by, looking ahead, the day you die."
Jan Kounen
Born on May 2nd, 1964 in Utrecht (Netherlands) :wink:

oh shit, did anyone see 'the trip' by jack nicholson? that's one heck of a nazi film. the text about the dangerous 'MIND EXPANDING' (as if it would be a bad thing) drug 'LSD' alone makes it worth watching for a good laugh. all the 'druggies' in the movie are obviously completely out of their mind, wearing silly clothes and live in psychedelic palasts, they talk a lot of nonsense and break into other peoples houses to watch TV with strange kids in the middle of the night. the actual 'trips' are cheap as cheap can be, one might think he wanted to film bullshit in the beginning and covered it as drug-trip to get away with it. nicholson you bitch! but it's so damn funny ... :D
bad luetenant

has harvey kietel in it, and more drug abuse than a methadone clinic
i think no one has mencioned "secret garden". it's a entertaining film that involves some marihuana cultivation
has harvey kietel in it, and more drug abuse than a methadone clinic

It's a very good movie, but it's mostly about crack cocaine (which Harvey Keitel aka the "Bad Lieutenant" is addicted to). Not so much trippy, but very worth watching!
Ok my all time favorite is still fear 'n loathing, haven't watched it on acid though.. but maybe soon :D

But no one mentioned Rave
Ok it's not that good as Requiem, but it's a good movie to watch.
It's about the american rave scene and all bad shit happends.
Plot Outline: Kids go to a rave and not all of them make it home the next day.

And no one mentioned the Salton Sea yet...
Quite amazing because this is a good movie. Not very happy one though.
there is always:
party monster
24hr party people, not so much about drugs but had a good many in it.
wild angels had a lot of drug use, but was about the hells angels of southern california
Fear and loathing in LA's the most funny movie I've evr seen = )
Can't believe no one mentioned this classic Altered States:


Possible to find and leech via Emule.

William hurt participates in some evil looking mushroom ritual with a Tribe and continues to experiment with this drug in a deprivation tank eventually creating shifts in time/space/evolution.

Riidiculous story but fun to watch anyway :)
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
But no one mentioned Rave
Ok it's not that good as Requiem, but it's a good movie to watch.
It's about the american rave scene and all bad shit happends.
Plot Outline: Kids go to a rave and not all of them make it home the next day.

Damn, I'd all forgotten this movie exists. Cool photography, nice sets but it actually hasn't really got a lot to do with drugs or techno except for the first one as the movie's McGuffin. What it really is is a modern day version of Shakespeare's Macbeth. It did keep me entertained for its duration though, so it must've been okay.