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dream herbs

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion JohnP.
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Sorry Goran, i wasn't paying attention to what you said before. thanks for making it clear again.
please don't let my experience turn you off. think of it more as a cautionary tale.
I must say that i had great experience on Sinicuichi, but i just read somewhere in the older topics that the right way is to make tea from fresh leaves with sugar.

I tryed dried leaves, that also works but it gives you a nasty musle cramping over you entire body, for 24 hours.

I think the best way to obtain freshleaves is to grow it yourself.

Does anyone has experience in growing Sinicuichi?
Becouse i picked some of the seeds from the dried sinicuichi that i had left, and planted them but nothing really happend yet..
Sew the seeds on the surface of soil and keep very warm and moist. I find that even in summer here they germinate better in a greenhouse/conservatory.

Unfortunately I only have experience growing this plant in Australia, so I don't know how much else I can help. The more heat you can get on this plant the better!

Hope it goes well, if you have fresh leaves & stems you can ferment this for a much stronger product.

Cheers. :)
I just obtained a small batch of about 5 grams.

I tend to remember bits of my dreams pretty much every night, some more than others. I've only had two lucid dreams in my life however.

I've read wildly varying stories about the success of this herb on Erowid, and am going to try it at some point in the near future, probably by smoking it before bedtime.

Anyone here use it?

i really reccomend you to watch these videos ...

i have watched them and it got me really interested in this herb. :D

peace :weedman:
Thanks.. will let you know how it goes!
I tried it a few times and I think it worked pretty well - but the downside was I could just as badly remember my dreams as without the calea. I woke up a few times from very vivid dreams, but I could hardly remember a thing. Although I always realized I had been dreaming really vividly, so maybe if you have techniques to remember dreams, then it is really worth it.

btw. the guy in the video has a very good sense of staging himself... the hood, the dreadlocks, the low angle camera with the slow shutter, lighting the cigarette, taking a sip from his mushroom-cup, the background music, the deep voice. He really seems very determined to spread the word. Guess he's owning a smart shop ,LOL
Or maybe he's just on mescaline or something, or wanting to impress the ladies ;)
I don't wanna be grudging, I'm just analyzing the video message - and I think it is a quite powerful video message he provides there, with quite some effort going into it - so I was asking myself why he does that. Ah damnit, I guess you don't care and think I'm crazy... but it's my job, so I was just saying...
tryptonaut i also think the guy had a very good message!! very cool dude!!!

i thank him for telling about his experiences, because he seemed to have learned a lot in his dreams... Probably you can learn the most in your own dreams, that's why Calea is so great???

I agree though that the unconsciousness of dreams is a big issue and that you maybe forget what you have learned in your dreams, but maybe you have really learned it and then just forgot that you learned it ???? I am referring to lucid dreams, which can be induced by Calea as well... But maybe you don't learn anything in your dreams...

I'd say it is up to you if you learn somethin or not...

The real question seems to be, do you want to learn ???

Peace :weedman:
I think I had my first real breakthrough experience with Calea last weekend with dreaming. It wasn't over the top or lucid, but I was incredibly aware of myself somehow, and the dreams were very long, extremely vivid and linear. eg. I was situated in the first school I went to, and was wandering around exploring it in clear detail, noticing how it had changed since I was attending it like 20 years ago (havent seen the insides of it for probably 20 years either).

This was only by smoking it before bed, which I've done a few times a week now. It seems you still need to get a good full sleep to get the dreams (or at least I do) and I'm just not getting enough sleep usually these days. This night I had the long dreams I had like 8-9 hours of sleep.. a rarity

Further exploration needed to determine whether this is psychosomatic or whether it really is making a difference..
as i mentioned in a seperate thread, i picked up some mugwort yester-day
i was looking for calea but the woman at the herb shop had never heard of it, and didn't want to stock it because she deemed it too psychedelic
the first night of usage hasn't yielded any results for me, but i've heard that it can take time
my father, on the other hand, had a long vivid dream about gardening
that's too bad, she had never heard of it but still made big assumptions about it. probably just because it comes from mazatec culture people automatically assume it is a hallucinogen. I certainly wouldn't call it that. it produces a relaxed sensation and that is really about it. maybe enhances the hypnagogic state too slightly while you are nodding off, or the sort of lucid trance you sometimes get from smoking weed..
i heard of reports from people who used calea and before they finally entered sleep they saw really bright lights and sort of hallucinations...

what else is dreaming supposed to be ??? i mean it's the brain simulating the information it has gathered in patterns that are in the best case beneficial for your learning or spiritual progress?? so if you take a substance that has effects on dreaming you change / influence the whole experience of dreaming and therefore dreams are almost always influenced by substances you take before sleeping, like weed, calea, etc. ... they are an influence for the brain which creates the dreams and the brain being under influence, the influence (of a psychoactive substance) reflects in the dreams... ???
yeah, definitely noticed it has effects when you are on the verge of sleep, in the hypnagogic state. sometimes hearing sounds that aren't there, or getting CEVs.. (but I can get CEVs without calea on a good day anyway, it just has a different flow to it somehow, more structured, less random.. more.. structures!)

the first night i tried calea i had a somewhat restless sleep, kept waking up not sure what was real and what wasn't. my experiences since then have been completely different though. i've also been exploring its synergy with weed, which I find quite interesting
Calea definitely had an effect on my dreaming. I was realizing the differences in the process of waking up from the dreaming. It was more vivid, more colorful, more "real" dreaming. But then again I wasn't able to remember better what I had been dreaming. That was my fault, I know. I definitely should be working on my dream-remembering more. I mean dreaming is kind of like free tripping every night - it's a shame if you just let that go and don't remember it!
It's not that I never remember dreams - I sometimes do and they are often pretty amazing.
Has anyone tried this successfully? I have some right now, tried powdering and mixing w/ water- didn't work. It's supposed to be even stronger than Calea Z, which would really be something.

I think I'll try drinking it every morning for a week, that kind of exposure should allow the molecules to get well into my head :D
i sleep allot working Night shift, and have been having increasingly vivid dreams, and allot of lucid dreams.
so have bought a jar of 20g of calea zacatechichi, any one recomend a alright dose ive read 3g ive, i read they used to have to have 20g the shamans that is.
i HAVE had this before couple years. but was smoking Green then so wasnt even really dreaming much anyway.
plus im not gonna eat today, i know a little fasting before taking a psychoactive can go a long way.
any one. its just standard herb nothing special.
There are three things that make me dream lucid,

One is concentration before bed... I can literally feel my head attempting to free itself from my body for OBE. It's incredible.

Second is listening to very vibrant music, something that you would dance to, something that makes you want to move, gives you visuals, makes you want to paint. This will stir your dmt in your pineal.

Thirdly, and nobody has told me this works for them, but placing your eyesight, when eyesclosed, upwards toward the cranium will increase my visuals before sleep... This is important if I want to dream at all, or fall asleep quickly.

Beyond that, I have heard fatty foods, milk, turkey, things like this before bed increase dreaming... i.e. thanksgiving dinner.
hey i have a bit of experience with calea so ill share it
ive found that smoking it is inefficient because by the time ive smoked a gram or two my throat just wants to die and wont let me sleep but either water extraction--­ie tea or alcohol extraction work well dosages between 1-5 grams depending on flower to leaf ratio i THINK theres more magic in the little flowers just an educated guess though, lately ive been getting good results with one 00 capsule full of plant material and a tea of 2.5 grams taken together right before bed.
Ive been trying to get significan results based on self experimentation but these are my two alternative theories on why it works.
1. it actually has dream inducing alkaloids which help one to gain lucidity, this combined with a ritual behaviour before bed which forces you to consciously plan to dream such as drinking the tea or packing a capsule or smoking calea whichever method you may use is why it works.
2. simply placebo effect by forcing you to focus on dreaming pre-sleep and post-sleep in my case because ill leave the mug i drink tea in right next to me.

reasons for these theories, sometimes calea works for me sometimes not, and had equalish results last year by simply tacking a piece of paper to my wall with a pencil on a string attached to record every detail as soon as i woke up for 3 months on a daily basis. hopefully this helps you or at least throws out a bit more info on this curious plant out into cyberspace